public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Main class to connect to the Skylink infrastructure.


Nested Classes
enum SkylinkConnection.SkylinkState Possible states of the SkylinkConnection instance. 
int DEFAULT_DURATION Duration in hours after the start time when the room will be closed by the signalling server.
Public Methods
void acceptFileTransfer(String filePath, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Call this method to accept the file share request from a remote peer.
void cancelFileTransfer(String remotePeerId, boolean forSending, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Call this method to cancel the file share request from/to a remote peer.
void changeLocalMediaState(String mediaId, SkylinkMedia.MediaState newMediaState, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Change the state of the local media and notifies all the peers in the room, including mute/unmute, stop/start the media.
void clearInstance()
Clears all properties of SkylinkConnection instance, including services, config and media objects SkylinkConnection instance remains (not set to null), as per Singleton pattern.
void connectToRoom(String appKey, String secret, String roomName, Object userData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Connects to a room with the default duration of 24 hours and with the current time.
void connectToRoom(String skylinkConnectionString, Object userData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Connects to a room using a SkylinkConnectionString that caller MUST ensure is URL safe.
void createLocalMedia(SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it.
void createLocalMedia(SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it.
void createLocalMedia(SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, VideoCapturer customVideoCapturer, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it.
void destroyLocalMedia(String mediaId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Destroy a specific local media object by media id Result will be informed in onDestroyLocalMedia(SkylinkMedia) if local media is removed successfully OR onReceiveWarning(SkylinkError, HashMap) if local media can not be removed or any error occurs

The destroyed media object is not actually removed from SDK, but the media track is disposed and media state is changed to UNAVAILABLE

void disconnectFromRoom(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Disconnects from the room we are currently in, all local media and SkylinkConnection instance are still kept locally

Once disconnect is complete, onDisconnectFromRoom(SkylinkEvent, String) will be triggered.

