import * as SkylinkEventsConstants from './skylink-events/constants';
import pkg from '../package.json';
* @namespace SkylinkConstants
* @description
* <ul>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.BUNDLE_POLICY|BUNDLE_POLICY} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.CHUNK_FILE_SIZE|CHUNK_FILE_SIZE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE|DATA_CHANNEL_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE|DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.DATA_TRANSFER_STATE|DATA_TRANSFER_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE|DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION|DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkEvents|EVENTS} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.GET_PEERS_STATE|GET_PEERS_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS|HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE|ICE_CONNECTION_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.LOG_LEVEL|LOG_LEVEL} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.MEDIA_SOURCE|MEDIA_SOURCE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.MEDIA_STATUS|MEDIA_STATUS} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.MEDIA_TYPE|MEDIA_TYPE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.MEDIA_STATE|MEDIA_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_CERTIFICATE|PEER_CERTIFICATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE|PEER_CONNECTION_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.READY_STATE_CHANGE|READY_STATE_CHANGE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.RTCP_MUX_POLICY|RTCP_MUX_POLICY} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.RTMP_STATE|RTMP_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.RECORDING_STATE|RECORDING_STATE} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SDP_SEMANTICS|SDP_SEMANTICS} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SOCKET_ERROR|SOCKET_ERROR} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SOCKET_FALLBACK|SOCKET_FALLBACK} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SYSTEM_ACTION|SYSTEM_ACTION} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON|SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION|SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.TURN_TRANSPORT|TURN_TRANSPORT} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.VIDEO_RESOLUTION|VIDEO_RESOLUTION} </li>
* <li>{@link SkylinkConstants.VIDEO_QUALITY|VIDEO_QUALITY} </li>
* </ul>
* // Not implemented yet
* {@link SkylinkConstants.DATA_STREAM_STATE|DATA_STREAM_STATE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.INTRODUCE_STATE|INTRODUCE_STATE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.REGIONAL_SERVER|REGIONAL_SERVER} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.MOZ_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE|MOZ_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.BINARY_FILE_SIZE|BINARY_FILE_SIZE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.MOZ_BINARY_FILE_SIZE|MOZ_BINARY_FILE_SIZE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.CHUNK_DATAURL_SIZE|CHUNK_DATAURL_SIZE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.DC_PROTOCOL_TYPE|DC_PROTOCOL_TYPE} </br>
* // Private
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SIG_MESSAGE_TYPE|SIG_MESSAGE_TYPE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.AUTH_STATE|AUTH_STATE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.STREAM_STATUS|STREAM_STATUS} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.GROUP_MESSAGE_LIST|GROUP_MESSAGE_LIST} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.TAGS|TAGS} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.TRACK_READY_STATE|TRACK_READY_STATE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.TRACK_KIND|TRACK_KIND} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.MEDIA_INFO|MEDIA_INFO} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SDK_VERSION|SDK_VERSION} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SDK_NAME|SDK_NAME} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.API_VERSION|API_VERSION} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SIGNALING_VERSION|SIGNALING_VERSION} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.BROWSER_AGENT|BROWSER_AGENT} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_TYPE|PEER_TYPE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SOCKET_EVENTS|SOCKET_EVENTS} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.SOCKET_TYPE|SOCKET_TYPE} </br>
* {@link SkylinkConstants.STATES|STATES} </br>
* The list of Datachannel connection states.
* @property {String} CONNECTING Value <code>"connecting"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel is attempting to establish a connection.
* @property {String} OPEN Value <code>"open"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel has established a connection.
* @property {String} CLOSING Value <code>"closing"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel connection is closing.
* @property {String} CLOSED Value <code>"closed"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel connection has closed.
* @property {String} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel has encountered an exception during connection.
* @property {String} CREATE_ERROR Value <code>"createError"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel has failed to establish a connection.
* @property {String} BUFFERED_AMOUNT_LOW Value <code>"bufferedAmountLow"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel when the amount of data buffered to be sent
* falls below the Datachannel threshold.
* This state should occur only during after {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} or {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData} or
* {@link Skylink#sendP2PMessage|sendP2PMessage}.
* @property {String} SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR Value <code>"sendMessageError"</code>
* The value of the state when Datachannel when data transfer packets or P2P message fails to send.
* This state should occur only during after {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} or {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData} or
* {@link Skylink#sendP2PMessage|sendP2PMessage}.
* @constant
* @type object
* @readOnly
* @since 0.1.0
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
export const DATA_CHANNEL_STATE = {
CONNECTING: 'connecting',
OPEN: 'open',
CLOSING: 'closing',
CLOSED: 'closed',
ERROR: 'error',
CREATE_ERROR: 'createError',
BUFFERED_AMOUNT_LOW: 'bufferedAmountLow',
SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR: 'sendMessageError',
* The list of Datachannel types.
* @property {String} MESSAGING Value <code>"messaging"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel type that is used only for messaging in
* {@link Skylink#sendP2PMessage|sendP2PMessage}.
* However for Peers that do not support simultaneous data transfers, this Datachannel
* type will be used to do data transfers (1 at a time).
* Each Peer connections will only have one of this Datachannel type and the
* connection will only close when the Peer connection is closed (happens when {@link SkylinkEvents.event:PEER_CONNECTION_STATE|PEER CONNECTION
* STATE} event triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as
* <code>CLOSED</code> for Peer).
* @property {String} DATA [UNAVAILABLE] Value <code>"data"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel type that is used only for a data transfer in
* {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData} and
* {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData}.
* The connection will close after the data transfer has been completed or terminated (happens when
* {@link SkylinkEvents.event:DATA_TRANSFER_STATE|DATA TRANSFER STATE} triggers parameter payload
* <code>state</code> as <code>DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED</code>, <code>UPLOAD_COMPLETED</code>,
* <code>REJECTED</code>, <code>CANCEL</code> or <code>ERROR</code> for Peer).
* @constant
* @type object
* @readOnly
* @since 0.6.1
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
export const DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE = {
MESSAGING: 'messaging',
DATA: 'data',
* The list of Datachannel types.
* @property {String} PROTOCOL Value <code>"protocol"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel message type that is used only for sending protocol messages i.e. MESSAGE, WRQ, ACK.
* @property {String} CHUNK Value <code>"chunk"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel message type that is used for sending chunk data across the data channel.
* @constant
* @type object
* @private
* @readOnly
* @since 2.2.6
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
PROTOCOL: 'protocol',
CHUNK: 'chunk',
* The list of Datachannel sending message error types.
* @property {String} MESSAGE Value <code>"message"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel sending message error type when encountered during
* sending P2P message from {@link Skylink#sendP2PMessage|sendP2PMessage}.
* @property {String} TRANSFER Value <code>"transfer"</code>
* The value of the Datachannel sending message error type when encountered during
* data transfers from {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData} or
* {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData}.
* @constant
* @type object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
MESSAGE: 'message',
TRANSFER: 'transfer',
* The list of supported data transfer data types.
* @property {String} BINARY_STRING Value <code>"binaryString"</code>
* The value of data transfer data type when Blob binary data chunks encoded to Base64 encoded string are
* sent or received over the Datachannel connection for the data transfer session.
* Used only in {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} when
* parameter <code>sendChunksAsBinary</code> value is <code>false</code>.
* @property {String} ARRAY_BUFFER Value <code>"arrayBuffer"</code>
* The value of data transfer data type when ArrayBuffer binary data chunks are
* sent or received over the Datachannel connection for the data transfer session.
* Used only in {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} when
* parameter <code>sendChunksAsBinary</code> value is <code>true</code>.
* @property {String} BLOB Value <code>"blob"</code>
* The value of data transfer data type when Blob binary data chunks are
* sent or received over the Datachannel connection for the data transfer session.
* Used only in {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} when
* parameter <code>sendChunksAsBinary</code> value is <code>true</code>.
