SKYLINKConnectionFileTransferDelegate Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | SKYLINKConnection.h SKYLINKProtocol.h |
– connection:didReceiveFileTransferRequest:isPublic:remotePeerId:
Called upon receiving a request to accept a File from remote Peer.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didReceiveFileTransferRequest:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName isPublic:(BOOL)isPublic remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
fileName |
The name of the file in request. |
isPublic |
accessibility of file. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didReceiveFileTransferResponse:fileName:remotePeerId:
Called upon receiving a response to our request to send a File to remote Peer.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didReceiveFileTransferResponse:(BOOL)wasAccepted fileName:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
wasAccepted |
Flag to specify whether the request was accepted. |
fileName |
The name of the file in request. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didDropFileTransfer:message:isExplicit:remotePeerId:
Called when receive signal that File transfer was stopped before completing.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didDropFileTransfer:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName message:(null_unspecified NSString *)message isExplicit:(BOOL)isExplicit remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
fileName |
The name of the file in request. |
message |
The message specifying reason for the file transfer drop. |
isExplicit |
Flag to specify whether the transfer was halted explicity by the sender. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didUpdateFileTransferSendingProgress:fileName:remotePeerId:
Called upon every file transfer progress update.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didUpdateFileTransferSendingProgress:(CGFloat)percentage fileName:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
percentage |
The perccentage representing the progress of the transfer (CGFloat from 0 to 1). |
fileName |
The name of the file in transmission. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer thie file is sent to or received from. |
Alternatively, if many of your objects need to get these informations, it can register to the notification with identifier: @“SKYLINKFileProgress”.
Declared In
– connection:didUpdateFileTransferReceivingProgress:fileName:remotePeerId:
Called upon every file transfer progress update.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didUpdateFileTransferReceivingProgress:(CGFloat)percentage fileName:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
percentage |
The perccentage representing the progress of the transfer (CGFloat from 0 to 1). |
fileName |
The name of the file in transmission. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer thie file is sent to or received from. |
Alternatively, if many of your objects need to get these informations, it can register to the notification with identifier: @“SKYLINKFileProgress”.
Declared In
– connection:didCompleteFileTransferSending:remotePeerId:
Called upon receiving signal that our sending of a File to remote Peer is complete.
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didCompleteFileTransferSending:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
fileName |
The name of the file in request. |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didCompleteFileTransferReceiving:fileData:fileSavePath:remotePeerId:
Called upon receiving signal that our receipt of a File from remote Peer is complete
- (void)connection:(nonnull SKYLINKConnection *)connection didCompleteFileTransferReceiving:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileName fileData:(null_unspecified NSData *)fileData fileSavePath:(null_unspecified NSString *)fileSavePath remotePeerId:(null_unspecified NSString *)remotePeerId
connection |
The underlying connection object |
fileName |
The name of the file in request |
fileData |
The data of the received file |
fileSavePath |
The path where the file is saved, it is in the sandbox /tmp folder |
remotePeerId |
The unique id of the peer |
Declared In