File: source/room-init.js

 * Function that generates an <a href="">UUID</a> (Unique ID).
 * @method generateUUID
 * @return {String} Returns a generated UUID (Unique ID).
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.9
/* jshint ignore:start */
Skylink.prototype.generateUUID = function() {
  var d = new Date().getTime();
  var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
    var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
    d = Math.floor(d / 16);
    return (c === 'x' ? r : (r && 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16);
  return uuid;
/* jshint ignore:end */

 * Function that authenticates and initialises App Key used for Room connections.
 * @method init
 * @param {JSON|String} options The configuration options.
 * - When provided as a string, it's configured as <code>options.appKey</code>.
 * @param {String} options.appKey The App Key.
 *   <small>By default, <code>init()</code> uses [HTTP CORS](
 *   authentication. For credentials based authentication, see the <code>options.credentials</code> configuration
 *   below. You can know more about the <a href="
 * 12000002712-authenticating-your-application-key-to-start-a-connection">in the authentication methods article here</a>
 *   for more details on the various authentication methods.</small>
 *   <small>If you are using the Persistent Room feature for scheduled meetings, you will require to
 *   use the credential based authentication. See the <a href="
 * /solutions/articles/12000002811-using-the-persistent-room-feature-to-configure-meetings">Persistent Room article here
 *   </a> for more information.</small>
 * @param {String} [options.defaultRoom] The default Room to connect to when no <code>room</code> parameter
 *    is provided in  <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.
 * - When not provided or is provided as an empty string, its value is <code>options.appKey</code>.
 *   <small>Note that switching Rooms is not available when using <code>options.credentials</code> based authentication.
 *   The Room that User will be connected to is the <code>defaultRoom</code> provided.</small>
 * @param {String} [options.roomServer] The Auth server for debugging purposes to use.
 *   <small>Note that this is a debugging feature and is only used when instructed for debugging purposes.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableIceTrickle=true] The flag if Peer connections should
 *   trickle ICE for faster connectivity.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableStatsGathering=true] Configure the anonymous performance and connectivity statistic collection function.
 *   Temasys collects encrypted, anonymous performance and connectivity statistics to allow us to improve performance for our customers and identify regional or ISP specific connectivity issues.
 *   This data does not contain any personal information or session content.
 *   To enable the configuration of this option, you need to "Collect Quality Statistics" option on the Temasys console Website under App key settings section. The default behavior for this option if not specifically configured is true.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableDataChannel=true] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that for Edge browsers, this value is overriden as <code>false</code> due to its supports.
 *   </blockquote> The flag if Datachannel connections should be enabled.
 *   <small>This is required to be enabled for <a href="#method_sendBlobData"><code>sendBlobData()</code> method</a>,
 *   <a href="#method_sendURLData"><code>sendURLData()</code> method</a> and
 *   <a href="#method_sendP2PMessage"><code>sendP2PMessage()</code> method</a>.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableTURNServer=true] The flag if TURN ICE servers should
 *   be used when constructing Peer connections to allow TURN connections when required and enabled for the App Key.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableSTUNServer=true] The flag if STUN ICE servers should
 *   be used when constructing Peer connections to allow TURN connections when required.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.forceTURN=false] The flag if Peer connections should enforce
 *   connections over the TURN server.
 *   <small>This overrides <code>options.enableTURNServer</code> value to <code>true</code> and
 *   <code>options.enableSTUNServer</code> value to <code>false</code>, <code></code>
 *   value to <code>true</code>, <code>options.filterCandidatesType.srflx</code> value to <code>true</code> and
 *   <code>options.filterCandidatesType.relay</code> value to <code>false</code>.</small>
 *   <small>Note that currently for MCU enabled Peer connections, the <code>options.filterCandidatesType</code>
 *   configuration is not honoured as Peers connected with MCU is similar as a forced TURN connection. The flags
 *   will act as if the value is <code>false</code> and ICE candidates will never be filtered regardless of the
 *   <code>options.filterCandidatesType</code> configuration.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.usePublicSTUN=false] The flag if publicly available STUN ICE servers should
 *   be used if <code>options.enableSTUNServer</code> is enabled.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.TURNServerTransport] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that configuring the protocol may not necessarily result in the desired network transports protocol
 *   used in the actual TURN network traffic as it depends which protocol the browser selects and connects with.
 *   This simply configures the TURN ICE server urls <code?transport=(protocol)</code> query option when constructing
 *   the Peer connection. When all protocols are selected, the ICE servers urls are duplicated with all protocols.<br>
 *   Note that for Edge browsers, this value is overriden as <code>UDP</code> due to its supports.
 *   </blockquote> The option to configure the <code>?transport=</code>
 *   query parameter in TURN ICE servers when constructing a Peer connections.
 * - When not provided, its value is <code>ANY</code>.
 *   [Rel: Skylink.TURN_TRANSPORT]
 * @param {Boolean} [options.disableVideoFecCodecs=false] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is an experimental flag and may cause disruptions in connections or connectivity issues when toggled,
 *   and to prevent connectivity issues, these codecs will not be removed for MCU enabled Peer connections.
 *   </blockquote> The flag if video FEC (Forward Error Correction)
 *   codecs like ulpfec and red should be removed in sending session descriptions.
 *   <small>This can be useful for debugging purposes to prevent redundancy and overheads in RTP encoding.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.disableComfortNoiseCodec=false] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is an experimental flag and may cause disruptions in connections or connectivity issues when toggled.
 *   </blockquote> The flag if audio
 *   <a href="">Comfort Noise (CN)</a> codec should be removed
 *   in sending session descriptions.
 *   <small>This can be useful for debugging purposes to test preferred audio quality and feedback.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.disableREMB=false] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is mainly used for debugging purposes and that it is an experimental flag, so
 *   it may cause disruptions in connections or connectivity issues when toggled. </blockquote>
 *   The flag if video REMB feedback packets should be disabled in sending session descriptions.
 * @param {JSON} [options.credentials] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that we strongly recommend developers to return the <code>options.credentials.duration</code>,
 *   <code>options.credentials.startDateTime</code> and <code>options.defaultRoom</code> and generate the
 *   <code>options.credentials.credentials</code> from a web server as secret shouldn't be exposed on client web app as
 *   it poses a security risk itself.</blockquote>
 *   The credentials used for authenticating App Key with
 *   credentials to retrieve the Room session token used for connection in <a href="#method_joinRoom">
 *   <code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.
 *   <small>Note that switching of Rooms is not allowed when using credentials based authentication, unless