String[] getAllCameraNames()
SkylinkCaptureFormat[] getAllCaptureFormats(SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice videoDevice)
Get the possible capture format(s) of the specified camera device in an array.
CameraEnumerator getCameraEnumerator()
Get the CameraEnumerator to use.
String getCameraName(SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice videoDevice)
Get the actual Android camera name for the given SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice.
String getCurrentCameraName()
Get the name of the current camera being used.
SkylinkCaptureFormat getCurrentCaptureFormat()
Return the SkylinkCaptureFormat that is currently being used by the camera.
SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice getCurrentVideoDevice()
Get the current VideoDevice being used.
DataTransferListener getDataTransferListener()
Map<String, String> getEncryptSecretsMap()
Get the encryption secret map set in the SDK, if any.
FileTransferListener getFileTransferListener()
void getInputVideoResolution(String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.InputVideoResolution callback)
Get the current resolution of the input video being captured by the local camera or local screen and the SkylinkCaptureFormat used.
synchronized static SkylinkConnection getInstance()
LifeCycleListener getLifeCycleListener()
String getLocalPeerId()
Get our PeerId, or return null if not available.
MediaListener getMediaListener()
MessagesListener getMessagesListener()
OsListener getOsListener()
String[] getPeerIdList()
Return a String array of PeerIds of connected Peers, including selfPeer.
void getReceivedTransferSpeed(String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.TransferSpeed callback)
Request for the instantaneous receiving transfer speed(s) of a remote media track, at the moment of request.
void getReceivedVideoResolution(String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.ReceivedVideoResolution callback)
Get the current resolution of the video received from a specific Peer.
void getReceivedWebRtcStats(String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.WebRtcStats callback)
Request for WebRTC statistics of the specified remote media track which we are receiving from remote peer Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveWebRtcStats(HashMap)
RecordingListener getRecordingListener()
RemotePeerListener getRemotePeerListener()
String getRoomId()
Provides the room ID of the room currently connected to.
String getSelectedSecretId()
Get the secretId of the secret to use when SDK needs to perform encryption.
void getSentTransferSpeed(String mediaId, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback.TransferSpeed callback)
Request for the instantaneous sending transfer speed(s) of a local media track to a specific remote peer, at the moment of request.
void getSentVideoResolution(String remotePeerId, String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.SentVideoResolution callback)
Get the current resolution of the video being sent to a specific Peer.
void getSentWebRtcStats(String mediaId, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback.WebRtcStats callback)
Request for WebRTC statistics of the specified local media track which streams to a specific remote peer Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveWebRtcStats(HashMap)
SkylinkMedia getSkylinkMedia(String mediaId)
Get a specific SkylinkMedia based on mediaId, applied for both local and remote media
List<SkylinkMedia> getSkylinkMediaList(SkylinkMedia.MediaType mediaType, String peerId)
Get a list of SkylinkMedia objects based on media type and peer id
SkylinkConnection.SkylinkState getSkylinkState()
Gets the current SkylinkState of the current SkylinkConnection instance.
static String getSkylinkVersion()
Gets the version of this Skylink SDK for Android as a String, for e.g.
void getStoredMessages(SkylinkCallback.StoredMessages callback)
Get the current list of message(s) stored on server.
UserInfo getUserInfo(String peerId)
Retrieves the UserInfo object of a Peer, including user data.
void init(SkylinkConfig config, Context applicationContext, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Initialize a SkylinkConnection instance with the specified parameters.
boolean isEnableLogs()
Checks if logging is enabled for SDK.
boolean isMessagePersist()
Checks whether the next public server message sent should be persisted, as described at setMessagePersist(boolean).
boolean isMultiTrackCreateEnable()
Check the SDK currently supports for multitracks or not.
boolean isRecording()
Checks if we are currently performing recording.
boolean isRoomLocked()
Checks if the room is locked.
void lockRoom(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Locks the room if it is not locked
boolean processActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
Process Android Intent based permission result received by App via Android callback, int, Intent).
boolean processPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults)
Process Android Runtime permission result received by App via Android callback
void refreshConnection(String remotePeerId, boolean doIceRestart, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Refreshes a connection with a specific peer or all connections with peers in room.
void rejectFileTransfer(String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Call this method to reject the file share request from a remote peer.
void sendData(byte[] data, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Sends a byte array to a specified remotePeer or to all remote peers in the room.
void sendFileTransfer(String filePath, String fileName, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Sends request(s) to share file with a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in the same room.
void sendLocalUserData(Object localUserData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Sends local user data related to oneself, to all remote peers in our room.
void sendP2PMessage(Object message, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner.
void sendServerMessage(Object message, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers via a server.
void setDataTransferListener(DataTransferListener dataTransferListener)
Sets the specified data transfer listener object.
void setEnableLogs(boolean enableLogs)
Sets if logging should be enabled for SDK.
void setEncryptSecretsMap(Map encryptSecretsMap)
Set a key value map of secretId and encryption secret for generating key for SDK encryption.
void setFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener fileTransferListener)
Sets the specified file transfer listener object.
void setInputVideoResolution(String mediaId, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Change the current captured video track of a specific SkylinkMedia to the specified resolution, and the specified resolution will be set into SkylinkConfig.
void setLifeCycleListener(LifeCycleListener lifeCycleListener)
Sets the specified life cycle listener object.
void setMediaListener(MediaListener mediaListener)
Sets the specified media listener object that will receive callbacks related to Media Stream.
void setMessagePersist(boolean toPersist)
Sets whether the next public server message sent should be persisted on Temasys server.
void setMessagesListener(MessagesListener messagesListener)
Sets the specified messages listener object.
void setOsListener(OsListener osListener)
Sets the specified OS listener object.
void setRecordingListener(RecordingListener recordingListener)
void setRemotePeerListener(RemotePeerListener remotePeerListener)
Sets the specified remote peer listener object.
void setSelectedSecretId(String secretId)
Set the secretId of the secret to use when SDK needs to perform encryption.
void startRecording(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Start recording if conditions allows: - We must be using Skylink Media Relay.
void stopRecording(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Stop recording if conditions allows: - We must be already be recording.
void switchCamera(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Call this method to switch between available cameras.
void unlockRoom(SkylinkCallback errorCallback)
Unlocks the room if it is already locked
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int DEFAULT_DURATION

Duration in hours after the start time when the room will be closed by the signalling server.