* @property {String} STRING Value <code>"string"</code>
* The value of data transfer data type when only string data chunks are
* sent or received over the Datachannel connection for the data transfer session.
* Used only in {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData}.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0.0
export const DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE = {
BINARY_STRING: 'binaryString',
ARRAY_BUFFER: 'arrayBuffer',
BLOB: 'blob',
STRING: 'string',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this is used only for SDK developer purposes.<br>
* Current version: <code>0.1.3</code>
* </blockquote>
* The value of the current version of the data transfer protocol.
* @type string
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0.0
export const DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = '0.1.3';
* The list of data transfers directions.
* @property {String} UPLOAD Value <code>"upload"</code>
* The value of the data transfer direction when User is uploading data to Peer.
* @property {String} DOWNLOAD Value <code>"download"</code>
* The value of the data transfer direction when User is downloading data from Peer.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.2.5
UPLOAD: 'upload',
DOWNLOAD: 'download',
* The list of data transfers session types.
* @property {String} BLOB Value <code>"blob"</code>
* The value of the session type for
* {@link Skylink#sendBlobData|sendBlobData} data transfer.
* @property {String} DATA_URL Value <code>"dataURL"</code>
* {@link Skylink#sendURLData|sendURLData} data transfer.
* The value of the session type for
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.1.0
BLOB: 'blob',
DATA: 'data',
* The chunk type.
* @property {String} STRING
* @property {String} BINARY
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.2.5
* @private
export const SESSION_CHUNK_TYPE = {
STRING: 'string',
BINARY: 'binary',
* The list of data transfer states.
* @property {String} UPLOAD_REQUEST Value <code>"request"</code>
* The value of the state when receiving an upload data transfer request from Peer to User.
* At this stage, the upload data transfer request from Peer may be accepted or rejected with the
* {@link Skylink#acceptDataTransfer} invoked by User.
* @param {String} USER_UPLOAD_REQUEST Value <code>"userRequest"</code>
* The value of the state when User sent an upload data transfer request to Peer.
* At this stage, the upload data transfer request to Peer may be accepted or rejected with the
* {@link Skylink#acceptDataTransfer}invoked by Peer.
* @property {String} UPLOAD_STARTED Value <code>"uploadStarted"</code>
* The value of the state when the data transfer request has been accepted
* and data transfer will start uploading data to Peer.
* At this stage, the data transfer may be terminated with the
* {@link Skylink#cancelDataTransfer}.
* @property {String} DOWNLOAD_STARTED Value <code>"downloadStarted"</code>
* The value of the state when the data transfer request has been accepted
* and data transfer will start downloading data from Peer.
* At this stage, the data transfer may be terminated with the
* {@link Skylink#cancelDataTransfer}.
* @property {String} REJECTED Value <code>"rejected"</code>
* The value of the state when upload data transfer request to Peer has been rejected and terminated.
* @property {String} USER_REJECTED Value <code>"userRejected"</code>
* The value of the state when User rejected and terminated upload data transfer request from Peer.
* @property {String} UPLOADING Value <code>"uploading"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer is uploading data to Peer.
* @property {String} DOWNLOADING Value <code>"downloading"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer is downloading data from Peer.
* @property {String} UPLOAD_COMPLETED Value <code>"uploadCompleted"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer has uploaded successfully to Peer.
* @property {String} DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED Value <code>"downloadCompleted"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer has downloaded successfully from Peer.
* @property {String} CANCEL Value <code>"cancel"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer has been terminated from / to Peer.
* @property {String} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the state when data transfer has errors and has been terminated from / to Peer.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.4.0
export const DATA_TRANSFER_STATE = {
UPLOAD_REQUEST: 'request',
UPLOAD_STARTED: 'uploadStarted',
DOWNLOAD_STARTED: 'downloadStarted',
REJECTED: 'rejected',
CANCEL: 'cancel',
ERROR: 'error',
UPLOADING: 'uploading',
DOWNLOADING: 'downloading',
UPLOAD_COMPLETED: 'uploadCompleted',
DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED: 'downloadCompleted',
USER_REJECTED: 'userRejected',
* The ACK Protocol number to reject or accept a transfer
* @property {number} REJECT Value <code>-1</code>. The value of the ACK PROTOCOL to return that will stop the transfer.
* @property {number} ACCEPT Value <code>0</code>. The value of the ACL PROTOCOL to return that will start the transfer.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.2.6
* @private
export const ACK_PROTOCOL_NUMBER = {
* The list of auth states.
* @typedef AUTH_STATE
* @property {String} REQUEST Value <code>"request"</code>
* The value of the state when the SDK authenticates with API.
* @property {String} SUCCESS Value <code>"success"</code>
* The value of the state when the auth request is successful.
* @property {String} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the state when the auth request fails.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0.0
* @ignore
export const AUTH_STATE = {
REQUEST: 'request',
SUCCESS: 'success',
ERROR: 'error',
* The list of data streaming states.
* @property {String} SENDING_STARTED Value <code>"sendStart"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session has started from User to Peer.
* @property {String} RECEIVING_STARTED Value <code>"receiveStart"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session has started from Peer to Peer.
* @property {String} RECEIVED Value <code>"received"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session data chunk has been received from Peer to User.
* @property {String} SENT Value <code>"sent"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session data chunk has been sent from User to Peer.
* @property {String} SENDING_STOPPED Value <code>"sendStop"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session has stopped from User to Peer.
* @property {String} RECEIVING_STOPPED Value <code>"receivingStop"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session has stopped from Peer to User.
* @property {String} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session has errors.
* At this stage, the data streaming state is considered <code>SENDING_STOPPED</code> or
* <code>RECEIVING_STOPPED</code>.
* @property {String} START_ERROR Value <code>"startError"</code>
* The value of the state when data streaming session failed to start from User to Peer.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.18
* @ignore
export const DATA_STREAM_STATE = {
RECEIVING_STARTED: 'receiveStart',
RECEIVED: 'received',
SENT: 'sent',
ERROR: 'error',
START_ERROR: 'startError',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of Peer connection ICE gathering states.
* @property {String} GATHERING Value <code>"gathering"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is gathering ICE candidates.
* These ICE candidates are sent to Peer for its connection to check for a suitable matching
* pair of ICE candidates to establish an ICE connection for stream audio, video and data.
* See {@link SkylinkConstants.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE|ICE_CONNECTION_STATE} for ICE connection status.
* This state cannot happen until Peer connection remote <code>"offer"</code> / <code>"answer"</code>
* session description is set. See {@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE|PEER_CONNECTION_STATE} for session description exchanging status.
* @property {String} COMPLETED Value <code>"completed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection gathering of ICE candidates has completed.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.4.1
NEW: 'new',
GATHERING: 'gathering',
COMPLETED: 'complete',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of Peer connection remote ICE candidate processing states for trickle ICE connections.
* @property {String} RECEIVED Value <code>"received"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate was received.
* @property {String} DROPPED Value <code>"received"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate is dropped.
* @property {String} BUFFERED Value <code>"buffered"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate is buffered.
* @property {String} PROCESSING Value <code>"processing"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate is being processed.
* @property {String} PROCESS_SUCCESS Value <code>"processSuccess"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate has been processed successfully.
* The ICE candidate that is processed will be used to check against the list of
* locally generated ICE candidate to start matching for the suitable pair for the best ICE connection.
* @property {String} PROCESS_ERROR Value <code>"processError"</code>
* The value of the state when the remote ICE candidate has failed to be processed.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
RECEIVED: 'received',
DROPPED: 'dropped',
BUFFERED: 'buffered',
PROCESSING: 'processing',
PROCESS_SUCCESS: 'processSuccess',
PROCESS_ERROR: 'processError',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of Peer connection ICE connection states.