 *   <code>init()</code> is invoked again with a different set of credentials followed by invoking
 *   the <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.</small>
 * @param {String} options.credentials.startDateTime The credentials User session in Room starting DateTime
 *   in <a href="">ISO 8601 format</a>.
 * @param {Number} options.credentials.duration The credentials User session in Room duration in hours.
 * @param {String} options.credentials.credentials The generated credentials used to authenticate
 *   the provided App Key with its <code>"secret"</code> property.
 *   <blockquote class="details"><h5>To generate the credentials:</h5><ol>
 *   <li>Concatenate a string that consists of the Room name you provide in the <code>options.defaultRoom</code>,
 *   the <code>options.credentials.duration</code> and the <code>options.credentials.startDateTime</code>.
 *   <small>Example: <code>var concatStr = defaultRoom + "_" + duration + "_" + startDateTime;</code></small></li>
 *   <li>Hash the concatenated string with the App Key <code>"secret"</code> property using
 *   <a href="">SHA-1</a>.
 *   <small>Example: <code>var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(concatStr, appKeySecret);</code></small>
 *   <small>See the <a href=""><code>CryptoJS.HmacSHA1</code> library</a>.</small></li>
 *   <li>Encode the hashed string using <a href="">base64</a>
 *   <small>Example: <code>var b64Str = hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);</code></small>
 *   <small>See the <a href="">CryptoJS.enc.Base64</a> library</a>.</small></li>
 *   <li>Encode the base64 encoded string to replace special characters using UTF-8 encoding.
 *   <small>Example: <code>var credentials = encodeURIComponent(base64String);</code></small>
 *   <small>See <a href="
 * Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent">encodeURIComponent() API</a>.</small></li></ol></blockquote>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.audioFallback=false] The flag if <a href="#method_getUserMedia">
 *   <code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a> should fallback to retrieve only audio Stream when
 *   retrieving audio and video Stream fails.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.forceSSL=true] The flag if HTTPS connections should be enforced
 *   during request to Auth server and socket connections to Signaling server
 *   when accessing <code>window.location.protocol</code> value is <code>"http:"</code>.
 *   <small>By default, <code>"https:"</code> protocol connections uses HTTPS connections.</small>
 * @param {String|JSON} [options.audioCodec] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that if the audio codec is not supported, the SDK will not configure the local <code>"offer"</code> or
 *   <code>"answer"</code> session description to prefer the codec.<br>
 *   Note that for Edge browsers, this value is set as <code>OPUS</code> due to its supports.</blockquote>
 *   The option to configure the preferred audio codec to use to encode sending audio data when available for Peer connection.
 * - When not provided, its value is <code>AUTO</code>.
 *   [Rel: Skylink.AUDIO_CODEC]
 * @param {String} options.audioCodec.codec The audio codec to prefer to encode sending audio data when available.
 *   <small>The value must not be <code>AUTO</code>.</small>
 *   [Rel: Skylink.AUDIO_CODEC]
 * @param {Number} [options.audioCodec.samplingRate] The audio codec sampling to prefer to encode sending audio data when available.
 * @param {Number} [options.audioCodec.channels] The audio codec channels to prefer to encode sending audio data when available.
 * @param {String|JSON} [options.videoCodec] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that if the video codec is not supported, the SDK will not configure the local <code>"offer"</code> or
 *   <code>"answer"</code> session description to prefer the codec.<br>
 *   Note that for Edge browsers, this value is set as <code>H264</code> due to its supports.</blockquote>
 *   The option to configure the preferred video codec to use to encode sending video data when available for Peer connection.
 * - When not provided, its value is <code>AUTO</code>.
 *   [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_CODEC]
 * @param {String} options.videoCodec.codec The video codec to prefer to encode sending audio data when available.
 *   <small>The value must not be <code>AUTO</code>.</small>
 *   [Rel: Skylink.VIDEO_CODEC]
 * @param {Number} [options.videoCodec.samplingRate] The video codec sampling to prefer to encode sending video data when available.
 * @param {Number} [options.socketTimeout=7000] The timeout for each attempts for socket connection
 *   with the Signaling server to indicate that connection has timed out and has failed to establish.
 *   <small>Note that the mininum timeout value is <code>5000</code>. If less, this value will be <code>5000</code>.</small>
 *   <small>Note that it is recommended to use <code>7000</code> as the lowest timeout value if Peers are connecting
 *   using Polling transports to prevent connection errors.</small>
 * @param {Number} [options.apiTimeout=4000] The timeout to wait for response from Auth server.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.forceTURNSSL=false] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that currently Firefox does not support the TURNS protocol, and that if TURNS is required,
 *   TURN ICE servers using port <code>443</code> will be used instead.<br>
 *   Note that for Edge browsers, this value is overriden as <code>false</code> due to its supports and
 *   only port <code>3478</code> is used.</blockquote>
 *   The flag if TURNS protocol should be used when <code>options.enableTURNServer</code> is enabled.
 * @param {JSON} [options.filterCandidatesType] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this a debugging feature and there might be connectivity issues when toggling these flags.
 *   </blockquote> The configuration options to filter the type of ICE candidates sent and received.
 * @param {Boolean} [] The flag if local network ICE candidates should be filtered out.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.filterCandidatesType.srflx=false] The flag if STUN ICE candidates should be filtered out.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.filterCandidatesType.relay=false] The flag if TURN ICE candidates should be filtered out.
 * @param {JSON} [options.throttleIntervals] The configuration options to configure the throttling method timeouts.
 * @param {Number} [options.throttleIntervals.shareScreen=10000] The interval timeout for
 *   <a href="#method_shareScreen"><code>shareScreen()</code> method</a> throttling in milliseconds.
 * @param {Number} [options.throttleIntervals.getUserMedia=0] The interval timeout for
 *   <a href="#method_getUserMedia"><code>getUserMedia()</code> method</a> throttling in milliseconds.
 * @param {Number} [options.throttleIntervals.refreshConnection=5000] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this throttling is only done for MCU enabled Peer connections with the
 *   <code>options.mcuUseRenegoRestart</code> being set to <code>false</code>.
 *   </blockquote> The interval timeout for <a href="#method_refreshConnection">
 *   <code>refreshConnection()</code> method</a> throttling in milliseconds.
 *   <small>Note that there will be no throttling when <a href="#method_refreshConnection">
 *   <code>refreshConnection()</code> method</a> is called internally.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [options.throttleShouldThrowError=false] The flag if throttled methods should throw errors when
 *   method is invoked less than the interval timeout value configured in <code>options.throttleIntervals</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.mcuUseRenegoRestart=true] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this feature is currently is beta and for any enquiries on enabling and its support, please
 *   contact <a href="">our support portal</a>.</blockquote>
 *   The flag if <a href="#method_refreshConnection"><code>
 *   refreshConnection()</code> method</a> should renegotiate like non-MCU enabled Peer connection for MCU
 *   enabled Peer connections instead of invoking <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> again.
 * @param {String|Array} [options.iceServer] The ICE servers for debugging purposes to use.