Constant Value: 24 (0x00000018)

Public Methods

public void acceptFileTransfer (String filePath, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Call this method to accept the file share request from a remote peer. This can be only process if config has file transfer

filePath The absolute path of the file where we want it to be saved locally.
remotePeerId The id of the remote peer that requested to share with us a file.
errorCallback The error callback if the process failed. Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void cancelFileTransfer (String remotePeerId, boolean forSending, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Call this method to cancel the file share request from/to a remote peer. Note: This function is not yet supported in Skylink v2.0.0

remotePeerId The id of the remote peer that requested to share with us a file.
forSending The flag to distinguish for cancelling a file from sender or from receiver
errorCallback The error callback if the process failed.

public void changeLocalMediaState (String mediaId, SkylinkMedia.MediaState newMediaState, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Change the state of the local media and notifies all the peers in the room, including mute/unmute, stop/start the media.

For MUTED: mute the local media, however, black frames will still be transferred to the remote peers. For e.g. remote peer will receive black frame video from self peer

For STOPPED: stops the local media resource like media capturer, so no media content will be captured or transferred to the remote peers. When media is toggled to stopped, media device is accessible by other apps, for e.g. camera can be used to take pictures by other apps. Toggling media off and on is a little bit slower than muting and unmuting

Method will trigger errorCallback.onError if an error occurs, for e.g. with: MEDIA_STATE_CHANGE_FAILED if local media is not available.

mediaId The getMediaId() of the SkylinkMedia to operate on. If null, operation will apply on all local media.
newMediaState The new state for the local media, only accept these values: ACTIVE for unmute media or restart media, MUTED for mute media, STOPPED for stop media
errorCallback The error callback for the user to know the result of processing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void clearInstance ()

Clears all properties of SkylinkConnection instance, including services, config and media objects SkylinkConnection instance remains (not set to null), as per Singleton pattern. It should not be done if SkylinkConnection is expected to continue to operate in the current configuration. This should be called when SkylinkConnection is not expected to be used any more in the current application, or if the user wants to apply a different SkylinkConfig for the SkylinkSDK. To reuse the SkylinkConnection instance after this process, please use init(SkylinkConfig, Context, SkylinkCallback) to create a new session.

public void connectToRoom (String appKey, String secret, String roomName, Object userData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Connects to a room with the default duration of 24 hours and with the current time. Local media will not be started by this method. To create local media, call createLocalMedia(SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice, Object, SkylinkCallback). It is encouraged to use the method connectToRoom(String, Object, SkylinkCallback) If process is failed, the detail error will be return in errorCallback if it was provided and result callback onConnectToRoomFailed(String) will be triggered If process is successful, the result callback LifeCycleListener#onConnectToRoomSuccessful() will be triggered

appKey The Nonnull App key from the Skylink Developer Console
secret The Nonnull secret associated with the app key
roomName The Nonnull name of the room connecting to
userData User defined data relating to oneself like userName. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray' or null
errorCallback The error callback if the process failed. Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void connectToRoom (String skylinkConnectionString, Object userData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Connects to a room using a SkylinkConnectionString that caller MUST ensure is URL safe. Local media will not be started by this method. To create local media, call createLocalMedia(SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice, Object, SkylinkCallback). If process is failed, the detail error will be return in errorCallback if it was provided and result callback onConnectToRoomFailed(String) will be triggered If process is successful, the result callback LifeCycleListener#onConnectToRoomSuccessful() will be triggered.

skylinkConnectionString A Nonnull ConnectionString generated with room name, appKey, secret, startTime and duration. This string MUST be URL safe.
userData User defined data relating to oneself like userName. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray' or null
errorCallback The error callback if the process failed. Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void createLocalMedia (SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it. - Media of the same SkylinkMedia.MediaType as SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice is not currently started. Media will be started by default the SDK that matches the SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice provided.

If successful, local media object will be returned in the callback onCreateLocalMedia(SkylinkMedia)

mediaDevice The Nonnull device that will create local media.
mediaMetadata The additional info about the media (eg. media's description or user data of the media) This info will be sent to the remote peers as well May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray' or null
errorCallback The error callback for the user to know the result of processing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void createLocalMedia (SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it. - Media of the same SkylinkMedia.MediaType as SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice is not currently started. Media will be started by default the SDK that matches the SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice provided. If mediaDevice is an VideoDevice, user can input desired width, desired height and desired frameRate for the local video The SDK will try to create the media that most fit the desired input dimension from the user, but sometimes the actual media will be different from the input as WebRTC will adjust the video resolution automatically.

