* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="https://temasys.com.sg/ice-what-is-this-sorcery/">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of Peer connection session description exchanging states.
* @param {String} STABLE <small>Value <code>"stable"</code></small>
* The value of the state when there is no session description being exchanged between Peer connection.
* @param {String} HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER <small>Value <code>"have-local-offer"</code></small>
* The value of the state when local <code>"offer"</code> session description is set.
* <small>This should transition to <code>STABLE</code> state after remote <code>"answer"</code>
* session description is set.</small>
* <small>See <a href="#event_handshakeProgress"><code>handshakeProgress</code> event</a> for a more
* detailed exchanging of session description states.</small>
* @param {String} HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER <small>Value <code>"have-remote-offer"</code></small>
* The value of the state when remote <code>"offer"</code> session description is set.
* <small>This should transition to <code>STABLE</code> state after local <code>"answer"</code>
* session description is set.</small>
* <small>See <a href="#event_handshakeProgress"><code>handshakeProgress</code> event</a> for a more
* detailed exchanging of session description states.</small>
* @param {String} CLOSED <small>Value <code>"closed"</code></small>
* The value of the state when Peer connection is closed and no session description can be exchanged and set.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.0
Skylink.prototype.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE = {
STABLE: 'stable',
HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER: 'have-local-offer',
HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER: 'have-remote-offer',
CLOSED: 'closed'
* The list of <a href="#method_getConnectionStatus"><code>getConnectionStatus()</code>
* method</a> retrieval states.
* @param {Number} RETRIEVING <small>Value <code>0</code></small>
* The value of the state when <code>getConnectionStatus()</code> is retrieving the Peer connection stats.
* @param {Number} RETRIEVE_SUCCESS <small>Value <code>1</code></small>
* The value of the state when <code>getConnectionStatus()</code> has retrieved the Peer connection stats successfully.
* @param {Number} RETRIEVE_ERROR <small>Value <code>-1</code></small>
* The value of the state when <code>getConnectionStatus()</code> has failed retrieving the Peer connection stats.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.1.0
* <blockquote class="info">
* As there are more features getting implemented, there will be eventually more different types of
* server Peers.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available types of server Peer connections.
* @attribute SERVER_PEER_TYPE
* @param {String} MCU <small>Value <code>"mcu"</code></small>
* The value of the server Peer type that is used for MCU connection.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.1
Skylink.prototype.SERVER_PEER_TYPE = {
MCU: 'mcu'
//SIP: 'sip'
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="https://temasys.com.sg/ice-what-is-this-sorcery/">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection bundle policies.
* @attribute BUNDLE_POLICY
* @param {String} MAX_COMPAT <small>Value <code>"max-compat"</code></small>
* The value of the bundle policy to generate ICE candidates for each media type
* so each media type flows through different transports.
* @param {String} MAX_BUNDLE <small>Value <code>"max-bundle"</code></small>
* The value of the bundle policy to generate ICE candidates for one media type
* so all media type flows through a single transport.
* @param {String} BALANCED <small>Value <code>"balanced"</code></small>
* The value of the bundle policy to use <code>MAX_BUNDLE</code> if Peer supports it,
* else fallback to <code>MAX_COMPAT</code>.
* @param {String} NONE <small>Value <code>"none"</code></small>
* The value of the bundle policy to not use any media bundle.
* <small>This removes the <code>a=group:BUNDLE</code> line from session descriptions.</small>
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.18
Skylink.prototype.BUNDLE_POLICY = {
MAX_COMPAT: 'max-compat',
BALANCED: 'balanced',
MAX_BUNDLE: 'max-bundle',
NONE: 'none'
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="https://temasys.com.sg/ice-what-is-this-sorcery/">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection RTCP mux policies.
* @attribute RTCP_MUX_POLICY
* @param {String} REQUIRE <small>Value <code>"require"</code></small>
* The value of the RTCP mux policy to generate ICE candidates for RTP only and RTCP shares the same ICE candidates.
* @param {String} NEGOTIATE <small>Value <code>"negotiate"</code></small>
* The value of the RTCP mux policy to generate ICE candidates for both RTP and RTCP each.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.18
Skylink.prototype.RTCP_MUX_POLICY = {
REQUIRE: 'require',
NEGOTIATE: 'negotiate'
* <blockquote class="info">
* Learn more about how ICE works in this
* <a href="https://temasys.com.sg/ice-what-is-this-sorcery/">article here</a>.