 *   - When defined as string, the value is considered as <code>[options.iceServer]</code>.
 *   <small>Note that this is a debugging feature and is only used when instructed for debugging purposes.</small>
 * @param {String} [options.iceServer.#index] The ICE server url for debugging purposes to use.
 * @param {String|JSON} [options.socketServer] The Signaling server for debugging purposes to use.
 *   - When defined as string, the value is considered as <code>{ url: options.socketServer }</code>.
 *   <small>Note that this is a debugging feature and is only used when instructed for debugging purposes.</small>
 * @param {String} options.socketServer.url The Signaling server URL for debugging purposes to use.
 * @param {Array} [options.socketServer.ports] The list of Signaling server ports for debugging purposes to use.
 *   <small>If not defined, it will use the default list of ports specified.</small>
 * @param {Number} options.socketServer.ports.#index The Signaling server port to fallback and use for debugging purposes.
 * @param {String} [options.socketServer.protocol] The Signaling server protocol for debugging purposes to use.
 *   <small>If not defined, it will use the default protocol specified.</small>
 * @param {JSON} [options.codecParams] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that some of these parameters are mainly used for experimental or debugging purposes. Toggling any of
 *   these feature may result in disruptions in connectivity.</blockquote>
 *   The audio and video codecs parameters to configure.
 * @param {JSON} [] The video codecs parameters to configure.
 * @param {JSON} [] The H264 video codec parameters to configure.
 * @param {String} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only.</blockquote>
 *   The H264 video codec base16 encoded string which indicates the H264 baseline, main, or the extended profiles.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is an experimental parameter which may result in connectivity issues when toggled.</blockquote>
 *   The flag if streaming H264 sending video data should be encoded at a different level
 *   from receiving video data from Peer encoding to User when Peer is the offerer.
 *   <small>If Peer is the offerer instead of the User, the Peer's <code>peerInfo.config.priorityWeight</code> will be
 *   higher than User's <code>peerInfo.config.priorityWeight</code>.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is an experimental parameter which may result in connectivity issues when enabled. It is
 *   advisable to turn off this feature off when receiving H264 decoders do not support the packetization mode,
 *   which may result in a blank receiving video stream.</blockquote>
 *   The flag to enable H264 video codec packetization mode, which splits video frames that are larger
 *   for a RTP packet into RTP packet chunks.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {JSON} [] The VP8 video codec parameters to configure.
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only. Do not toggle this otherwise.</blockquote>
 *   The maximum number of fps (frames per second) that the VP8 video codec decoder is capable of
 *   decoding when receiving encoded video data packets.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only. Do not toggle this otherwise.</blockquote>
 *   The maximum number of frame size macroblocks that the VP8 video codec decoder is capable of
 *   decoding when receiving encoded video data packets.
 *   <small>The value has to have the width and height of the frame in macroblocks less than the value of
 *   <code>parseInt(Math.sqrt(maxFs * 8))</code>. E.g. If the value is <code>1200</code>, it is capable of
 *   support <code>640x480</code> frame width and height, which heights up to <code>1552px</code>
 *   (<code>97</code> macroblocks value.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {JSON} [] The VP9 video codec parameters to configure.
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only. Do not toggle this otherwise.</blockquote>
 *   The maximum number of fps (frames per second) that the VP9 video codec decoder is capable of
 *   decoding when receiving encoded video data packets.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only. Do not toggle this otherwise.</blockquote>
 *   The maximum number of frame size macroblocks that the VP9 video codec decoder is capable of
 *   decoding when receiving encoded video data packets.
 *   <small>The value has to have the width and height of the frame in macroblocks less than the value of
 *   <code>parseInt(Math.sqrt(maxFs * 8))</code>. E.g. If the value is <code>1200</code>, it is capable of
 *   support <code>640x480</code> frame width and height, which heights up to <code>1552px</code>
 *   (<code>97</code> macroblocks value.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {JSON} [] The audio codecs parameters to configure.
 * @param {JSON} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this is only applicable to OPUS audio codecs with a sampling rate of <code>48000</code> Hz (hertz).
 *   </blockquote> The OPUS audio codec parameters to configure.
 * @param {Boolean} [] The flag if OPUS audio codec is able to decode or receive stereo packets.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [] The flag if OPUS audio codec is sending stereo packets.
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this feature might not work depending on the browser support and implementation.</blockquote>
 *   The flag if OPUS audio codec should enable DTX (Discontinuous Transmission) for sending encoded audio data.
 *   <small>This might help to reduce bandwidth as it reduces the bitrate during silence or background noise, and
 *   goes hand-in-hand with the <code>options.voiceActivityDetection</code> flag in <a href="#method_joinRoom">
 *   <code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Boolean} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only.</blockquote>
 *   The flag if OPUS audio codec has the capability to take advantage of the in-band FEC
 *   (Forward Error Correction) when sending encoded audio data.
 *   <small>This helps to reduce the harm of packet loss by encoding information about the previous packet loss.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Number} [] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only.</blockquote>
 *   The OPUS audio codec maximum output sampling rate in Hz (hertz) that is is capable of receiving
 *   decoded audio data, to adjust to the hardware limitations and ensure that any sending audio data
 *   would not encode at a higher sampling rate specified by this.
 *   <small>This value must be between <code>8000</code> to <code>48000</code>.</small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {Number} [options.codecParams.minptime] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only.</blockquote>
 *   The OPUS audio codec receiving audio data decoder minimum length of time in milleseconds should be
 *   encapsulated in a single received encoded audio data packet.
 *   <small>This value must be between <code>3</code> to <code>120</code></small>
 *   <small>When not provided, the default browser configuration is used.</small>
 * @param {String} [options.priorityWeightScheme] <blockquote class="info">
 *   Note that this parameter should only be used for debugging purposes only and may not work when
 *   internals change.</blockquote> The User's priority weight to enforce User as offerer or answerer.
 * - When not provided, its value is <code>AUTO</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.useEdgeWebRTC=false] The flag to use Edge 15.x pre-1.0 WebRTC support.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.enableSimultaneousTransfers=true] The flag to enable simultaneous data transfers.
 * @param {Function} [callback] The callback function fired when request has completed.
 *   <small>Function parameters signature is <code>function (error, success)</code></small>
 *   <small>Function request completion is determined by the <a href="#event_readyStateChange">
 *   <code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> <code>state</code> parameter payload value
 *   as <code>COMPLETED</code> for request success.</small>
 *   [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]
 * @param {JSON|String} callback.error The error result in request.
 * - When defined as string, it's the error when required App Key is not provided.