* @property {String} CHECKING Value <code>"checking"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is checking for a suitable matching pair of
* ICE candidates to establish ICE connection.
* Exchanging of ICE candidates happens during {@link SkylinkEvents.event:candidateGenerationState|{@link SkylinkEvents.event:CANDIDATE_GENERATION_STATE|CANDIDATE GENERATION STATE} event}.
* @property {String} CONNECTED Value <code>"connected"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection has found a suitable matching pair of
* ICE candidates to establish ICE connection but is still checking for a better
* suitable matching pair of ICE candidates for the best ICE connectivity.
* At this state, ICE connection is already established and audio, video and
* data streaming has already started.
* @property {String} COMPLETED Value <code>"completed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection has found the best suitable matching pair
* of ICE candidates to establish ICE connection and checking has stopped.
* At this state, ICE connection is already established and audio, video and
* data streaming has already started. This may happen after <code>CONNECTED</code>.
* @property {String} FAILED Value <code>"failed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection ICE connection has failed.
* @property {String} DISCONNECTED Value <code>"disconnected"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection ICE connection is disconnected.
* At this state, the Peer connection may attempt to revive the ICE connection.
* This may happen due to flaky network conditions.
* @property {String} CLOSED Value <code>"closed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection ICE connection has closed.
* This happens when Peer connection is closed and no streaming can occur at this stage.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.1.0
export const ICE_CONNECTION_STATE = {
STARTING: 'starting',
CHECKING: 'checking',
CONNECTED: 'connected',
COMPLETED: 'completed',
CLOSED: 'closed',
FAILED: 'failed',
DISCONNECTED: 'disconnected',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that configuring the protocol may not necessarily result in the desired network transports protocol
* used in the actual TURN network traffic as it depends which protocol the browser selects and connects with.
* This simply configures the TURN ICE server urls <code?transport=(protocol)</code> query option when constructing
* the Peer connection. When all protocols are selected, the ICE servers urls are duplicated with all protocols.
* </blockquote>
* The list of TURN network transport protocols options when constructing Peer connections
* configured in Skylink {@link initOptions}.
* Example <code>.urls</code> inital input: [<code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>, <code>""</code>]
* @property {String} TCP Value <code>"tcp"</code>
* The value of the option to configure using only TCP network transport protocol.
* Example <code>.urls</code> output: [<code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>]
* @property {String} UDP Value <code>"udp"</code>
* The value of the option to configure using only UDP network transport protocol.
* Example <code>.urls</code> output: [<code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>]
* @property {String} ANY Value <code>"any"</code>
* The value of the option to configure using any network transport protocols configured from the Signaling server.
* Example <code>.urls</code> output: [<code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>, <code>""</code>]
* @property {String} NONE Value <code>"none"</code>
* The value of the option to not configure using any network transport protocols.
* Example <code>.urls</code> output: [<code>""</code>, <code>""</code>]
* Configuring this does not mean that no protocols will be used, but
* rather removing <code>?transport=(protocol)</code> query option in
* the TURN ICE server <code>.urls</code> when constructing the Peer connection.
* @property {String} ALL Value <code>"all"</code>
* The value of the option to configure using both TCP and UDP network transport protocols.
* Example <code>.urls</code> output: [<code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>, <code>""</code>,
* <code>""</code>]
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.4
export const TURN_TRANSPORT = {
UDP: 'udp',
TCP: 'tcp',
ANY: 'any',
NONE: 'none',
ALL: 'all',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of Peer connection session description exchanging states.
* @property {String} STABLE Value <code>"stable"</code>
* The value of the state when there is no session description being exchanged between Peer connection.
* @property {String} HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER Value <code>"have-local-offer"</code>
* The value of the state when local <code>"offer"</code> session description is set.
* This should transition to <code>STABLE</code> state after remote <code>"answer"</code>
* session description is set.
* See {@link SkylinkConstants.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS|HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS} for a more
* detailed exchanging of session description states.
* @property {String} HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER Value <code>"have-remote-offer"</code>
* The value of the state when remote <code>"offer"</code> session description is set.
* This should transition to <code>STABLE</code> state after local <code>"answer"</code>
* session description is set.
* See {@link SkylinkConstants.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS|HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS} for a more
* detailed exchanging of session description states.
* @property {String} CLOSED Value <code>"closed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is closed and no session description can be exchanged and set.
* @property {String} CONNECTING Value <code>"connecting"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is trying to establish a connection and negotiation has started.
* @property {String} CONNECTED Value <code>"connected"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is connected after successful negotiation.
* @property {String} FAILED Value <code>"failed"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection has failed. A renegotiation is required to re-establish the connection.
* @property {String} DISCONNECTED Value <code>"disconnected"</code>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is disconnected. State may change to <code>"connected"</code> or <code>"failed"</code>.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.0
export const PEER_CONNECTION_STATE = {
// onsignalingstatechange
STABLE: 'stable',
HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER: 'have-local-offer',
HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER: 'have-remote-offer',
CLOSED: 'closed',
// onconnectionstatechange
CONNECTING: 'connecting',
FAILED: 'failed',
DISCONNECTED: 'disconnected',
CONNECTED: 'connected',
* The list of {@link Skylink#getConnectionStatus} retrieval states.
* @property {number} RETRIEVING Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the state when {@link Skylink#getConnectionStatus|getConnectionStatus} is retrieving the Peer connection stats.
* @property {number} RETRIEVE_SUCCESS Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the state when {@link Skylink#getConnectionStatus|getConnectionStatus} has retrieved the Peer connection stats successfully.
* @property {number} RETRIEVE_ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the state when {@link Skylink#getConnectionStatus|getConnectionStatus} has failed retrieving the Peer connection stats.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.1.0
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection bundle policies.
* @typedef BUNDLE_POLICY
* @property {String} MAX_COMPAT Value <code>"max-compat"</code>
* The value of the bundle policy to generate ICE candidates for each media type
* so each media type flows through different transports.
* @property {String} MAX_BUNDLE Value <code>"max-bundle"</code>
* The value of the bundle policy to generate ICE candidates for one media type
* so all media type flows through a single transport.
* @property {String} BALANCED Value <code>"balanced"</code>
* The value of the bundle policy to use <code>MAX_BUNDLE</code> if Peer supports it,
* else fallback to <code>MAX_COMPAT</code>.
* @property {String} NONE Value <code>"none"</code>
* The value of the bundle policy to not use any media bundle.
* This removes the <code>a=group:BUNDLE</code> line from session descriptions.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.18
export const BUNDLE_POLICY = {
MAX_COMPAT: 'max-compat',
BALANCED: 'balanced',
MAX_BUNDLE: 'max-bundle',
NONE: 'none',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection RTCP mux policies.
* @typedef RTCP_MUX_POLICY
* @property {String} REQUIRE Value <code>"require"</code>
* The value of the RTCP mux policy to generate ICE candidates for RTP only and RTCP shares the same ICE candidates.
* @property {String} NEGOTIATE Value <code>"negotiate"</code>
* The value of the RTCP mux policy to generate ICE candidates for both RTP and RTCP each.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.18
export const RTCP_MUX_POLICY = {
REQUIRE: 'require',
NEGOTIATE: 'negotiate',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection certificates cryptographic algorithm to use.
* @property {String} RSA Value <code>"RSA"</code>
* The value of the Peer connection certificate algorithm to use RSA-1024.
* @property {String} ECDSA Value <code>"ECDSA"</code>
* The value of the Peer connection certificate algorithm to use ECDSA.
* @property {String} AUTO Value <code>"AUTO"</code>
* The value of the Peer connection to use the default certificate generated.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.18
export const PEER_CERTIFICATE = {
* The list of Peer connection states.
* @property {String} ENTER Value <code>"enter"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer has just entered the Room.
* At this stage, {@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_JOINED|PEER_JOINED}
* is triggered.