* </blockquote>
* The list of available Peer connection certificates cryptographic algorithm to use.
* @param {String} RSA <small>Value <code>"RSA"</code></small>
* The value of the Peer connection certificate algorithm to use RSA-1024.
* @param {String} ECDSA <small>Value <code>"ECDSA"</code></small>
* The value of the Peer connection certificate algorithm to use ECDSA.
* @param {String} AUTO <small>Value <code>"AUTO"</code></small>
* The value of the Peer connection to use the default certificate generated.
* @type JSON
* @readOnly
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.18
Skylink.prototype.PEER_CERTIFICATE = {
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that Edge browser does not support renegotiation.
* For MCU enabled Peer connections with <code>options.mcuUseRenegoRestart</code> set to <code>false</code>
* in the <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>, the restart functionality may differ, you
* may learn more about how to workaround it
* <a href="http://support.temasys.io/support/discussions/topics/12000002853">in this article here</a>.
* For restarts with Peers connecting from Android, iOS or C++ SDKs, restarts might not work as written in
* <a href="http://support.temasys.io/support/discussions/topics/12000005188">in this article here</a>.
* Note that this functionality should be used when Peer connection stream freezes during a connection.
* For a better user experience for only MCU enabled Peer connections, the functionality is throttled when invoked many
* times in less than the milliseconds interval configured in the <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>.
* </blockquote>
* Function that refreshes Peer connections to update with the current streaming.
* @method refreshConnection
* @param {String|Array} [targetPeerId] <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this is ignored if MCU is enabled for the App Key provided in
* <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>. <code>refreshConnection()</code> will "refresh"
* all Peer connections. See the <u>Event Sequence</u> for more information.</blockquote>
* The target Peer ID to refresh connection with.
* - When provided as an Array, it will refresh all connections with all the Peer IDs provided.
* - When not provided, it will refresh all the currently connected Peers in the Room.
* @param {Boolean} [iceRestart=false] <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this flag will not be honoured for MCU enabled Peer connections where
* <code>options.mcuUseRenegoRestart</code> flag is set to <code>false</code> as it is not necessary since for MCU
* "restart" case is to invoke <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> again, or that it is
* not supported by the MCU.</blockquote>
* The flag if ICE connections should restart when refreshing Peer connections.
* <small>This is used when ICE connection state is <code>FAILED</code> or <code>DISCONNECTED</code>, which state
* can be retrieved with the <a href="#event_iceConnectionState"><code>iceConnectionState</code> event</a>.</small>
* @param {JSON} [options] <blockquote class="info">
* Note that for MCU connections, the <code>bandwidth</code> or <code>googleXBandwidth</code>
* settings will override for all Peers or the current Room connection session settings.</blockquote>
* The custom Peer configuration settings.
* @param {JSON} [options.bandwidth] The configuration to set the maximum streaming bandwidth to send to Peers.
* <small>Object signature follows <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>
* <code>options.bandwidth</code> settings.</small>
* @param {JSON} [options.googleXBandwidth] The configuration to set the experimental google
* video streaming bandwidth sent to Peers.
* <small>Object signature follows <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a>
* <code>options.googleXBandwidth</code> settings.</small>
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function fired when request has completed.
* <small>Function parameters signature is <code>function (error, success)</code></small>
* <small>Function request completion is determined by the <a href="#event_peerRestart">
* <code>peerRestart</code> event</a> triggering <code>isSelfInitiateRestart</code> parameter payload
* value as <code>true</code> for all Peers targeted for request success.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error The error result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are no errors in request</small>
* @param {Array} callback.error.listOfPeers The list of Peer IDs targeted.
* @param {JSON} callback.error.refreshErrors The list of Peer connection refresh errors.
* @param {Error|String} callback.error.refreshErrors.#peerId The Peer connection refresh error associated
* with the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* <small>If <code>#peerId</code> value is <code>"self"</code>, it means that it is the error when there
* is no Peer connections to refresh with.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error.refreshSettings The list of Peer connection refresh settings.
* @param {JSON} callback.error.refreshSettings.#peerId The Peer connection refresh settings associated
* with the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* @param {Boolean} callback.error.refreshSettings.#peerId.iceRestart The flag if ICE restart is enabled for
* this Peer connection refresh session.
* @param {JSON} callback.error.refreshSettings.#peerId.customSettings The Peer connection custom settings.