Default values from SkylinkConfig will be used if: - For width or height: If any of them has a negative value, both will get default values. - Fps has a negative value.

If successful, local media object will be returned in the callback onCreateLocalMedia(SkylinkMedia)

mediaDevice The Nonnull device that will create local media.
mediaMetadata The additional info about the media (eg. media's description or user data of the media) This info will be sent to the remote peers as well May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray' or null
width The desired video width in pixel. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
height The desired video height in pixel. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
fps The desired video frameRate in second. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
errorCallback The error callback for the user to know the result of processing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void createLocalMedia (SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice mediaDevice, Object mediaMetadata, VideoCapturer customVideoCapturer, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Create local media using the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice Valid condition for the process are: - SkylinkConfig allows to send it. - Media of the same SkylinkMedia.MediaType as SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice is not currently started. If a custom VideoCapturer is desired, provide an implementation of VideoCapturer. Otherwise, by default the SDK will provide an appropriate VideoCapturer that matches the SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice provided.

If mediaDevice is an VideoDevice, user can input desired width, desired height and desired frameRate for the local video The SDK will try to create the media that most fit the desired input dimension from the user, but sometimes the actual media will be different from the input as WebRTC will adjust the video resolution automatically.

Default values from SkylinkConfig will be used if: - For width or height: If any of them has a negative value, both will get default values. - Fps has a negative value.

If successful, local media object will be returned in the callback onCreateLocalMedia(SkylinkMedia)

mediaDevice The Nonnull device that will create local media.
mediaMetadata The additional info about the media (eg. media's description or user data of the media) This info will be sent to the remote peers as well May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray' or null
customVideoCapturer Set as null if no custom VideoCapturer is desired. If provided, the provided SkylinkConfig.MediaDevice must be the one used by it.
width The desired video width in pixel. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
height The desired video height in pixel. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
fps The desired video frameRate in second. Input negative value if want to use the default setting
errorCallback The error callback for the user to know the result of processing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void destroyLocalMedia (String mediaId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Destroy a specific local media object by media id Result will be informed in onDestroyLocalMedia(SkylinkMedia) if local media is removed successfully OR onReceiveWarning(SkylinkError, HashMap) if local media can not be removed or any error occurs

The destroyed media object is not actually removed from SDK, but the media track is disposed and media state is changed to UNAVAILABLE

mediaId the Nonnull id of the local media
errorCallback The error callback for the user to know the result of processing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void disconnectFromRoom (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Disconnects from the room we are currently in, all local media and SkylinkConnection instance are still kept locally

Once disconnect is complete, onDisconnectFromRoom(SkylinkEvent, String) will be triggered.

To reconnect to the room after this, connectToRoom(String, Object, SkylinkCallback) will have to be called. To start a new SkylinkConnection or change the config, call init(SkylinkConfig, Context, SkylinkCallback) and connectToRoom(String, Object, SkylinkCallback)

errorCallback A callback if unable or unnecessary to disconnect, for e.g., if a disconnect attempt is already in progress, or if we are already disconnected. Can be null if error processing is not required.

public String[] getAllCameraNames ()

  • The list names of cameras available, or null if none available.

public SkylinkCaptureFormat[] getAllCaptureFormats (SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice videoDevice)

Get the possible capture format(s) of the specified camera device in an array. Return null if current VideoDevice is not a defined camera, or if it was not possible to get the capture formats.

videoDevice Use null to specific the current VideoDevice.

public CameraEnumerator getCameraEnumerator ()

Get the CameraEnumerator to use. If Camera2 is supported, use Camera2Enumerator. Otherwise use Camera1Enumerator.

public String getCameraName (SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice videoDevice)

Get the actual Android camera name for the given SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice.

  • null if videoDevice was not a defined camera, including using custom video capturer.

public String getCurrentCameraName ()

Get the name of the current camera being used. If no camera or if a custom VideoCapturer is being used, return null.

public SkylinkCaptureFormat getCurrentCaptureFormat ()

Return the SkylinkCaptureFormat that is currently being used by the camera. Note that the current CaptureFormat may change whenever the video resolution dimensions change.