* @property {String} WELCOME Value <code>"welcome"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer is aware that User has entered the Room.
* At this stage, {@link SkylinkConstants.PEER_JOINED|PEER_JOINED}
* is triggered and Peer connection may commence.
* @property {String} OFFER Value <code>"offer"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer connection has set the local / remote <code>"offer"</code>
* session description to start streaming connection.
* @property {String} ANSWER Value <code>"answer"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer connection has set the local / remote <code>"answer"</code>
* session description to establish streaming connection.
* @property {string} ANSWER_ACK Value <code>"answerAck"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer connection is aware that the user has received the answer and the handshake is
* complete.
* @property {string} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the connection state when Peer connection has failed to establish streaming connection.
* This happens when there are errors that occurs in creating local <code>"offer"</code> /
* <code>"answer"</code>, or when setting remote / local <code>"offer"</code> / <code>"answer"</code>.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.1.0
export const HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS = {
ENTER: 'enter',
WELCOME: 'welcome',
OFFER: 'offer',
ANSWER: 'answer',
ANSWER_ACK: 'answerAck',
ERROR: 'error',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this feature requires <code>"isPrivileged"</code> flag to be enabled for the App Key
* provided in Skylink {@link initOptions}, as only Users connecting using
* the App Key with this flag enabled (which we call privileged Users / Peers) can retrieve the list of
* Peer IDs from Rooms within the same App space.
* <a href="">
* Read more about privileged App Key feature here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of <code>{@link Skylink#getPeers|getPeers}</code> method retrieval states.
* @typedef GET_PEERS_STATE
* @property {String} ENQUIRED Value <code>"enquired"</code>
* The value of the state when <code>{@link Skylink#getPeers|getPeers}</code> is retrieving the list of Peer IDs
* from Rooms within the same App space from the Signaling server.
* @property {String} RECEIVED Value <code>"received"</code>
* The value of the state when <code>{@link Skylink#getPeers|getPeers}</code> has retrieved the list of Peer IDs
* from Rooms within the same App space from the Signaling server successfully.
* @readOnly
* @type Object
* @constant
* @public
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.1
export const GET_PEERS_STATE = {
ENQUIRED: 'enquired',
DISPATCHED: 'dispatched',
RECEIVED: 'received',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this feature requires <code>"isPrivileged"</code> flag to be enabled and
* <code>"autoIntroduce"</code> flag to be disabled for the App Key provided in
* Skylink {@link initOptions}, as only Users connecting using
* the App Key with this flag enabled (which we call privileged Users / Peers) can retrieve the list of
* Peer IDs from Rooms within the same App space.
* <a href="">
* Read more about privileged App Key feature here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of {@link Skylink#introducePeer} Peer introduction request states.
* @property {String} INTRODUCING Value <code>"enquired"</code>
* The value of the state when introduction request for the selected pair of Peers has been made to the Signaling server.
* @property {String} ERROR Value <code>"error"</code>
* The value of the state when introduction request made to the Signaling server
* for the selected pair of Peers has failed.
* @readOnly
* @constant
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.1
* @ignore
export const INTRODUCE_STATE = {
INTRODUCING: 'introducing',
ERROR: 'error',
* The list of Signaling server reaction states during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom}.
* @typedef SYSTEM_ACTION
* @property {String} WARNING Value <code>"warning"</code>
* The value of the state when Room session is about to end.
* @property {String} REJECT Value <code>"reject"</code>
* The value of the state when Room session has failed to start or has ended.
* @property {String} LOCKED Value <code>"locked"</code>
* The value of the state when Room sis locked.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.1
export const SYSTEM_ACTION = {
WARNING: 'warning',
REJECT: 'reject',
LOCKED: 'locked',
* The list of Signaling server reaction states reason of action code during
* {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom}.
* @property {String} CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED Value <code>"oldTimeStamp"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token has expired.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} CREDENTIALS_ERROR Value <code>"credentialError"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token provided is invalid.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* @property {String} DUPLICATED_LOGIN Value <code>"duplicatedLogin"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session token has been used already.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} ROOM_NOT_STARTED Value <code>"notStart"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has not started.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} EXPIRED Value <code>"expired"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has ended already.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} ROOM_LOCKED Value <code>"locked"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room is locked.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} FAST_MESSAGE Value <code>"fastmsg"</code>
* The value of the reason code when User is flooding socket messages to the Signaling server
* that is sent too quickly within less than a second interval.
* Happens after Room session has started. This can be caused by various methods like
* {@link Skylink#sendMessage|sendMessage},
* {@link Skylink#muteStreams|muteStreams}
* Results with: <code>WARNING</code>
* @property {String} ROOM_CLOSING Value <code>"toClose"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session is ending.
* Happens after Room session has started. This serves as a prerequisite warning before
* <code>ROOM_CLOSED</code> occurs.
* Results with: <code>WARNING</code>
* @property {String} ROOM_CLOSED Value <code>"roomclose"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session has just ended.
* Happens after Room session has started.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} SERVER_ERROR Value <code>"serverError"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session fails to start due to some technical errors.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @property {String} KEY_ERROR Value <code>"keyFailed"</code>
* The value of the reason code when Room session fails to start due to some technical error pertaining to
* App Key initialization.
* Happens during {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} request.
* Results with: <code>REJECT</code>
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.2
export const SYSTEM_ACTION_REASON = {
CREDENTIALS_ERROR: 'credentialError',
DUPLICATED_LOGIN: 'duplicatedLogin',
EXPIRED: 'expired',
ROOM_LOCKED: 'locked',
FAST_MESSAGE: 'fastmsg',
ROOM_CLOSING: 'toclose',
ROOM_CLOSED: 'roomclose',
SERVER_ERROR: 'serverError',
KEY_ERROR: 'keyFailed',
* The list of Skylink {@link initOptions} ready states.
* @property {number} INIT Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the state when <code>init()</code> has just started.
* @property {number} LOADING Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the state when <code>init()</code> is authenticating App Key provided
* (and with credentials if provided as well) with the Auth server.
* @property {number} COMPLETED Value <code>2</code>
* The value of the state when <code>init()</code> has successfully authenticated with the Auth server.
* Room session token is generated for joining the <codRoom</code> provided in <code>init()</code>.
* Room session token has to be generated each time User switches to a different Room
* in {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} method.
* @property {number} ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the state when <code>init()</code> has failed authenticating with the Auth server.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.1.0
export const READY_STATE_CHANGE = {
INIT: 0,
ERROR: -1,
* The list of Skylink {@link initOptions} ready state failure codes.
* @property {number} API_INVALID Value <code>4001</code>
* The value of the failure code when provided App Key in <code>init()</code> does not exists.
* To resolve this, check that the provided App Key exists in
* <a href="">the Temasys Console</a>.
* @property {number} API_DOMAIN_NOT_MATCH Value <code>4002</code>
* The value of the failure code when <code>"domainName"</code> property in the App Key does not
* match the accessing server IP address.
* To resolve this, contact our <a href="">support portal</a>.
* @property {number} API_CORS_DOMAIN_NOT_MATCH Value <code>4003</code>
* The value of the failure code when <code>"corsurl"</code> property in the App Key does not match accessing CORS.
* To resolve this, configure the App Key CORS in
* <a href="">the Temasys Console</a>.
* @property {number} API_CREDENTIALS_INVALID Value <code>4004</code>
* The value of the failure code when there is no [CORS](
* present in the HTTP headers during the request to the Auth server present nor
* <code>options.credentials.credentials</code> configuration provided in the <code>init()</code>.
* To resolve this, ensure that CORS are present in the HTTP headers during the request to the Auth server.
* @property {number} API_CREDENTIALS_NOT_MATCH Value <code>4005</code>
* The value of the failure code when the <code>options.credentials.credentials</code> configuration provided in the
* <code>init()</code> does not match up with the <code>options.credentials.startDateTime</code>,
* <code>options.credentials.duration</code> or that the <code>"secret"</code> used to generate
* <code>options.credentials.credentials</code> does not match the App Key's <code>"secret</code> property provided.