* <small>Object signature follows <a href="#method_getPeersCustomSettings"><code>getPeersCustomSettings</code>
* method</a> returned per <code>#peerId</code> object.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.success The success result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are errors in request</small>
* @param {Array} callback.success.listOfPeers The list of Peer IDs targeted.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.refreshSettings The list of Peer connection refresh settings.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.refreshSettings.#peerId The Peer connection refresh settings associated
* with the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* @param {Boolean} callback.success.refreshSettings.#peerId.iceRestart The flag if ICE restart is enabled for
* this Peer connection refresh session.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.refreshSettings.#peerId.customSettings The Peer connection custom settings.
* <small>Object signature follows <a href="#method_getPeersCustomSettings"><code>getPeersCustomSettings</code>
* method</a> returned per <code>#peerId</code> object.</small>
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li>Checks if MCU is enabled for App Key provided in <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a><ol>
* <li>If MCU is enabled: <ol><li>If there are connected Peers in the Room: <ol>
* <li><a href="#event_peerRestart"><code>peerRestart</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload
* <code>isSelfInitiateRestart</code> value as <code>true</code> for all connected Peer connections.</li>
* <li><a href="#event_serverPeerRestart"><code>serverPeerRestart</code> event</a> triggers for
* connected MCU server Peer connection.</li></ol></li>
* <li>If <code>options.mcuUseRenegoRestart</code> value is <code>false</code> set in the
* <a href="#method_init"><code>init()</code> method</a>: <ol><li>
* Invokes <a href="#method_joinRoom"><code>joinRoom()</code> method</a> <small><code>refreshConnection()</code>
* will retain the User session information except the Peer ID will be a different assigned ID due to restarting the
* Room session.</small> <ol><li>If request has errors <ol><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.
* </li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li>
* <li>Else: <ol><li>If there are connected Peers in the Room: <ol>
* <li>Refresh connections for all targeted Peers. <ol>
* <li>If Peer connection exists: <ol>
* <li><a href="#event_peerRestart"><code>peerRestart</code> event</a> triggers parameter payload
* <code>isSelfInitiateRestart</code> value as <code>true</code> for all targeted Peer connections.</li></ol></li>
* <li>Else: <ol><li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li>
* </ol></li></ol></li></ol></ol></li></ol></li></ol>
* @example
* // Example 1: Refreshing a Peer connection
* function refreshFrozenVideoStream (peerId) {
* skylinkDemo.refreshConnection(peerId, function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* console.log("Refreshing connection for '" + peerId + "'");
* });
* }
* // Example 2: Refreshing a list of Peer connections
* function refreshFrozenVideoStreamGroup (peerIdA, peerIdB) {
* skylinkDemo.refreshConnection([peerIdA, peerIdB], function (error, success) {
* if (error) {
* if (error.transferErrors[peerIdA]) {
* console.error("Failed refreshing connection for '" + peerIdA + "'");
* } else {
* console.log("Refreshing connection for '" + peerIdA + "'");
* }
* if (error.transferErrors[peerIdB]) {
* console.error("Failed refreshing connection for '" + peerIdB + "'");
* } else {
* console.log("Refreshing connection for '" + peerIdB + "'");
* }
* } else {
* console.log("Refreshing connection for '" + peerIdA + "' and '" + peerIdB + "'");
* }
* });
* }
* // Example 3: Refreshing all Peer connections
* function refreshFrozenVideoStreamAll () {
* skylinkDemo.refreshConnection(function (error, success) {
* if (error) {
* for (var i = 0; i < error.listOfPeers.length; i++) {
* if (error.refreshErrors[error.listOfPeers[i]]) {
* console.error("Failed refreshing connection for '" + error.listOfPeers[i] + "'");
* } else {
* console.info("Refreshing connection for '" + error.listOfPeers[i] + "'");
* }
* }
* } else {
* console.log("Refreshing connection for all Peers", success.listOfPeers);
* }
* });
* }
* // Example 4: Refresh Peer connection when ICE connection has failed or disconnected
* // and do a ICE connection refresh (only for non-MCU case)
* skylinkDemo.on("iceConnectionState", function (state, peerId) {
* if (!usesMCUKey && [skylinkDemo.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.FAILED,