 *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are no errors in request</small>
 * @param {Number} callback.error.errorCode The <a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code>
 *   event</a> <code>error.errorCode</code> parameter payload value.
 * @param {Error|String} callback.error.error The <a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code>
 *   event</a> <code>error.content</code> parameter payload value.
 * @param {Number} callback.error.status The <a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code>
 *   event</a> <code>error.status</code> parameter payload value.
 * @param {JSON} callback.success The success result in request.
 *   <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are errors in request</small>
 * @param {String} callback.success.serverUrl The constructed REST URL requested to Auth server.
 * @param {Number} callback.success.readyState The current ready state.
 *   [Rel: Skylink.READY_STATE_CHANGE]
 * @param {String} callback.success.selectedRoom The Room based on the current Room session token retrieved for.
 * @param {String} callback.success.appKey The configured value of the <code>options.appKey</code>.
 * @param {String} callback.success.defaultRoom The configured value of the <code>options.defaultRoom</code>.
 * @param {String} callback.success.roomServer The configured value of the <code>options.roomServer</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.enableIceTrickle The configured value of the <code>options.enableIceTrickle</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.enableDataChannel The configured value of the <code>options.enableDataChannel</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.enableTURNServer The configured value of the <code>options.enableTURNServer</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.enableSTUNServer The configured value of the <code>options.enableSTUNServer</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.TURNTransport The configured value of the <code>options.TURNServerTransport</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.audioFallback The configured value of the <code>options.audioFallback</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.forceSSL The configured value of the <code>options.forceSSL</code>.
 * @param {String|JSON} callback.success.audioCodec The configured value of the <code>options.audioCodec</code>.
 * @param {String|JSON} callback.success.videoCodec The configured value of the <code>options.videoCodec</code>.
 * @param {Number} callback.success.socketTimeout The configured value of the <code>options.socketTimeout</code>.
 * @param {Number} callback.success.apiTimeout The configured value of the <code>options.apiTimeout</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.forceTURNSSL The configured value of the <code>options.forceTURNSSL</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.forceTURN The configured value of the <code>options.forceTURN</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.usePublicSTUN The configured value of the <code>options.usePublicSTUN</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.disableVideoFecCodecs The configured value of the <code>options.disableVideoFecCodecs</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.disableComfortNoiseCodec The configured value of the <code>options.disableComfortNoiseCodec</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.disableREMB The configured value of the <code>options.disableREMB</code>.
 * @param {JSON} callback.success.filterCandidatesType The configured value of the <code>options.filterCandidatesType</code>.
 * @param {JSON} callback.success.throttleIntervals The configured value of the <code>options.throttleIntervals</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.throttleShouldThrowError The configured value of the <code>options.throttleShouldThrowError</code>.
 * @param {JSON} callback.success.mcuUseRenegoRestart The configured value of the <code>options.mcuUseRenegoRestart</code>.
 * @param {JSON} callback.success.iceServer The configured value of the <code>options.iceServer</code>.
 *   <small>See the <code>.urls</code> property in this object for configured value if defined.</small>
 * @param {JSON|String} callback.success.socketServer The configured value of the <code>options.socketServer</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.useEdgeWebRTC The configured value of the <code>options.useEdgeWebRTC</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} callback.success.enableSimultaneousTransfers The configured value of the <code>options.enableSimultaneousTransfers</code>.
 * @example
 *   // Example 1: Using CORS authentication and connection to default Room
 *   skylinkDemo(appKey, function (error, success) {
 *     if (error) return;
 *     skylinkDemo.joinRoom(); // Goes to default Room
 *   });
 *   // Example 2: Using CORS authentication and connection to a different Room
 *   skylinkDemo(appKey, function (error, success) {
 *     skylinkDemo.joinRoom("testxx"); // Goes to "testxx" Room
 *   });
 *   // Example 3: Using credentials authentication and connection to only default Room
 *   var defaultRoom   = "test",
 *       startDateTime = (new Date()).toISOString(),
 *       duration      = 1, // Allows only User session to stay for 1 hour
 *       appKeySecret  = "xxxxxxx",
 *       hash          = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(defaultRoom + "\_" + duration + "\_" + startDateTime, appKeySecret);
 *       credentials   = encodeURIComponent(hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64));
 *   skylinkDemo({
 *     defaultRoom: defaultRoom,
 *     appKey: appKey,
 *     credentials: {
 *       duration: duration,
 *       startDateTime: startDateTime,
 *       credentials: credentials
 *     }
 *   }, function (error, success) {
 *     if (error) return;
 *     skylinkDemo.joinRoom(); // Goes to default Room (switching to different Room is not allowed for credentials authentication)
 *   });
 * @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
 *   <li>If parameter <code>options</code> is not provided: <ol><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li>
 *   <li>Checks if dependecies and browser APIs are available. <ol><li>If AdapterJS is not loaded: <ol>
 *   <li><a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers
 *   parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>ERROR</code> and <code>error.errorCode</code> as
 *   <code>ADAPTER_NO_LOADED</code>.</li><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li>
 *   <li>If is not loaded: <ol><li><a href="#event_readyStateChange">
 *   <code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload <code>state</code>
 *   as <code>ERROR</code> and <code>error.errorCode</code> as <code>NO_SOCKET_IO</code>.</li>
 *   <li><b>ABORT</b> and return error. </li></ol></li>
 *   <li>If XMLHttpRequest API is not available: <ol><li><a href="#event_readyStateChange">
 *   <code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload <code>state</code>
 *   as <code>ERROR</code> and <code>error.errorCode</code> as <code>NO_XMLHTTPREQUEST_SUPPORT</code>.</li>
 *   <li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li><li>If WebRTC is not supported by device: <ol>
 *   <li><a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers parameter
 *   payload <code>state</code> as <code>ERROR</code> and <code>error.errorCode</code> as
 *   <code>NO_WEBRTC_SUPPORT</code>.</li><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li></ol></li>
 *   <li>Retrieves Room session token from Auth server. <ol>
 *   <li><a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers
 *   parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>LOADING</code>.</li>
 *   <li>If retrieval was successful: <ol><li><a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code> event</a>
 *   triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>COMPLETED</code>.</li></ol></li><li>Else: <ol>
 *   <li><a href="#event_readyStateChange"><code>readyStateChange</code> event</a> triggers parameter
 *   payload <code>state</code> as <code>ERROR</code>.</li><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li></ol></li></ol>
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.init = function(_options, _callback) {
  var self = this;
  var options = {};
  var callback = function () {};

