import {
} from './constants';
import SkylinkEvent from '../utils/skylinkEvent';
* @description Event triggered when remote ICE candidate processing state has changed when Peer is using trickle ICE.
* @param {Object} detail - Event's payload.
* @param {roomInfo} - The current room
* @param {String} detail.peerId - The peer's id
* @param {SkylinkConstants.CANDIDATE_PROCESSING_STATE} detail.state - The ICE candidate processing state.
* @param {String} detail.candidateId - The remote ICE candidate session ID.
* @param {String} detail.candidateType - The remote ICE candidate type.
* @param {Object} detail.candidate - The remote ICE candidate.
* @param {String} detail.candidate.candidate - The remote ICE candidate connection description.
* @param {String} detail.candidate.sdpMid- The remote ICE candidate identifier based on the remote session description.
* @param {number} detail.candidate.sdpMLineIndex - The remote ICE candidate media description index (starting from 0) based on the remote session description.
* @param {Error} detail.error - The error object.
export const candidateProcessingState = detail => new SkylinkEvent(CANDIDATE_PROCESSING_STATE, { detail });
* @description Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE gathering state has changed.
* @param {Object} detail - Event's payload.
* @param {roomInfo} - The current room
* @param {String} detail.peerId - The peer's id
* @param {SkylinkConstants.CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE} detail.state - The current Peer connection ICE gathering state.
export const candidateGenerationState = detail => new SkylinkEvent(CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE, { detail });
* @event SkylinkEvents.CANDIDATES_GATHERED
* @description Event triggered when all remote ICE candidates gathering has completed and been processed.
* @param {Object} detail - Event's payload.
* @param {roomInfo} - The current room
* @param {String} detail.peerId - The peer's id
* @param {Object} detail.candidatesLength - The remote ICE candidates length.
* @param {number} detail.candidatesLength.expected - The expected total number of remote ICE candidates to be received.
* @param {number} detail.candidatesLength.received - The actual total number of remote ICE candidates received.
* @param {number} detail.candidatesLength.processed - The total number of remote ICE candidates processed.
export const candidatesGathered = detail => new SkylinkEvent(CANDIDATES_GATHERED, { detail });
* @event SkylinkEvents.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE
* @description Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* Event triggered when a Peer connection ICE connection state has changed.
* @param {Object} detail - Event's payload.
* @param {SkylinkConstants.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE} detail.state - The current Peer connection ICE connection state.
* @param {String} detail.state - The Peer ID.
export const iceConnectionState = detail => new SkylinkEvent(ICE_CONNECTION_STATE, { detail });