* skylinkDemo.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.DISCONNECTED].indexOf(state) > -1) {
* skylinkDemo.refreshConnection(peerId, true);
* }
* });
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype.refreshConnection = function(targetPeerId, iceRestart, options, callback) {
var self = this;
var listOfPeers = Object.keys(self._peerConnections);
var doIceRestart = false;
var bwOptions = {};
if(Array.isArray(targetPeerId)) {
listOfPeers = targetPeerId;
} else if (typeof targetPeerId === 'string') {
listOfPeers = [targetPeerId];
} else if (typeof targetPeerId === 'boolean') {
doIceRestart = targetPeerId;
} else if (targetPeerId && typeof targetPeerId === 'object') {
bwOptions = targetPeerId;
} else if (typeof targetPeerId === 'function') {
callback = targetPeerId;
if (typeof iceRestart === 'boolean') {
doIceRestart = iceRestart;
} else if (iceRestart && typeof iceRestart === 'object') {
bwOptions = iceRestart;
} else if (typeof iceRestart === 'function') {
callback = iceRestart;
if (options && typeof options === 'object') {
bwOptions = options;
} else if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
var emitErrorForPeersFn = function (error) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
var listOfPeerErrors = {};
if (listOfPeers.length === 0) {
listOfPeerErrors.self = new Error(error);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
listOfPeerErrors[listOfPeers[i]] = new Error(error);
refreshErrors: listOfPeerRestartErrors,
listOfPeers: listOfPeers
}, null);
if (listOfPeers.length === 0 && !(self._hasMCU && !self._mcuUseRenegoRestart)) {
emitErrorForPeersFn('There is currently no peer connections to restart');
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
emitErrorForPeersFn('Edge browser currently does not support renegotiation.');
self._throttle(function (runFn) {
if (!runFn && self._hasMCU && !self._mcuUseRenegoRestart) {
if (self._throttlingShouldThrowError) {
emitErrorForPeersFn('Unable to run as throttle interval has not reached (' + self._throttlingTimeouts.refreshConnection + 'ms).');
self._refreshPeerConnection(listOfPeers, doIceRestart, bwOptions, callback);
}, 'refreshConnection', self._throttlingTimeouts.refreshConnection);
* Function that refresh connections.
* @method _refreshPeerConnection
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.15
Skylink.prototype._refreshPeerConnection = function(listOfPeers, doIceRestart, bwOptions, callback) {
var self = this;
var listOfPeerRestarts = [];
var error = '';
var listOfPeerRestartErrors = {};
var listOfPeersSettings = {};
// To fix jshint dont put functions within a loop
var refreshSinglePeerCallback = function (peerId) {
return function (error) {
if (listOfPeerRestarts.indexOf(peerId) === -1) {
if (error) {
log.error([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Failed restarting for peer'], error);
listOfPeerRestartErrors[peerId] = error;
} else {
listOfPeersSettings[peerId] = {
iceRestart: !self._hasMCU && self._peerInformations[peerId] && self._peerInformations[peerId].config &&
self._peerInformations[peerId].config.enableIceRestart && self._enableIceRestart && doIceRestart,
customSettings: self.getPeersCustomSettings()[peerId] || {}
if (listOfPeerRestarts.length === listOfPeers.length) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.log([null, 'PeerConnection', null, 'Invoked all peers to restart. Firing callback']);
if (Object.keys(listOfPeerRestartErrors).length > 0) {
refreshErrors: listOfPeerRestartErrors,
listOfPeers: listOfPeers,
refreshSettings: listOfPeersSettings
}, null);
} else {
callback(null, {
listOfPeers: listOfPeers,
refreshSettings: listOfPeersSettings
var refreshSinglePeer = function(peerId, peerCallback){
if (!self._peerConnections[peerId]) {
error = 'There is currently no existing peer connection made ' +
'with the peer. Unable to restart connection';
log.error([peerId, null, null, error]);
log.log([peerId, 'PeerConnection', null, 'Restarting peer connection']);
// do a hard reset on variable object
self._restartPeerConnection(peerId, doIceRestart, bwOptions, peerCallback);
if(!self._hasMCU) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
var peerId = listOfPeers[i];
if (Object.keys(self._peerConnections).indexOf(peerId) > -1) {
refreshSinglePeer(peerId, refreshSinglePeerCallback(peerId));
} else {
error = 'Peer connection with peer does not exists. Unable to restart';
log.error([peerId, 'PeerConnection', null, error]);
} else {
self._restartMCUConnection(callback, doIceRestart, bwOptions);
* <blockquote class="info">
* Note that this is not well supported in the Edge browser.
* </blockquote>
* Function that retrieves Peer connection bandwidth and ICE connection stats.