* To resolve this, check that the <code>options.credentials.credentials</code> is generated correctly and
* that the <code>"secret"</code> used to generate it is from the App Key provided in the <code>init()</code>.
* @property {number} API_INVALID_PARENT_KEY Value <code>4006</code>
* The value of the failure code when the App Key provided does not belong to any existing App.
* To resolve this, check that the provided App Key exists in
* <a href="">the Developer Console</a>.
* @property {number} API_NO_MEETING_RECORD_FOUND Value <code>4010</code>
* The value of the failure code when provided <code>options.credentials</code>
* does not match any scheduled meetings available for the "Persistent Room" enabled App Key provided.
* See the <a href="">Persistent Room article</a> to learn more.
* @property {number} API_OVER_SEAT_LIMIT Value <code>4020</code>
* The value of the failure code when App Key has reached its current concurrent users limit.
* @property {number} API_RETRIEVAL_FAILED Value <code>4021</code>
* The value of the failure code when App Key retrieval of authentication token fails.
* If this happens frequently, contact our <a href="">support portal</a>.
* @property {number} API_WRONG_ACCESS_DOMAIN Value <code>5005</code>
* The value of the failure code when App Key makes request to the incorrect Auth server.
* To resolve this, ensure that the <code>roomServer</code> is not configured. If this persists even without
* <code>roomServer</code> configuration, contact our <a href="">support portal</a>.
* @property {number} XML_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the failure code when requesting to Auth server has timed out.
* @property {number} XML_HTTP_NO_REPONSE_ERROR Value <code>-2</code>
* The value of the failure code when response from Auth server is empty or timed out.
* @property {number} NO_SOCKET_IO Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the failure code when dependency <a href="">Socket.IO client</a> is not loaded.
* To resolve this, ensure that the Socket.IO client dependency is loaded before the Skylink SDK.
* You may use the provided Socket.IO client <a href="">CDN here</a>.
* @property {number} NO_XMLHTTPREQUEST_SUPPORT Value <code>2</code>
* The value of the failure code when <a href="">
* XMLHttpRequest API</a> required to make request to Auth server is not supported.
* To resolve this, display in the Web UI to ask clients to switch to the list of supported browser
* as <a href="">listed in here</a>.
* @property {number} NO_WEBRTC_SUPPORT Value <code>3</code>
* The value of the failure code when <a href="">
* RTCPeerConnection API</a> required for Peer connections is not supported.
* To resolve this, display in the Web UI to ask clients to switch to the list of supported browser
* as <a href="">listed in here</a>.
* For plugin supported browsers, if the clients
* does not have the plugin installed, there will be an installation toolbar that will prompt for installation
* to support the RTCPeerConnection API.
* @property {number} NO_PATH Value <code>4</code>
* The value of the failure code when provided <code>init()</code> configuration has errors.
* @property {number} ADAPTER_NO_LOADED Value <code>7</code>
* The value of the failure code when dependency <a href="">AdapterJS</a>
* is not loaded.
* To resolve this, ensure that the AdapterJS dependency is loaded before the Skylink dependency.
* You may use the provided AdapterJS <a href="">CDN here</a>.
* @property {number} PARSE_CODECS Value <code>8</code>
* The value of the failure code when codecs support cannot be parsed and retrieved.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.4.0
* Spoofs the REGIONAL_SERVER to prevent errors on deployed apps except the fact this no longer works.
* Automatic regional selection has already been implemented hence REGIONAL_SERVER is no longer useful.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @private
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
export const REGIONAL_SERVER = {
APAC1: '',
US1: '',
* The list of the SDK <code>console</code> API log levels.
* @typedef LOG_LEVEL
* @property {number} DEBUG Value <code>4</code>
* The value of the log level that displays <code>console</code> <code>debug</code>,
* <code>log</code>, <code>info</code>, <code>warn</code> and <code>error</code> logs.
* @property {number} LOG Value <code>3</code>
* The value of the log level that displays only <code>console</code> <code>log</code>,
* <code>info</code>, <code>warn</code> and <code>error</code> logs.
* @property {number} INFO Value <code>2</code>
* The value of the log level that displays only <code>console</code> <code>info</code>,
* <code>warn</code> and <code>error</code> logs.
* @property {number} WARN Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the log level that displays only <code>console</code> <code>warn</code>
* and <code>error</code> logs.
* @property {number} ERROR Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the log level that displays only <code>console</code> <code>error</code> logs.
* @property {number} NONE Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the log level that displays no logs.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.4
export const LOG_LEVEL = {
LOG: 3,
INFO: 2,
WARN: 1,
NONE: -1,
* The list of {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} socket connection failure states.
* @typedef SOCKET_ERROR
* @property {number} CONNECTION_FAILED Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the failure state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection failed to establish with
* the Signaling server at the first attempt.
* @property {number} RECONNECTION_FAILED Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the failure state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection failed to establish
* the Signaling server after the first attempt.
* @property {number} CONNECTION_ABORTED Value <code>-2</code>
* The value of the failure state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection will not attempt
* to reconnect after the failure of the first attempt in <code>CONNECTION_FAILED</code> as there
* are no more ports or transports to attempt for reconnection.
* @property {number} RECONNECTION_ABORTED Value <code>-3</code>
* The value of the failure state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection will not attempt
* to reconnect after the failure of several attempts in <code>RECONNECTION_FAILED</code> as there
* are no more ports or transports to attempt for reconnection.
* @property {number} RECONNECTION_ATTEMPT Value <code>-4</code>
* The value of the failure state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is attempting
* to reconnect with a new port or transport after the failure of attempts in
* <code>CONNECTION_FAILED</code> or <code>RECONNECTED_FAILED</code>.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.6
export const SOCKET_ERROR = {
* The list of {@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} socket connection reconnection states.
* @property {String} NON_FALLBACK Value <code>"nonfallback"</code>
* The value of the reconnection state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is at its initial state
* without transitioning to any new socket port or transports yet.
* @property {String} FALLBACK_PORT Value <code>"fallbackPortNonSSL"</code>
* The value of the reconnection state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is reconnecting with
* another new HTTP port using WebSocket transports to attempt to establish connection with Signaling server.
* @property {String} FALLBACK_PORT_SSL Value <code>"fallbackPortSSL"</code>
* The value of the reconnection state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is reconnecting with
* another new HTTPS port using WebSocket transports to attempt to establish connection with Signaling server.
* @property {String} LONG_POLLING Value <code>"fallbackLongPollingNonSSL"</code>
* The value of the reconnection state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is reconnecting with
* another new HTTP port using Polling transports to attempt to establish connection with Signaling server.
* @property {String} LONG_POLLING_SSL Value <code>"fallbackLongPollingSSL"</code>
* The value of the reconnection state when <code>{@link Skylink#joinRoom|joinRoom} </code> socket connection is reconnecting with
* another new HTTPS port using Polling transports to attempt to establish connection with Signaling server.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.6
export const SOCKET_FALLBACK = {
NON_FALLBACK: 'nonfallback',
FALLBACK_PORT: 'fallbackPortNonSSL',
LONG_POLLING: 'fallbackLongPollingNonSSL',
LONG_POLLING_SSL: 'fallbackLongPollingSSL',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this is used only for SDK developer purposes.<br>
* Current version: <code>2.1.0</code>
* </blockquote>
* The value of the current version of the Signaling socket message protocol.
* @constant
* @type string
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.0
export const SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION = '2.1.0';
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that if the video codec is not supported, the SDK will not configure the local <code>"offer"</code> or
* <code>"answer"</code> session description to prefer the codec.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available video codecs to set as the preferred video codec to use to encode
* sending video data when available encoded video codec for Peer connections
* configured in Skylink {@link initOptions}.