  // `init(function () {})`
  if (typeof _options === 'function'){
    callback = _options;

  // `init({})`
  } else if (_options && typeof _options === 'object') {
    options = clone(_options);

    // `init({ apiKey: "xxxxx" })` (fallback for older documentation)
    if (!(options.appKey && typeof options.appKey === 'string') &&
      (options.apiKey && typeof options.apiKey === 'string')) {
      options.appKey = options.apiKey;

  // `init("xxxxx")` (for just the options.appKey being provided)
  } else if (_options && typeof _options === 'string') {
    options.appKey = _options;

  // `init(.., function () {})`
  if (typeof _callback === 'function') {
    callback = _callback;

  // `init({ defaultRoom: "xxxxx" })`
  options.defaultRoom = options.defaultRoom && typeof options.defaultRoom === 'string' ? options.defaultRoom : options.appKey;

  // `init({ roomServer: "//" })`
  options.roomServer = options.roomServer && typeof options.roomServer === 'string' ? options.roomServer : '//';

  // `init({ statsServer: "//" })`
  options.statsServer = options.statsServer && typeof options.statsServer === 'string' ? options.statsServer : '//';

  // `init({ enableIceTrickle: true })`
  options.enableIceTrickle = options.enableIceTrickle !== false;

  // `init({ enableIceTrickle: true })`
  options.enableDataChannel = options.enableDataChannel !== false;

  // `init({ enableSTUNServer: true })`
  options.enableSTUNServer = options.enableSTUNServer !== false;

  // `init({ enableTURNServer: true })`
  options.enableTURNServer = options.enableTURNServer !== false;

  // `init({ audioFallback: true })`
  options.audioFallback = options.audioFallback === true;

  // `init({ forceSSL: true })`
  options.forceSSL = options.forceSSL !== false;

  // `init({ enableStatsGathering: true })`
  options.enableStatsGathering = options.enableStatsGathering !== false;

  // `init({ socketTimeout: 20000 })`
  options.socketTimeout = typeof options.socketTimeout === 'number' && options.socketTimeout >= 5000 ? options.socketTimeout : 7000;

  // `init({ socketTimeout: 4000 })`
  options.apiTimeout = typeof options.apiTimeout === 'number' ? options.apiTimeout : 4000;

  // `init({ forceTURNSSL: false })`
  options.forceTURNSSL = options.forceTURNSSL === true;

  // `init({ forceTURN: false })`
  options.forceTURN = options.forceTURN === true;

  // `init({ usePublicSTUN: false })`
  options.usePublicSTUN = options.usePublicSTUN === true;

  // `init({ disableVideoFecCodecs: false })`
  options.disableVideoFecCodecs = options.disableVideoFecCodecs === true;

  // `init({ disableComfortNoiseCodec: false })`
  options.disableComfortNoiseCodec = options.disableComfortNoiseCodec === true;