* @method getConnectionStatus
* @param {String|Array} [targetPeerId] The target Peer ID to retrieve connection stats from.
* - When provided as an Array, it will retrieve all connection stats from all the Peer IDs provided.
* - When not provided, it will retrieve all connection stats from the currently connected Peers in the Room.
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function fired when request has completed.
* <small>Function parameters signature is <code>function (error, success)</code></small>
* <small>Function request completion is determined by the <a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange">
* <code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a> triggering <code>state</code> parameter payload
* value as <code>RETRIEVE_SUCCESS</code> for all Peers targeted for request success.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error The error result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are no errors in request</small>
* @param {Array} callback.error.listOfPeers The list of Peer IDs targeted.
* @param {JSON} callback.error.retrievalErrors The list of Peer connection stats retrieval errors.
* @param {Error|String} callback.error.retrievalErrors.#peerId The Peer connection stats retrieval error associated
* with the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* <small>If <code>#peerId</code> value is <code>"self"</code>, it means that it is the error when there
* are no Peer connections to refresh with.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error.connectionStats The list of Peer connection stats.
* <small>These are the Peer connection stats that has been managed to be successfully retrieved.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.error.connectionStats.#peerId The Peer connection stats associated with
* the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* <small>Object signature matches the <code>stats</code> parameter payload received in the
* <a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"><code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>.</small>
* @param {JSON} callback.success The success result in request.
* <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there are errors in request</small>
* @param {Array} callback.success.listOfPeers The list of Peer IDs targeted.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.connectionStats The list of Peer connection stats.
* @param {JSON} callback.success.connectionStats.#peerId The Peer connection stats associated with
* the Peer ID defined in <code>#peerId</code> property.
* <small>Object signature matches the <code>stats</code> parameter payload received in the
* <a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"><code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>.</small>
* @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
* <li>Retrieves Peer connection stats for all targeted Peers. <ol>
* <li>If Peer connection has closed or does not exists: <small>This can be checked with
* <a href="#event_peerConnectionState"><code>peerConnectionState</code> event</a>
* triggering parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>CLOSED</code> for Peer.</small> <ol>
* <li><a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"> <code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>
* triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>RETRIEVE_ERROR</code>.</li>
* <li><b>ABORT</b> and return error.</li></ol></li>
* <li><a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"><code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>
* triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>RETRIEVING</code>.</li>
* <li>Received response from retrieval. <ol>
* <li>If retrieval was successful: <ol>
* <li><a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"><code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>
* triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>RETRIEVE_SUCCESS</code>.</li></ol></li>
* <li>Else: <ol>
* <li><a href="#event_getConnectionStatusStateChange"> <code>getConnectionStatusStateChange</code> event</a>
* triggers parameter payload <code>state</code> as <code>RETRIEVE_ERROR</code>.</li>
* </ol></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol>
* @example
* // Example 1: Retrieve a Peer connection stats
* function startBWStatsInterval (peerId) {
* setInterval(function () {
* skylinkDemo.getConnectionStatus(peerId, function (error, success) {
* if (error) return;
* var sendVideoBytes = success.connectionStats[peerId].video.sending.bytes;
* var sendAudioBytes = success.connectionStats[peerId].audio.sending.bytes;
* var recvVideoBytes = success.connectionStats[peerId].video.receiving.bytes;
* var recvAudioBytes = success.connectionStats[peerId].audio.receiving.bytes;
* var localCandidate = success.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.local;
* var remoteCandidate = success.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.remote;
* console.log("Sending audio (" + sendAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + sendVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log("Receiving audio (" + recvAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + recvVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log("Local candidate: " + localCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + localCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + localCandidate.transport + " (type: " + localCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* console.log("Remote candidate: " + remoteCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + remoteCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + remoteCandidate.transport + " (type: " + remoteCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* });
* }, 1000);
* }
* // Example 2: Retrieve a list of Peer connection stats
* function printConnStats (peerId, data) {
* if (!data.connectionStats[peerId]) return;
* var sendVideoBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].video.sending.bytes;
* var sendAudioBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].audio.sending.bytes;
* var recvVideoBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].video.receiving.bytes;
* var recvAudioBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].audio.receiving.bytes;
* var localCandidate = data.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.local;
* var remoteCandidate = data.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.remote;