* @typedef VIDEO_CODEC
* @property {String} AUTO Value <code>"auto"</code>
* The value of the option to not prefer any video codec but rather use the created
* local <code>"offer"</code> / <code>"answer"</code> session description video codec preference.
* @property {String} VP8 Value <code>"VP8"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">VP8</a> video codec.
* @property {String} VP9 Value <code>"VP9"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">VP9</a> video codec.
* @property {String} H264 Value <code>"H264"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">H264</a> video codec.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.10
* @private
export const VIDEO_CODEC = {
AUTO: 'auto',
VP8: 'VP8',
H264: 'H264',
VP9: 'VP9',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that if the audio codec is not supported, the SDK will not configure the local <code>"offer"</code> or
* <code>"answer"</code> session description to prefer the codec.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available audio codecs to set as the preferred audio codec to use to encode
* sending audio data when available encoded audio codec for Peer connections
* configured in Skylink {@link initOptions}.
* @typedef AUDIO_CODEC
* @property {String} AUTO Value <code>"auto"</code>
* The value of the option to not prefer any audio codec but rather use the created
* local <code>"offer"</code> / <code>"answer"</code> session description audio codec preference.
* @property {String} OPUS Value <code>"opus"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">OPUS</a> audio codec.
* @property {String} ISAC Value <code>"ISAC"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">ISAC</a> audio codec.
* @property {String} ILBC Value <code>"ILBC"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">iLBC</a> audio codec.
* @property {String} G722 Value <code>"G722"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">G722</a> audio codec.
* @property {String} PCMA Value <code>"PCMA"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">G711u</a> audio codec.
* @property {String} PCMU Value <code>"PCMU"</code>
* The value of the option to prefer the <a href="">G711a</a> audio codec.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.10
* @private
export const AUDIO_CODEC = {
AUTO: 'auto',
OPUS: 'opus',
G722: 'G722',
* The list of available screensharing media sources configured in the
* {@link Skylink#shareScreen|shareScreen}.
* @typedef MEDIA_SOURCE
* @property {String} SCREEN Value <code>"screen"</code>
* The value of the option to share entire screen.
* @property {String} WINDOW Value <code>"window"</code>
* The value of the option to share application windows.
* @property {String} TAB Value <code>"tab"</code>
* The value of the option to share browser tab.
* Note that this is only supported by from Chrome 52+ and Opera 39+.
* @property {String} TAB_AUDIO Value <code>"audio"</code>
* The value of the option to share browser tab audio.
* Note that this is only supported by Chrome 52+ and Opera 39+.
* <code></code> has to be enabled with <code>TAB</code> also requested to enable sharing of tab audio.
* @property {String} APPLICATION Value <code>"application"</code>
* The value of the option to share applications.
* Note that this is only supported by Firefox currently.
* @property {String} BROWSER Value <code>"browser"</code>
* The value of the option to share browser.
* Note that this is only supported by Firefox currently, and requires toggling the <code>media.getUserMedia.browser.enabled</code>
* in <code>about:config</code>.
* @property {String} CAMERA Value <code>"camera"</code>
* The value of the option to share camera.
* Note that this is only supported by Firefox currently.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.10
export const MEDIA_SOURCE = {
SCREEN: 'screen',
WINDOW: 'window',
TAB: 'tab',
TAB_AUDIO: 'audio',
APPLICATION: 'application',
BROWSER: 'browser',
CAMERA: 'camera',
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that currently {@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia} method only configures
* the maximum resolution of the Stream due to browser interopability and support.
* </blockquote>
* The list of <a href="">
* video resolutions</a> sets configured in the {@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia} method.
* @property {Object} QQVGA Value <code>{ width: 160, height: 120 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure QQVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>4:3</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} HQVGA Value <code>{ width: 240, height: 160 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure HQVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>3:2</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} QVGA Value <code>{ width: 320, height: 240 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure QVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>4:3</code>
* @property {Object} WQVGA Value <code>{ width: 384, height: 240 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure WQVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:10</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} HVGA Value <code>{ width: 480, height: 320 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure HVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>3:2</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} VGA Value <code>{ width: 640, height: 480 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure VGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>4:3</code>
* @property {Object} WVGA Value <code>{ width: 768, height: 480 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure WVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:10</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} FWVGA Value <code>{ width: 854, height: 480 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure FWVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} SVGA Value <code>{ width: 800, height: 600 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure SVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>4:3</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} DVGA Value <code>{ width: 960, height: 640 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure DVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>3:2</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} WSVGA Value <code>{ width: 1024, height: 576 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure WSVGA resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* @property {Object} HD Value <code>{ width: 1280, height: 720 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure HD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on device supports.
* @property {Object} HDPLUS Value <code>{ width: 1600, height: 900 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure HDPLUS resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} FHD Value <code>{ width: 1920, height: 1080 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure FHD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on device supports.
* @property {Object} QHD Value <code>{ width: 2560, height: 1440 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure QHD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} WQXGAPLUS Value <code>{ width: 3200, height: 1800 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure WQXGAPLUS resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} UHD Value <code>{ width: 3840, height: 2160 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure UHD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} UHDPLUS Value <code>{ width: 5120, height: 2880 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure UHDPLUS resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} FUHD Value <code>{ width: 7680, height: 4320 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure FUHD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @property {Object} QUHD Value <code>{ width: 15360, height: 8640 }</code>
* The value of the option to configure QUHD resolution.
* Aspect ratio: <code>16:9</code>
* Note that configurating this resolution may not be supported depending on browser and device supports.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.6
export const VIDEO_RESOLUTION = {
QQVGA: { width: 160, height: 120 /* , aspectRatio: '4:3' */ },
HQVGA: { width: 240, height: 160 /* , aspectRatio: '3:2' */ },
QVGA: { width: 320, height: 240 /* , aspectRatio: '4:3' */ },
WQVGA: { width: 384, height: 240 /* , aspectRatio: '16:10' */ },
HVGA: { width: 480, height: 320 /* , aspectRatio: '3:2' */ },
VGA: { width: 640, height: 480 /* , aspectRatio: '4:3' */ },
WVGA: { width: 768, height: 480 /* , aspectRatio: '16:10' */ },
FWVGA: { width: 854, height: 480 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
SVGA: { width: 800, height: 600 /* , aspectRatio: '4:3' */ },
DVGA: { width: 960, height: 640 /* , aspectRatio: '3:2' */ },
WSVGA: { width: 1024, height: 576 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
HD: { width: 1280, height: 720 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
HDPLUS: { width: 1600, height: 900 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
FHD: { width: 1920, height: 1080 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
QHD: { width: 2560, height: 1440 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
WQXGAPLUS: { width: 3200, height: 1800 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
UHD: { width: 3840, height: 2160 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
UHDPLUS: { width: 5120, height: 2880 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
FUHD: { width: 7680, height: 4320 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
QUHD: { width: 15360, height: 8640 /* , aspectRatio: '16:9' */ },
* The list of {@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia} or
* {@link Skylink#shareScreen|shareScreen} Stream fallback states.
* @property {Object} FALLBACKING Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the state when <code>{@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia}</code> method will retrieve audio track only
* when retrieving audio and video tracks failed.
* This can be configured by Skylink {@link initOptions}
* <code>audioFallback</code> option.
* @property {Object} FALLBACKED Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the state when <code>{@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia}</code> or <code>{@link Skylink#shareScreen|shareScreen}</code>
* method retrieves camera / screensharing Stream successfully but with missing originally required audio or video tracks.
* @property {Object} ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the state when <code>{@link Skylink#getUserMedia|getUserMedia}</code> method failed to retrieve audio track only
* after retrieving audio and video tracks failed.