  // `init({ disableREMB: false })`
  options.disableREMB = options.disableREMB === true;

  // `init({ throttleShouldThrowError: false })`
  options.throttleShouldThrowError = options.throttleShouldThrowError === true;

  // `init({ mcuUseRenegoRestart: true })`
  options.mcuUseRenegoRestart = options.mcuUseRenegoRestart === false;

  // `init({ useEdgeWebRTC: false })`
  options.useEdgeWebRTC = options.useEdgeWebRTC === true;

  // `init({ enableSimultaneousTransfers: true })`
  options.enableSimultaneousTransfers = options.enableSimultaneousTransfers !== false;

  // `init({ priorityWeightScheme: "auto" })`
  options.priorityWeightScheme = self._containsInList('PRIORITY_WEIGHT_SCHEME', options.priorityWeightScheme, 'AUTO');

  // `init({ TURNServerTransport: "any" })`
  options.TURNServerTransport = self._containsInList('TURN_TRANSPORT', options.TURNServerTransport, 'ANY');

  // `init({ credentials: { credentials: "xxxxx", startDateTime: "xxxxx", duration: 24 } })`
  options.credentials = options.credentials && typeof options.credentials === 'object' &&
    options.credentials.startDateTime && typeof options.credentials.startDateTime === 'string' &&
    options.credentials.credentials && typeof options.credentials.credentials === 'string' &&
    typeof options.credentials.duration === 'number' ? options.credentials : null;

  // `init({ filterCandidatesType: { .. } })`
  options.filterCandidatesType = options.filterCandidatesType &&
    typeof options.filterCandidatesType === 'object' ? options.filterCandidatesType : {};

  // `init({ filterCandidatesType: { host: false } })` = === true;

  // `init({ filterCandidatesType: { srflx: false } })`
  options.filterCandidatesType.srflx = options.filterCandidatesType.srflx === true;

  // `init({ filterCandidatesType: { relay: false } })`
  options.filterCandidatesType.relay = options.filterCandidatesType.relay === true;

  // `init({ throttleIntervals: { .. } })`
  options.throttleIntervals = options.throttleIntervals &&
    typeof options.throttleIntervals === 'object' ? options.throttleIntervals : {};

  // `init({ throttleIntervals: { shareScreen: 10000 } })`
  options.throttleIntervals.shareScreen = typeof options.throttleIntervals.shareScreen === 'number' ?
    options.throttleIntervals.shareScreen : 10000;

  // `init({ throttleIntervals: { refreshConnection: 5000 } })`
  options.throttleIntervals.refreshConnection = typeof options.throttleIntervals.refreshConnection === 'number' ?
    options.throttleIntervals.refreshConnection : 5000;

  // `init({ throttleIntervals: { getUserMedia: 0 } })`
  options.throttleIntervals.getUserMedia = typeof options.throttleIntervals.getUserMedia === 'number' ?
    options.throttleIntervals.getUserMedia : 0;

  // `init({ iceServer: "" })`
  if (options.iceServer && typeof options.iceServer === 'string') {
    options.iceServer = { urls: [options.iceServer] };

  // `init({ iceServer: ["", ""] })`
  } else if (Array.isArray(options.iceServer) && options.iceServer.length > 0) {
    options.iceServer = { urls: options.iceServer };

  } else {
    options.iceServer = null;

  // `init({ socketServer: "" })`
  if (options.socketServer && typeof options.socketServer === 'string') {
    options.socketServer = options.socketServer;

  // `init({ socketServer: { url: "", ... } })`
  } else if (options.socketServer && typeof options.socketServer === 'object' &&
    options.socketServer.url && typeof options.socketServer.url === 'string') {
    options.socketServer = {
      url: options.socketServer.url,
      // `init({ socketServer: { ports: [80, 3000], ... } })`
      ports: Array.isArray(options.socketServer.ports) ? options.socketServer.ports : [],
      // `init({ socketServer: { protocol: "https:", ... } })`
      protocol: options.socketServer.protocol ? options.socketServer.protocol : null

  } else {
    options.socketServer = null;

  // `init({ audioCodec: { codec: "xxxx", ... } })`
  if (options.audioCodec && typeof options.audioCodec === 'object' &&
    self._containsInList('AUDIO_CODEC', options.audioCodec.codec, '-')) {
    options.audioCodec = {
      codec: options.audioCodec.codec,
      // `init({ audioCodec: { samplingRate: 48000, ... } })`
      samplingRate: typeof options.audioCodec.samplingRate === 'number' ? options.audioCodec.samplingRate : null,
      // `init({ audioCodec: { channels: 2, ... } })`
      channels: typeof options.audioCodec.channels === 'number' ? options.audioCodec.channels : null

  // `init({ audioCodec: "xxxx" })`
  } else {
    options.audioCodec = self._containsInList('AUDIO_CODEC', options.audioCodec, 'AUTO');

  // `init({ videoCodec: { codec: "xxxx", ... } })`
  if (options.videoCodec && typeof options.videoCodec === 'object' &&
    self._containsInList('VIDEO_CODEC', options.videoCodec.codec, '-')) {
    options.videoCodec = {
      codec: options.videoCodec.codec,
      // `init({ videoCodec: { samplingRate: 48000, ... } })`
      samplingRate: typeof options.videoCodec.samplingRate === 'number' ? options.videoCodec.samplingRate : null

  // `init({ videoCodec: "xxxx" })`
  } else {
    options.videoCodec = self._containsInList('VIDEO_CODEC', options.videoCodec, 'AUTO');