* console.log(peerId + " - Sending audio (" + sendAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + sendVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Receiving audio (" + recvAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + recvVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Local candidate: " + localCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + localCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + localCandidate.transport + " (type: " + localCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Remote candidate: " + remoteCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + remoteCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + remoteCandidate.transport + " (type: " + remoteCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* }
* function startBWStatsInterval (peerIdA, peerIdB) {
* setInterval(function () {
* skylinkDemo.getConnectionStatus([peerIdA, peerIdB], function (error, success) {
* if (error) {
* printConnStats(peerIdA, error.connectionStats);
* printConnStats(peerIdB, error.connectionStats);
* } else {
* printConnStats(peerIdA, success.connectionStats);
* printConnStats(peerIdB, success.connectionStats);
* }
* });
* }, 1000);
* }
* // Example 3: Retrieve all Peer connection stats
* function printConnStats (listOfPeers, data) {
* listOfPeers.forEach(function (peerId) {
* if (!data.connectionStats[peerId]) return;
* var sendVideoBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].video.sending.bytes;
* var sendAudioBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].audio.sending.bytes;
* var recvVideoBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].video.receiving.bytes;
* var recvAudioBytes = data.connectionStats[peerId].audio.receiving.bytes;
* var localCandidate = data.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.local;
* var remoteCandidate = data.connectionStats[peerId].selectedCandidate.remote;
* console.log(peerId + " - Sending audio (" + sendAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + sendVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Receiving audio (" + recvAudioBytes + "bps) video (" + recvVideoBytes + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Local candidate: " + localCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + localCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + localCandidate.transport + " (type: " + localCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* console.log(peerId + " - Remote candidate: " + remoteCandidate.ipAddress + ":" + remoteCandidate.portNumber +
* "?transport=" + remoteCandidate.transport + " (type: " + remoteCandidate.candidateType + ")");
* });
* }
* function startBWStatsInterval (peerIdA, peerIdB) {
* setInterval(function () {
* skylinkDemo.getConnectionStatus(function (error, success) {
* if (error) {
* printConnStats(error.listOfPeers, error.connectionStats);
* } else {
* printConnStats(success.listOfPeers, success.connectionStats);
* }
* });
* }, 1000);
* }
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.14
Skylink.prototype.getConnectionStatus = function (targetPeerId, callback) {
var self = this;
var listOfPeers = Object.keys(self._peerConnections);
var listOfPeerStats = {};
var listOfPeerErrors = {};
// getConnectionStatus([])
if (Array.isArray(targetPeerId)) {
listOfPeers = targetPeerId;
// getConnectionStatus('...')
} else if (typeof targetPeerId === 'string' && !!targetPeerId) {
listOfPeers = [targetPeerId];
// getConnectionStatus(function () {})
} else if (typeof targetPeerId === 'function') {
callback = targetPeerId;
targetPeerId = undefined;
// Check if Peers list is empty, in which we throw an Error if there isn't any
if (listOfPeers.length === 0) {
listOfPeerErrors.self = new Error('There is currently no peer connections to retrieve connection status');
log.error([null, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieving request failure ->'], listOfPeerErrors.self);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
listOfPeers: listOfPeers,
retrievalErrors: listOfPeerErrors,
connectionStats: listOfPeerStats
}, null);
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
log.warn('Edge browser does not have well support for stats.');
var completedTaskCounter = [];
var checkCompletedFn = function (peerId) {
if (completedTaskCounter.indexOf(peerId) === -1) {
if (completedTaskCounter.length === listOfPeers.length) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
if (Object.keys(listOfPeerErrors).length > 0) {
listOfPeers: listOfPeers,
retrievalErrors: listOfPeerErrors,
connectionStats: listOfPeerStats
}, null);
} else {
callback(null, {
listOfPeers: listOfPeers,
connectionStats: listOfPeerStats
var statsFn = function (peerId) {
var retrieveFn = function (firstRetrieval, nextCb) {
return function (err, result) {
if (err) {
log.error([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieval failure ->'], error);
listOfPeerErrors[peerId] = error;
self._trigger('getConnectionStatusStateChange', self.GET_CONNECTION_STATUS_STATE.RETRIEVE_ERROR,
peerId, null, error);
if (firstRetrieval) {
delete self._peerStats[peerId];
if (firstRetrieval) {
} else {
listOfPeerStats[peerId] = result;
self._trigger('getConnectionStatusStateChange', self.GET_CONNECTION_STATUS_STATE.RETRIEVE_SUCCESS,
peerId, listOfPeerStats[peerId], null);
if (!self._peerStats[peerId]) {
self._peerStats[peerId] = {};
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieving first report to tabulate results']);
self._retrieveStats(peerId, retrieveFn(true, function () {
self._retrieveStats(peerId, retrieveFn());
}), true);
self._retrieveStats(peerId, retrieveFn());
// Loop through all the list of Peers selected to retrieve connection status
for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
var peerId = listOfPeers[i];
self._trigger('getConnectionStatusStateChange', self.GET_CONNECTION_STATUS_STATE.RETRIEVING,
peerId, null, null);
// Check if the Peer connection exists first
if (self._peerConnections.hasOwnProperty(peerId) && self._peerConnections[peerId]) {
} else {
listOfPeerErrors[peerId] = new Error('The peer connection object does not exists');
log.error([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieval failure ->'], listOfPeerErrors[peerId]);
self._trigger('getConnectionStatusStateChange', self.GET_CONNECTION_STATUS_STATE.RETRIEVE_ERROR,
peerId, null, listOfPeerErrors[peerId]);
* Function that retrieves Peer connection stats.