  • null if there is no CaptureFormat in use now, e.g. if video is not capturing.

public SkylinkConfig.VideoDevice getCurrentVideoDevice ()

Get the current VideoDevice being used. If none are active, return null.

public DataTransferListener getDataTransferListener ()

  • The data transfer listener object.

public Map<String, String> getEncryptSecretsMap ()

Get the encryption secret map set in the SDK, if any.

  • null if there is none.

public FileTransferListener getFileTransferListener ()

  • The file transfer listener object.

public void getInputVideoResolution (String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.InputVideoResolution callback)

Get the current resolution of the input video being captured by the local camera or local screen and the SkylinkCaptureFormat used. If resolution is available, it will be returned in onObtainInputVideoResolution(int, int, int, SkylinkCaptureFormat) asynchronously Note: - Resolution may not always be available, e.g. if no video is captured or mediaId provided is not existing - This might be different from the resolution of the video actually sent to Peers as WebRTC may adjust resolution dynamically to try to match its bandwidth criteria.

mediaId The Nonnull id of the local media object to get resolution
callback the Nonnull callback for result if processing is successful or error if processing is failed

public static synchronized SkylinkConnection getInstance ()

  • Existing instance of SkylinkConnection Object if it exists or a new instance if it doesn't exist.

public LifeCycleListener getLifeCycleListener ()

  • The life cycle listener object.

public String getLocalPeerId ()

Get our PeerId, or return null if not available. Before connecting to the room, the returned result will be "SelfPeer" After connecting to the room, the returned result will be specific self peer id that was generated by the server

public MediaListener getMediaListener ()

  • The media listener object

public MessagesListener getMessagesListener ()

  • The messages listener object.

public OsListener getOsListener ()

  • The OS listener object.

public String[] getPeerIdList ()

Return a String array of PeerIds of connected Peers, including selfPeer. Size of array is number of Peers connected, including self. PeerId of the local user (i.e. ourselves) is "SelfPeer" if we do not yet have a room based PeerId, for e.g. when we are not connected to the room.

  • An array of PeerIds, where the first one is the self PeerId. Null if no PeerId is available.

public void getReceivedTransferSpeed (String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.TransferSpeed callback)

Request for the instantaneous receiving transfer speed(s) of a remote media track, at the moment of request. It is calculated from the WebRTC provided statistics of the specified media track, over a short time interval. Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveTransferSpeed(double)

mediaId Nonnull id of the remote media object to get receiving speed of transferring
callback Nonnull result callback for the transfer speed or error asynchronously

public void getReceivedVideoResolution (String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.ReceivedVideoResolution callback)

Get the current resolution of the video received from a specific Peer. If resolution is available, it will be returned in onObtainReceivedVideoResolution(int, int, int) asynchronously Note: - Resolution may not always be available, e.g. if no video is received or mediaId is invalid.

mediaId The Nonnull id of the remote media object to get resolution
callback The Nonnull callback for result if processing is successful or the error if processing is failed

public void getReceivedWebRtcStats (String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.WebRtcStats callback)

Request for WebRTC statistics of the specified remote media track which we are receiving from remote peer Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveWebRtcStats(HashMap)

mediaId Nonnull id of the remote media object to get stats from remote peer
callback Nonnull result callback for the stats asynchronously

public RecordingListener getRecordingListener ()

  • The recording listener object.

public RemotePeerListener getRemotePeerListener ()

  • The remote peer listener object.

public String getRoomId ()

Provides the room ID of the room currently connected to. This is sometimes also referred to as the meeting ID.

  • The room ID as a String, or null if not available.

public String getSelectedSecretId ()

Get the secretId of the secret to use when SDK needs to perform encryption.

public void getSentTransferSpeed (String mediaId, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback.TransferSpeed callback)

Request for the instantaneous sending transfer speed(s) of a local media track to a specific remote peer, at the moment of request. It is calculated from the WebRTC provided statistics of the specified media track, over a short time interval. Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveTransferSpeed(double)

mediaId Nonnull id of the local media object to get speed of transferring to the remote peer
remotePeerId Nonnull id of the remote peer that local media currently streamed to
callback Nonnull result callback for the transfer speed or error asynchronously

public void getSentVideoResolution (String remotePeerId, String mediaId, SkylinkCallback.SentVideoResolution callback)