  // `init({ codecParams: { ... } })`
  options.codecParams = options.codecParams && typeof options.codecParams === 'object' ? options.codecParams : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { ... } } })` = && typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { ... } } })` = && typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { ... } } } })` = &&
    typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { stereo: true } } } })` = typeof === 'boolean' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { "sprop-stereo": true } } } })`['sprop-stereo'] = typeof['sprop-stereo'] === 'boolean' ?['sprop-stereo'] : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { usedtx: true } } } })` = typeof === 'boolean' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { useinbandfec: true } } } })` = typeof === 'boolean' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { maxplaybackrate: 48000 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' && >= 8000 && <= 48000 ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { audio: { opus: { minptime: 60 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' && >= 3 ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { h264: { ... } } } })` = &&
    typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { h264: { profileLevelId: "xxxxxx" } } } })` = &&
    typeof === 'string' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { h264: { levelAsymmetryAllowed: 1 } } } })` = typeof === 'boolean' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { h264: { packetizationMode: 1 } } } })` (fallback for number) = typeof === 'boolean' ?
    ( === true ? 1 : 0) :
    (typeof === 'number' ? : null);

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp8: { ... } } } })` = &&
    typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp8: { maxFs: 100 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp8: { maxFr: 100 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp9: { ... } } } })` = &&
    typeof === 'object' ? : {};

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp9: { maxFs: 100 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' ? : null;

  // `init({ codecParams: { video: { vp9: { maxFr: 100 } } } })` = typeof === 'number' ? : null;

  // Force TURN connections should enforce settings.
  if (options.forceTURN) {
    options.enableTURNServer = true;
    options.enableSTUNServer = false; = true;
    options.filterCandidatesType.srflx = true;
    options.filterCandidatesType.relay = false;

  self.once('readyStateChange', function () { }, function (state, error) {
    if (state === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR) {
      log.error('Failed init() process ->', error);
        error: error.content,
        errorCode: error.errorCode,
        status: error.status
      }, null);
      return true;

    } else if (state === self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED) {'Completed init() successfully ->', options);

      var success = clone(self._initOptions);
      success.serverUrl = self._path;
      success.readyState = self._readyState;
      success.selectedRoom = self._selectedRoom;
      success.TURNTransport = success.TURNServerTransport;

      callback(null, success);
      return true;

  self._initOptions = options;
  self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.INIT;
  self._selectedRoom = self._initOptions.defaultRoom;
  self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.INIT, null, self._selectedRoom);

  if (!(options && options.appKey && typeof options.appKey === 'string')) {
    self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
    self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      content: new Error('Please provide an app key'),
      status: -2
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  // Format:<appKey>/<room>[/<creds.start>][/<creds.duration>][?cred=<creds.hash>]&rand=<rand>
  self._path = self._initOptions.roomServer + '/api/' + self._initOptions.appKey + '/' + self._selectedRoom +
    (self._initOptions.credentials ? '/' + self._initOptions.credentials.startDateTime + '/' +
    self._initOptions.credentials.duration + '?cred=' + self._initOptions.credentials.credentials : '') +
    (self._initOptions.credentials ? '&' : '?') + 'rand=' +;


 * Function that checks if value is contained in a SDK constant.
 * @method _containsInList
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.6.27
 * @private
Skylink.prototype._containsInList = function (listName, value, defaultProperty) {
  var self = this;

  for (var property in self[listName]) {
    if (self[listName].hasOwnProperty(property) && self[listName][property] === value) {
      return value;

  return self[listName][defaultProperty];

 * Starts retrieving Room credentials information from API server.
 * @method _requestServerInfo
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._requestServerInfo = function(method, url, callback, params) {
  var self = this;
  var retries = 0;

  // XDomainRequest is supported in IE8 - 9 for CORS connection.
  self._socketUseXDR = typeof window.XDomainRequest === 'function' || typeof window.XDomainRequest === 'object';
  url = (self._initOptions.forceSSL) ? 'https:' + url : url;

  (function requestFn () {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var completed = false;

    if (self._socketUseXDR) {
      log.debug([null, 'XMLHttpRequest', method, 'Using XDomainRequest for CORS authentication.']);
      xhr = new XDomainRequest();
      xhr.setContentType = function (contentType) {
        xhr.contentType = contentType;

    xhr.onload = function () {
      if (completed) {
      completed = true;
      var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText || xhr.response || '{}');
      var status = xhr.status || (response.success ? 200 : 400);
      self._handleAuthStats(response.success ? 'success' : 'error', response, status);

      if (response.success) {
      	log.debug([null, 'XMLHttpRequest', method, 'Received sessions parameters ->'], response);

      log.error([null, 'XMLHttpRequest', method, 'Failed retrieving sessions parameters ->'], response);

      // 400 - Bad request
      // 403 - Room is locked
      // 401 - API Not authorized
      // 402 - run out of credits
      self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
      self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
        status: status,
        content: new Error( || 'XMLHttpRequest status not OK\nStatus was: ' + status),
        errorCode: response.error || status
      }, self._selectedRoom);

    xhr.onerror = function (error) {
      if (completed) {
      completed = true;
      log.error([null, 'XMLHttpRequest', method, 'Failed retrieving information with status ->'], xhr.status);
      // TO CHECK: Added a new field "web_sdk_error" not documented in specs.
      self._handleAuthStats('error', null, -1, 'Failed connecting to server');
      self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
      self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
        status: xhr.status || -1,
        content: new Error('Network error occurred. (Status: ' + xhr.status + ')'),
      }, self._selectedRoom);

    xhr.onprogress = function () {
      log.debug([null, 'XMLHttpRequest', method, 'Retrieving information and config from webserver ->'], {
        url: url,
        params: params

    try {, url, true);

      // ESS-1038: Adding custom headers to signaling
      if(!self._socketUseXDR) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Skylink_SDK_version', self.VERSION);
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Skylink_SDK_type', 'WEB_SDK');

      if (params) {
      } else {
    } catch (error) {
      completed = true;
      self._handleAuthStats('error', null, -1, error);
      self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
      self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
        status: xhr.status || -1,
        content: new Error('Failed starting XHR process.'),
      }, self._selectedRoom);

    setTimeout(function () {
      if (completed) {
      completed = true;
      xhr.onload = null;
      xhr.onerror = null;
      xhr.onprogress = null;

      if (retries < 2) {

      } else {
      	var timeoutError = new Error('Response timed out from API server');
        self._handleAuthStats('error', null, -1, timeoutError);
      	self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
        self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
          status: xhr.status || -1,
          content: timeoutError,
        }, self._selectedRoom);
    }, self._initOptions.apiTimeout);