* @method _retrieveStats
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.18
Skylink.prototype._retrieveStats = function (peerId, callback, beSilentOnLogs, isAutoBwStats) {
var self = this;
if (!beSilentOnLogs) {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieivng connection status']);
if (!self._peerStats[peerId] && !isAutoBwStats) {
return callback(new Error('No stats initiated yet.'));
var pc = self._peerConnections[peerId];
var result = {
raw: null,
connection: {
iceConnectionState: pc.iceConnectionState,
iceGatheringState: pc.iceGatheringState,
signalingState: pc.signalingState,
remoteDescription: {
type: pc.remoteDescription ? pc.remoteDescription.type || null : null,
sdp : pc.remoteDescription ? pc.remoteDescription.sdp || null : null
localDescription: {
type: pc.localDescription ? pc.localDescription.type || null : null,
sdp : pc.localDescription ? pc.localDescription.sdp || null : null
candidates: clone(self._gatheredCandidates[peerId] || {
sending: { host: [], srflx: [], relay: [] },
receiving: { host: [], srflx: [], relay: [] }
dataChannels: {},
constraints: self._peerConnStatus[peerId] ? self._peerConnStatus[peerId].constraints : null,
optional: self._peerConnStatus[peerId] ? self._peerConnStatus[peerId].optional : null,
sdpConstraints: self._peerConnStatus[peerId] ? self._peerConnStatus[peerId].sdpConstraints : null
audio: {
sending: {
ssrc: null,
bytes: 0,
packets: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
packetsLost: 0,
rtt: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
jitter: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
jitterBufferMs: null,
codec: self._getSDPSelectedCodec(peerId, pc.remoteDescription, 'audio', beSilentOnLogs),
nacks: null,
inputLevel: null,
echoReturnLoss: null,
echoReturnLossEnhancement: null,
totalBytes: 0,
totalPackets: 0,
totalPacketsLost: 0,
totalNacks: null
receiving: {
ssrc: null,
bytes: 0,
packets: 0,
packetsLost: 0,
packetsDiscarded: 0,
fractionLost: 0,
nacks: null,
jitter: 0,
jitterBufferMs: null,
codec: self._getSDPSelectedCodec(peerId, pc.remoteDescription, 'audio', beSilentOnLogs),
outputLevel: null,
totalBytes: 0,
totalPackets: 0,
totalPacketsLost: 0,
totalNacks: null
video: {
sending: {
ssrc: null,
bytes: 0,
packets: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
packetsLost: 0,
rtt: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
jitter: 0,
// Should not be for sending?