Get the current resolution of the video being sent to a specific Peer. If resolution is available, it will be returned in onObtainSentVideoResolution(int, int, int) asynchronously Note: - Resolution may not always be available, e.g. if no video is sent or remote peer id is invalid. - This might be different from the resolution of the video actually captured by camera as WebRTC may adjust resolution dynamically to try to match its bandwidth criteria.

remotePeerId The Nonnull peerId of the remote Peer from whom we want to get sent video resolution.
mediaId The Nonnull id of the local media object to get resolution
callback The Nonnull callback for result if processing is successful or error if processing is failed

public void getSentWebRtcStats (String mediaId, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback.WebRtcStats callback)

Request for WebRTC statistics of the specified local media track which streams to a specific remote peer Result will be delivered via callback onReceiveWebRtcStats(HashMap)

mediaId Nonnull id of the local media object to get stats from remote peer
remotePeerId Nonnull id of the remote peer that local media is currently streams to
callback Nonnull result callback for the stats asynchronously

public SkylinkMedia getSkylinkMedia (String mediaId)

Get a specific SkylinkMedia based on mediaId, applied for both local and remote media

mediaId The Nonnull id of the media
  • SkylinkMedia that match the conditions or null if none matched.

public List<SkylinkMedia> getSkylinkMediaList (SkylinkMedia.MediaType mediaType, String peerId)

Get a list of SkylinkMedia objects based on media type and peer id

mediaType the type of the media if null, taken as ALL TYPES including: AUDIO, AUDIO_MIC, VIDEO, VIDEO_CAMERA, VIDEO_SCREEN, VIDEO_CUSTOM
peerId The id of the peer, can be self peer or remote peer if input self peer id, all local media in given type will be returned if input specific remote peer id, all remote media in given type from that remote peer will be returned if input null, all media including local and remote media in given type will be returned
  • List list of local SkylinkMedia objects in given type from the given peer id - If peerId is selfPeer id or null, the result list may contain all SkylinkMedia objects (including both available and unavailable object that was removed before) in the given mediaType - Return null if not matched input values (like invalid peerId or no media was created in provided mediaType)

public SkylinkConnection.SkylinkState getSkylinkState ()

Gets the current SkylinkState of the current SkylinkConnection instance.


public static String getSkylinkVersion ()

Gets the version of this Skylink SDK for Android as a String, for e.g. "0.9.8".

public void getStoredMessages (SkylinkCallback.StoredMessages callback)

Get the current list of message(s) stored on server. Notes: - To use this function, Persistent Message must be active on Temasys console. - Each message stored correspond to a message sent successfully with setMessagePersist(boolean) or the corresponding API from other Skylink SDKs.

callback Callback for results and/or errors.

public UserInfo getUserInfo (String peerId)

Retrieves the UserInfo object of a Peer, including user data.

peerId The PeerId of the peer whose UserInfo is to be retrieved, or NULL for self.
  • UserInfo

public void init (SkylinkConfig config, Context applicationContext, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Initialize a SkylinkConnection instance with the specified parameters. Any Listeners set before will be removed (i.e. set to null). Any media resources was used before will be removed to start a new session. Can only be done while disconnected from room.

config The SkylinkConfig object to configure the necessary information for SDK.
applicationContext The Android ApplicationContext.
errorCallback The callback for error if the process is failed

public boolean isEnableLogs ()

Checks if logging is enabled for SDK.

  • true if debug log is enable

public boolean isMessagePersist ()

Checks whether the next public server message sent should be persisted, as described at setMessagePersist(boolean).

public boolean isMultiTrackCreateEnable ()

Check the SDK currently supports for multitracks or not.

  • true if it supports multitracks (eg., more than 1 video at a time) false if its capability are only 1 audio and 1 video at a time

public boolean isRecording ()

Checks if we are currently performing recording. Notes: - Recording status may change immediately after query. - If recording was on and we just tried to stop recording, it would be considered as recording is still on, even if the Recording Server had stopped recording, but whose signal had yet to reach us. This is to avoid accidental recording of unintended material when a user believed that recording had stopped before it actually does.

  • True if recording, false otherwise.

public boolean isRoomLocked ()

Checks if the room is locked.