* @readOnly
* @constant
* @type Object
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.14
ERROR: -1,
* The list of recording states.
* @property {number} START Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the state when recording session has started.
* @property {number} STOP Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the state when recording session has stopped.<br>
* At this stage, the recorded videos will go through the mixin server to compile the videos.
* @property {number} LINK Value <code>2</code>
* The value of the state when recording session mixin request has been completed.
* @property {number} ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the state state when recording session has errors.
* This can happen during recording session or during mixin of recording videos,
* and at this stage, any current recording session or mixin is aborted.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
export const RECORDING_STATE = {
STOP: 1,
LINK: 2,
ERROR: -1,
* Stores the data chunk size for Blob transfers.
* @typedef CHUNK_FILE_SIZE
* @type Number
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.2
export const CHUNK_FILE_SIZE = 49152;
* Stores the data chunk size for Blob transfers transferring from/to
* Firefox browsers due to limitation tested in the past in some PCs (linx predominatly).
* @type Number
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.2
* @ignore
export const MOZ_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE = 12288;
* Stores the data chunk size for binary Blob transfers.
* @type Number
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
* @ignore
export const BINARY_FILE_SIZE = 65456;
* Stores the data chunk size for binary Blob transfers.
* @type Number
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.16
* @ignore
export const MOZ_BINARY_FILE_SIZE = 16384;
* Stores the data chunk size for data URI string transfers.
* @type Number
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.2
* @ignore
export const CHUNK_DATAURL_SIZE = 1212;
* Stores the list of data transfer protocols.
* @property {String} WRQ The protocol to initiate data transfer.
* @property {String} ACK The protocol to request for data transfer chunk.
* Give <code>-1</code> to reject the request at the beginning and <code>0</code> to accept
* the data transfer request.
* @property {String} CANCEL The protocol to terminate data transfer.
* @property {String} ERROR The protocol when data transfer has errors and has to be terminated.
* @property {String} MESSAGE The protocol that is used to send P2P messages.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @private
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.2
* @ignore
export const DC_PROTOCOL_TYPE = {
* Stores the list of socket messaging protocol types.
* See confluence docs for the list based on the current <code>SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION</code>.
* @property {String} JOIN_ROOM Value <code>joinRoom</code>
* Message sent by peer to Signalling server to join the room.
* @property {String} IN_ROOM Value <code>inRoom</code>
* Message received by peer from Signalling server when peer successfully connects to the room.
* @property {String} ENTER Value <code>enter</code>
* Message sent by peer to all peers in the room (after <code>inRoom</code> message).
* @property {String} WELCOME Value <code>welcome</code>
* Message sent by peer in response to <code>enter</code> message.
* @property {String} OFFER Value <code>offer</code>
* Messsage sent by the peer with the higher weight to the targeted peer after the enter/welcome message.
* Message is sent after the local offer is created and set, or after all its local ICE candidates have been gathered completely for non-trickle ICE connections (gathering process happens after the local offer is set).
* The targeted peer will have to set the received remote offer, create and set the local answer and send to sender peer the <code>answer</code> message to end the offer/answer handshaking process.
* @property {String} ANSWER Value <code>answer</code>
* Message sent by the targeted peer with the lower weight back to the peer in response to <code>offer</code> message.
* The peer will have to set the received remote answer, which ends the offer/answer handshaking process.
* @property {String} CANDIDATE Value <code>candidate</code>
* Message sent by peer to targeted peer when it has gathered a local ICE candidate.
* @property {String} BYE Value <code>bye</code>
* Message that is broadcast by Signalling server when a peer's socket connection has been disconnected. This happens when a peer leaves the room.
* @property {String} REDIRECT Value <code>redirect</code>
* Message received from Signalling server when a peer fails to connect to the room (after <code>joinRoom</code> message).
* @property {String} UPDATE_USER Value <code>updateUserEvent</code>
* Message that is broadcast by peer to all peers in the room when the peer's custom userData has changed.
* @property {String} ROOM_LOCK Value <code>roomLockEvent</code>
* Message that is broadcast by peer to all peers in the room to toggle the Signaling server Room lock status
* @property {String} PUBLIC_MESSAGE Value <code>public</code>
* Message sent by peer to all peers in the room as a public message.
* @property {String} PRIVATE_MESSAGE Value <code>private</code>
* Message sent to a targeted peer as a private message.
* @property {String} STREAM Value <code>stream</code>
* Message that is boradcast by peer to all peers in the room to indicate the sender peer's stream object status.
* @property {String} GROUP Value <code>group</code>
* Message that is boradcast by peer to all peers in the room for bundled messages that was sent before a second interval.
* @property {String} GET_PEERS Value <code>getPeers</code>
* Message sent by peer (connecting from a Privileged Key) to the Signaling server to retrieve a list of peer IDs in each room within the same App space (app keys that have the same parent app).
* @property {String} PEER_LIST Value <code>peerList</code>
* Message sent by Signalling server to the peer (connecting from a Privileged Key) containing the list of peer IDs.
* @property {String} INTRODUCE Value <code>introduce</code>
* Message sent by peer (connecting from a Privileged Key) to the Signaling server to introduce a peer to another peer in the same room. Peers can be a Privileged Key Peer or non-Privileged Key Peer.
* @property {String} INTRODUCE_ERROR Value <code>introduceError</code>
* Message sent by Signaling server to requestor peer (connecting from a Privileged Key) when introducing two peers fails.
* @property {String} APPROACH Value <code>approach</code>
* Message sent by Signaling server to the peer defined in the "sendingPeerId" in the <code>introduce</code> message.
* @property {String} START_RECORDING Value <code>startRecordingRoom</code>
* Message sent by peer to a peer (connecting from an MCU Key) to start recording session.
* @property {String} STOP_RECORDING Value <code>stopRecordingRooms</code>
* Message sent by peer to a peer (connecting from an MCU Key) to stop recording session.
* @property {String} RECORDING Value <code>recordingEvent</code>
* Message broadcasted by peer (connecting from an MCU Key) to all peers to indicate the status of the recording session.
* @property {String} END_OF_CANDIDATES Value <code>endOfCandidates</code>
* Message sent by peer to the targeted peer after all its local ICE candidates gathering has completed.
* @property {String} MEDIA_INFO_EVENT Value <code>mediaStateChangeEvent</code>
* Message sent by peer to all peers to communicate change of media state.
* * @property {String} MESSAGE Value <code>message</code>
* Message sent by peer to all peers in the room as either a public or a private message.
* @property {String} GET_STORED_MESSAGES Value <code>getStoredMessages</code>
* Message sent by peer to Signaling server to retrieve stored (persisted) messages.
* @private
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.6
export const SIG_MESSAGE_TYPE = {
JOIN_ROOM: 'joinRoom',
IN_ROOM: 'inRoom',
ENTER: 'enter',
WELCOME: 'welcome',
OFFER: 'offer',
ANSWER: 'answer',
ANSWER_ACK: 'answerAck',
CANDIDATE: 'candidate',
BYE: 'bye',
REDIRECT: 'redirect',
UPDATE_USER: 'updateUserEvent',
ROOM_LOCK: 'roomLockEvent',
STREAM: 'stream',
GROUP: 'group',
GET_PEERS: 'getPeers',
PEER_LIST: 'peerList',
INTRODUCE: 'introduce',
INTRODUCE_ERROR: 'introduceError',
APPROACH: 'approach',
START_RECORDING: 'startRecordingRoom',
STOP_RECORDING: 'stopRecordingRoom',
RECORDING: 'recordingEvent',
END_OF_CANDIDATES: 'endOfCandidates',
START_SCREENSHARE: 'startScreenshare',
RTMP: 'rtmpEvent',
MEDIA_INFO_EVENT: 'mediaInfoEvent',
MESSAGE: 'message',
GET_STORED_MESSAGES: 'getStoredMessages',
STORED_MESSAGES: 'storedMessages',
RESTART: 'restart',
export const STREAM_STATUS = {
ENDED: 'ended',
* Stores the list of socket messaging protocol types to queue when sent less than a second interval.