 * Parses the Room credentials information retrieved from API server.
 * @method _parseInfo
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._parseInfo = function(info) {
  log.log('Parsing parameter from server', info);
  if (!info.pc_constraints && !info.offer_constraints) {
    this._trigger('readyStateChange', this.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      status: 200,
      errorCode: info.error
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  log.debug('Peer connection constraints:', info.pc_constraints);
  log.debug('Offer constraints:', info.offer_constraints);

  this._key = info.cid;
  this._appKeyOwner = info.apiOwner;
  this._signalingServer = info.ipSigserver;
  this._isPrivileged = info.isPrivileged;
  this._autoIntroduce = info.autoIntroduce;
  this._hasMCU = info.hasMCU;

    this._initOptions.enableStatsGathering = false;

  this._user = {
    uid: info.username,
    token: info.userCred,
    timeStamp: info.timeStamp,
    streams: [],
    info: {}
  this._room = {
    id: info.room_key,
    token: info.roomCred,
    startDateTime: info.start,
    duration: info.len,
    connection: {
      peerConstraints: JSON.parse(info.pc_constraints),
      peerConfig: null,
      offerConstraints: JSON.parse(info.offer_constraints),
      sdpConstraints: {
        mandatory: {
          OfferToReceiveAudio: true,
          OfferToReceiveVideo: true
      mediaConstraints: JSON.parse(info.media_constraints)

  // set the socket ports
  this._socketPorts = {
    'http:': Array.isArray(info.httpPortList) && info.httpPortList.length > 0 ? info.httpPortList : [80, 3000],
    'https:': Array.isArray(info.httpsPortList) && info.httpsPortList.length > 0 ? info.httpsPortList : [443, 3443]

  // use default bandwidth and media resolution provided by server
  //this._streamSettings.bandwidth = info.bandwidth;
  // =;
  this._readyState = this.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED;
  this._trigger('readyStateChange', this.READY_STATE_CHANGE.COMPLETED, null, this._selectedRoom);'Parsed parameters from webserver. Ready for web-realtime communication');

 * Loads and checks the dependencies if they are loaded correctly.
 * @method _loadInfo
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.2
Skylink.prototype._loadInfo = function() {
  var self = this;

  if (typeof (globals.AdapterJS || window.AdapterJS || {}).webRTCReady !== 'function') {
    var noAdapterErrorMsg = 'AdapterJS dependency is not loaded or incorrect AdapterJS dependency is used';
    self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      status: -2,
      content: new Error(noAdapterErrorMsg),
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  } else if (!( || {
    log.error(' not loaded. Please load');
    self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
    self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      status: -2,
      content: new Error(' not found'),
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  } else if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    log.error('XMLHttpRequest not supported. Please upgrade your browser');
    self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
    self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      status: -2,
      content: new Error('XMLHttpRequest not available'),
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  } else if (!self._path) {
    log.error('Skylink is not initialised. Please call init() first');
    self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
    self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
      status: -2,
      content: new Error('No API Path is found'),
    }, self._selectedRoom);

  AdapterJS.webRTCReady(function () {
    self._enableIceRestart = AdapterJS.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox' ?
      AdapterJS.webrtcDetectedVersion >= 48 : true;
    self._binaryChunkType = AdapterJS.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox' ?

      // Prevent empty object returned when constructing the RTCPeerConnection object
    if (!(function () {
      try {
        var p = new window.RTCPeerConnection(null);
        // IE returns as typeof object
        return ['object', 'function'].indexOf(typeof p.createOffer) > -1 && p.createOffer !== null;
      } catch (e) {
        return false;
    })()) {
      if (window.RTCPeerConnection && AdapterJS.webrtcDetectedType === 'plugin') {
        log.error('Plugin is not available. Please check plugin status.');
      } else {
        log.error('WebRTC not supported. Please upgrade your browser');
      self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
      self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
        status: -2,
        content: new Error(AdapterJS.webrtcDetectedType === 'plugin' && window.RTCPeerConnection ? 'Plugin is not available' : 'WebRTC not available'),
      }, self._selectedRoom);

    self._getCodecsSupport(function (error) {
      if (error) {
        self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
        self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
          status: -2,
          content: new Error(error.message || error.toString()),
        }, self._selectedRoom);

      if (Object.keys( === 0 && Object.keys( === 0) {
        log.error('No audio/video codecs available to start connection.');
        self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR;
        self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.ERROR, {
          status: -2,
          content: new Error('No audio/video codecs available to start connection'),
        }, self._selectedRoom);

      self._readyState = self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.LOADING;
      self._trigger('readyStateChange', self.READY_STATE_CHANGE.LOADING, null, self._selectedRoom);
      self._requestServerInfo('GET', self._path, function(response) {

 * Starts initialising for Room credentials for room name provided in <code>joinRoom()</code> method.
 * @method _initSelectedRoom
 * @private
 * @for Skylink
 * @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._initSelectedRoom = function(room, callback) {
  var self = this;
  if (typeof room === 'function' || typeof room === 'undefined') {
    log.error('Invalid room provided. Room:', room);
    callback(new Error('Invalid room provided'), null);
  var defaultRoom = self._initOptions.defaultRoom;
  var options = clone(self._initOptions);
  options.iceServer = options.iceServer ? options.iceServer.urls : null;

    options.defaultRoom = room;

  self.init(options, function (error, success) {
    self._initOptions.defaultRoom = defaultRoom;
    if (error) {
      callback(error, null);
    } else {
      callback(null, success);