  • True if room is locked, false otherwise.

public void lockRoom (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Locks the room if it is not locked

errorCallback the error callback if the process is failed. For eg, the room is already locked Can be null if error processing is not required.

public boolean processActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)

Process Android Intent based permission result received by App via Android callback, int, Intent). The permission request may or may not have been prompted by the Skylink SDK.

  • If it was, the SDK will take actions depending on whether permission requested was granted.
  • If it was not, the SDK will not process the permission results and will return false. The user should then process the permission result in the App.

requestCode The requestCode in the Android callback.
resultCode The resultCode in the Android callback.
data The Intent data in the Android callback.
  • True if requestCode is recognised by SDK.

public boolean processPermissionsResult (int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults)

Process Android Runtime permission result received by App via Android callback The permission request may or may not have been prompted by the Skylink SDK.

  • If it was, the SDK will take actions depending on whether permission requested was granted.
  • If it was not, the SDK will not process the permission results and will return false. The user should then process the permission result in the App.

requestCode The requestCode in the Android callback.
permissions The permissions in the Android callback.
grantResults The grantResults in the Android callback.
  • True if requestCode is recognised by SDK.

public void refreshConnection (String remotePeerId, boolean doIceRestart, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Refreshes a connection with a specific peer or all connections with peers in room. Able to indicate preference for ICE restart. ICE will only restart if both the Peers of the connection being restarted allow ICE restart. Note that when Skylink Media Relay is active: - Refresh will be done with all Peers, even if a specific remotePeerId was provided. - ICE restart will not occur, even if it was set to true.

remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will refresh connection. Use 'null' if refresh is to be done with all our remote peers in the room.
doIceRestart Specify if ICE restart should be performed. ICE restart is recommended if network conditions had changed, for e.g. a different network is used.
errorCallback the callback for error if process is failed if has error in processing, the callback will include the remote peer id that has failed for refreshing Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void rejectFileTransfer (String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Call this method to reject the file share request from a remote peer. This can be only process if config has file transfer

remotePeerId The id of the remote peer that requested to share with us a file.
errorCallback The error callback if the process failed.

public void sendData (byte[] data, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Sends a byte array to a specified remotePeer or to all remote peers in the room. The byte array cannot be null, and its maximum size is 65456 bytes.

The data transfer can only be processed if config has dataTransfer

Notes: - This operation is currently not supported with Skylink Media Relay. - This operation is currently only supported between Skylink Mobile SDKs (Android and iOS)

data Array of bytes
remotePeerId remotePeerID of a specified peer or null if sending for all remote peers in the room
errorCallback The error callback if the process has error Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void sendFileTransfer (String filePath, String fileName, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Sends request(s) to share file with a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in the same room. Only 1 file may be sent to the same Peer at the same time. Sending and receiving concurrently with a non-Mobile (e.g. Web or C++) Peer is not supported. Filename is the actual filename sent to remote user, may differ from local filename. If filename is null, the actual filename in the filePath will be used.

The file transfer can only be processed if config has fileTransfer

Notes: - This operation is currently not supported with Skylink Media Relay.

filePath The absolute path of the file in the file system
fileName The name of the file that is to be shared.
remotePeerId The id of the remote peer to send the file to. Use 'null' if the file is to be sent to all remote peers in the room.
errorCallback The nullable callback for error if processing is failed Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void sendLocalUserData (Object localUserData, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Sends local user data related to oneself, to all remote peers in our room.

localUserData User defined data relating to the peer like userName. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
errorCallback the callback for error if the process is failed Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void sendP2PMessage (Object message, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers in a direct peer to peer manner. This can be only processed if config has hasP2PMessaging

message User defined data. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will send a message. Use 'null' if the message is to be sent to all our remote peers in the room.
errorCallback the error callback if the process is failed Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void sendServerMessage (Object message, String remotePeerId, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Sends a user defined message to a specific remote peer or to all remote peers via a server. To send an encrypted message, ensure that a valid secret and secretId has been provided and selected via setEncryptSecretsMap(Map) and setSelectedSecretId(String). To be able to decrypt this message, the receiver must have the same secret and secretId set via their setEncryptSecretsMap(Map) or the corresponding API from other Skylink SDKs.