* @type Array
* @readOnly
* @private
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.5.10
export const GROUP_MESSAGE_LIST = [
* The options available for video and audio bitrates (kbps) quality.
* @typedef VIDEO_QUALITY
* @property {Object} HD Value <code>{ video: 3200, audio: 80 }</code>
* The value of option to prefer high definition video and audio bitrates.
* @property {Object} HQ Value <code>{ video: 1200, audio: 50 }</code>
* The value of option to prefer high quality video and audio bitrates.
* @property {Object} SQ Value <code>{ video: 800, audio: 30 }</code>
* The value of option to prefer standard quality video and audio bitrates.
* @property {Object} LQ Value <code>{ video: 500, audio: 20 }</code>
* The value of option to prefer low quality video and audio bitrates.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.32
export const VIDEO_QUALITY = {
HD: { video: 3200, audio: 150 },
HQ: { video: 1200, audio: 80 },
SQ: { video: 800, audio: 30 },
LQ: { video: 400, audio: 20 },
* The options available for SDP sematics while create a PeerConnection.
* @typedef SDP_SEMANTICS
* @property {String} PLAN_B
* The value of option to prefer plan-b sdp.
* @property {String} UNIFIED
* The value of option to prefer unified-plan sdp.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.32
export const SDP_SEMANTICS = {
PLAN_B: 'plan-b',
UNIFIED: 'unified-plan',
* The list of RTMP states.
* @typedef RTMP_STATE
* @property {number} START Value <code>0</code>
* The value of the state when live streaming session has started.
* @property {number} STOP Value <code>1</code>
* The value of the state when live streaming session has stopped.<br>
* At this stage, the recorded videos will go through the mixin server to compile the videos.
* @property {number} ERROR Value <code>-1</code>
* The value of the state state when live streaming session has errors.
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 0.6.34
export const RTMP_STATE = {
STOP: 1,
ERROR: -1,
* The status of media on the stream.
* @typedef MEDIA_STATUS
* @property {number} MUTED <small>Value <code>0</code></small>
* The media is present in the stream and muted
* @property {number} ACTIVE <small>Value <code>1</code></small>
* The media is present in the stream and active
* @property {number} UNAVAILABLE <small>Value <code>-1</code></small>
* The media is not present in the stream
* @constant
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 1.0
export const MEDIA_STATUS = {
* The logging tags.
* @typedef TAGS
* @property {String} STATS_MODULE
* @property {String} SESSION_DESCRIPTION
* @property {String} PEER_CONNECTION
* @property {String} CANDIDATE_HANDLER
* @property {String} SIG_SERVER
* @property {String} PEER_MEDIA
* @property {String} PEER_INFORMATION
* @property {String} MEDIA_STREAM
* @constant
* @private
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const TAGS = {
* The list of media types.
* @typedef MEDIA_TYPE
* @property {String} AUDIO_MIC - Audio from a microphone.
* @property {String} VIDEO_CAMERA - Video from a Camera of any type.
* @property {String} VIDEO_SCREEN - Video of the Screen captured for screen sharing.
* @property {String} VIDEO_OTHER - Video from source other than Camera.
* @property {String} AUDIO - Audio from an unspecified MediaType.
* @property {String} VIDEO - Video from an unspecified MediaType.
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const MEDIA_TYPE = {
AUDIO_MIC: 'audioMic',
VIDEO_CAMERA: 'videoCamera',
VIDEO_SCREEN: 'videoScreen',
VIDEO_OTHER: 'videoOther',
AUDIO: 'audio',
VIDEO: 'video',
* The ready state of the track.
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const TRACK_READY_STATE = {
LIVE: 'live',
ENDED: 'ended',
* The track kind.
* @typedef TRACK_KIND
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const TRACK_KIND = {
AUDIO: 'audio',
VIDEO: 'video',
* The state of the media.
* @typedef MEDIA_STATE
* @property {String} MUTED - The state when the MediaTrack enabled flag is set to false. The MediaTrack is sending black frames.
* @property {String} ACTIVE - The state when the MediaTrack enabled flag and active flag is set to true. The MediaTrack is sending frames with content.
* @property {String} STOPPED - The state when the MediaTrack active flag is false. The MediaTrack is not sending any frames.
* @property {String} UNAVAILABLE - The state when the MediaTrack is no longer available or has been disposed.
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const MEDIA_STATE = {
MUTED: 'muted',
ACTIVE: 'active',
STOPPED: 'stopped',
UNAVAILABLE: 'unavailable',
* Media Info keys.
* @typedef MEDIA_INFO
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const MEDIA_INFO = {
PUBLISHER_ID: 'publisherId',
MEDIA_ID: 'mediaId',
MEDIA_TYPE: 'mediaType',
MEDIA_STATE: 'mediaState',
TRANSCEIVER_MID: 'transceiverMid',
MEDIA_META_DATA: 'mediaMetaData',
SIMULCAST: 'simulcast',
STREAM_ID: 'streamId',
* The SDK version.
* @typedef SDK_VERSION
* @type {String}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
export const SDK_VERSION = pkg.version;
* The SDK type.
* @typedef SDK_NAME
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const SDK_NAME = {
WEB: 'Web SDK',
ANDROID: 'Android SDK',
CPP: 'C++ SDK',
* The API version.
* @typedef API_VERSION
* @type {String}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const API_VERSION = '9.0.0';
* select Signaling server version.
* @typedef Signaling_version
* @type {String}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const SIGNALING_VERSION = 'sig-v2';
* The Browser agent type.
* @typedef BROWSER_AGENT
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const BROWSER_AGENT = {
CHROME: 'chrome',
FIREFOX: 'firefox',
SAFARI: 'safari',
REACT_NATIVE: 'react-native',
* The Peer type.
* @typedef PEER_TYPE
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readOnly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const PEER_TYPE = {
* Events dispatched by
* @typedef SOCKET_EVENTS
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readonly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const SOCKET_EVENTS = {
CONNECT: 'connect',
DISCONNECT: 'disconnect',
RECONNECT_ATTEMPT: 'reconnect_attempt',
RECONNECT_SUCCESS: 'reconnect_success',
RECONNECT_FAILED: 'reconnect_failed',
RECONNECT_ERROR: 'reconnect_error',
MESSAGE: 'message',
ERROR: 'error',
* Socket types
* @typedef SOCKET_TYPE
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readonly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const SOCKET_TYPE = {
POLLING: 'Polling',
WEBSOCKET: 'WebSocket',
XHR_POLLING: 'xhr-polling',
JSONP_POLLING: 'jsonp-polling',
* The state of the SDK.
* @typedef STATES
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @constant
* @readonly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.0
export const STATES = {
* The name of the config
* @type {{PEER_CONNECTION: string, SOCKET: string}}
* @private
* @constant
* @readonly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.2.3
export const CONFIG_NAME = {
* The negotiation states for the negotiation state machine
* @private
* @constant
* @readonly
* @memberOf SkylinkConstants
* @since 2.3.3
export const NEGOTIATION_STATES = {
ENTERING: 'entering',
WELCOMING: 'welcoming',
LOCAL_OFFER_SENT: 'localOfferSent',
LOCAL_OFFER_SET: ' localOfferSet',
REMOTE_OFFER_RECEIVED: 'remoteOfferReceived',
REMOTE_ANSWER_RECEIVED: 'remoteAnswerReceived',
REMOTE_OFFER_SET: 'remoteOfferSet',
LOCAL_ANSWER_SET: 'localAnswerSet',
REMOTE_ANSWER_SET: 'remoteAnswerSet',
NEGOTIATED: 'negotiated',
export const EVENTS = SkylinkEventsConstants;