message User defined data. May be a 'java.lang.String', 'org.json.JSONObject' or 'org.json.JSONArray'.
remotePeerId Id of the remote peer to whom we will send a message. Use 'null' if the message is to be public, i.e. broadcast to all remote peers in the room.
errorCallback the error callback if can not send message Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void setDataTransferListener (DataTransferListener dataTransferListener)

Sets the specified data transfer listener object.

dataTransferListener The data transfer listener object that will receive callbacks related to DataTransfer

public void setEnableLogs (boolean enableLogs)

Sets if logging should be enabled for SDK. By default, logging is disabled for released SDK. Enabling logs might be useful for debugging as the SDK will be logged in detail

enableLogs True/false to enable/disable logs.

public void setEncryptSecretsMap (Map encryptSecretsMap)

Set a key value map of secretId and encryption secret for generating key for SDK encryption. Each secretId must be a unique and non-empty string. A secret with a secretId that is null or an empty string will not be used.

encryptSecretsMap a key value map of secretId and encryption secret

public void setFileTransferListener (FileTransferListener fileTransferListener)

Sets the specified file transfer listener object.

fileTransferListener The file transfer listener object that will receive callbacks related to FileTransfer

public void setInputVideoResolution (String mediaId, int width, int height, int fps, SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Change the current captured video track of a specific SkylinkMedia to the specified resolution, and the specified resolution will be set into SkylinkConfig. Non-camera supported resolution can be accepted, but a camera supported resolution will be used when opening camera. There is no guarantee that a specific camera resolution will be maintained as WebRTC may adjust the resolution dynamically to match its bandwidth criteria.

mediaId Nonnull id of the local media object to set resolution
width the video width to be set
height the video height to be set
fps the video frame rate to be set
errorCallback the callback for error in processing

public void setLifeCycleListener (LifeCycleListener lifeCycleListener)

Sets the specified life cycle listener object.

lifeCycleListener The life cycle listener object that will receive callbacks related to the SDK's Lifecycle.

public void setMediaListener (MediaListener mediaListener)

Sets the specified media listener object that will receive callbacks related to Media Stream.

Callbacks include those for the local user and remote peers.

mediaListener The media listener object

public void setMessagePersist (boolean toPersist)

Sets whether the next public server message sent should be persisted on Temasys server. For the message to be persisted (i.e. stored), all of the following are also required: - Persistent Message is active on Temasys console. - A valid secretId has been selected via setSelectedSecretId(String). - The message content was successfully encrypted.

public void setMessagesListener (MessagesListener messagesListener)

Sets the specified messages listener object.

messagesListener The messages listener object that will receive callbacks related to Message Transmissions.

public void setOsListener (OsListener osListener)

Sets the specified OS listener object.

osListener The OS listener object that will receive callbacks related to Android OS operations.

public void setRecordingListener (RecordingListener recordingListener)

recordingListener The RecordingListener object that will receive callbacks related to recording.

public void setRemotePeerListener (RemotePeerListener remotePeerListener)

Sets the specified remote peer listener object.

remotePeerListener The remote peer listener object that will receive callbacks related to remote Peers.

public void setSelectedSecretId (String secretId)

Set the secretId of the secret to use when SDK needs to perform encryption. Set to null to not perform encryption. No change in the SDK will occur if an empty string is provided, as that is not a valid secretId.

public void startRecording (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Start recording if conditions allows: - We must be using Skylink Media Relay. - Recording should not be already started. - We should not have just tried to start recording.

Actual start of recording will be notified via onStartRecording(String)

errorCallback the error callback if process is failed Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void stopRecording (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Stop recording if conditions allows: - We must be already be recording. - We should not have just tried to stop recording.

Actual stop of recording will be notified via onStopRecording(String)

errorCallback the error callback if process is failed Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void switchCamera (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Call this method to switch between available cameras. On successful operation, camera switched to will be delivered via callback at onReceiveInfo(SkylinkInfo, HashMap) with possible SkylinkInfo: -- CAM_OPEN_FRONT. -- CAM_OPEN_NON_FRONT.

errorCallback The error callback if the process failed. Can be null if error processing is not required.

public void unlockRoom (SkylinkCallback errorCallback)

Unlocks the room if it is already locked

errorCallback the error callback if the process is failed. For eg, the room is currently unlocked Can be null if error processing is not required.