jitterBufferMs: null,
codec: self._getSDPSelectedCodec(peerId, pc.remoteDescription, 'video', beSilentOnLogs),
frameWidth: null,
frameHeight: null,
framesDecoded: null,
framesCorrupted: null,
framesDropped: null,
framesPerSecond: null,
framesInput: null,
frames: null,
frameRateEncoded: null,
frameRate: null,
frameRateInput: null,
frameRateMean: null,
frameRateStdDev: null,
nacks: null,
plis: null,
firs: null,
slis: null,
qpSum: null,
totalBytes: 0,
totalPackets: 0,
totalPacketsLost: 0,
totalNacks: null,
totalPlis: null,
totalFirs: null,
totalSlis: null,
totalFrames: null
receiving: {
ssrc: null,
bytes: 0,
packets: 0,
packetsDiscarded: 0,
packetsLost: 0,
fractionLost: 0,
jitter: 0,
jitterBufferMs: null,
codec: self._getSDPSelectedCodec(peerId, pc.remoteDescription, 'video', beSilentOnLogs),
frameWidth: null,
frameHeight: null,
framesDecoded: null,
framesCorrupted: null,
framesPerSecond: null,
framesDropped: null,
framesOutput: null,
frames: null,
frameRateMean: null,
frameRateStdDev: null,
nacks: null,
plis: null,
firs: null,
slis: null,
e2eDelay: null,
totalBytes: 0,
totalPackets: 0,
totalPacketsLost: 0,
totalNacks: null,
totalPlis: null,
totalFirs: null,
totalSlis: null,
totalFrames: null
selectedCandidate: {
local: {
ipAddress: null,
candidateType: null,
portNumber: null,
transport: null,
turnMediaTransport: null
remote: {
ipAddress: null,
candidateType: null,
portNumber: null,
transport: null
consentResponses: {
received: null,
sent: null,
totalReceived: null,
totalSent: null
consentRequests: {
received: null,
sent: null,
totalReceived: null,
totalSent: null
responses: {
received: null,
sent: null,
totalReceived: null,
totalSent: null
requests: {
received: null,
sent: null,
totalReceived: null,
totalSent: null
certificate: {
local: self._getSDPFingerprint(peerId, pc.localDescription, beSilentOnLogs),
remote: self._getSDPFingerprint(peerId, pc.remoteDescription, beSilentOnLogs),
dtlsCipher: null,
srtpCipher: null
if (self._dataChannels[peerId]) {
for (var channelProp in self._dataChannels[peerId]) {
if (self._dataChannels[peerId].hasOwnProperty(channelProp) && self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp]) {
result.connection.dataChannels[self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp].channel.label] = {
label: self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp].channel.label,
readyState: self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp].channel.readyState,
channelType: channelProp === 'main' ? self.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.MESSAGING : self.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.DATA,
currentTransferId: self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp].transferId || null,
currentStreamId: self._dataChannels[peerId][channelProp].streamId || null
var loopFn = function (obj, fn) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop]) {
fn(obj[prop], prop);
var formatCandidateFn = function (candidateDirType, candidate) {
result.selectedCandidate[candidateDirType].ipAddress = candidate.ipAddress;
result.selectedCandidate[candidateDirType].candidateType = candidate.candidateType;
result.selectedCandidate[candidateDirType].portNumber = typeof candidate.portNumber !== 'number' ?
parseInt(candidate.portNumber, 10) || null : candidate.portNumber;
result.selectedCandidate[candidateDirType].transport = candidate.transport;
pc.getStats(null, function (stats) {
if (!beSilentOnLogs) {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Retrieval success ->'], stats);
if (isAutoBwStats ? !self._peerStats[peerId] : !self._peerBandwidth[peerId]) {
callback(new Error('Peer connection stats object is not defined.', null));
result.raw = stats;
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox') {
loopFn(stats, function (obj, prop) {
var dirType = '';
// Receiving/Sending RTP packets
if (prop.indexOf('inbound_rtp') === 0 || prop.indexOf('outbound_rtp') === 0) {
dirType = prop.indexOf('inbound_rtp') === 0 ? 'receiving' : 'sending';
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].bytes = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'bytesReceived' : 'bytesSent');
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalBytes = parseInt(
(dirType === 'receiving' ? obj.bytesReceived : obj.bytesSent) || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].packets = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'packetsReceived' : 'packetsSent');
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalPackets = parseInt(
(dirType === 'receiving' ? obj.packetsReceived : obj.packetsSent) || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].ssrc = obj.ssrc;
if (obj.mediaType === 'video') {
result.video[dirType].frameRateMean = obj.framerateMean || 0;
result.video[dirType].frameRateStdDev = obj.framerateStdDev || 0;
result.video[dirType].framesDropped = typeof obj.framesDropped === 'number' ? obj.framesDropped :
(typeof obj.droppedFrames === 'number' ? obj.droppedFrames : null);
result.video[dirType].framesCorrupted = typeof obj.framesCorrupted === 'number' ? obj.framesCorrupted : null;
result.video[dirType].framesPerSecond = typeof obj.framesPerSecond === 'number' ? obj.framesPerSecond : null;
if (dirType === 'sending') {
result.video[dirType].framesEncoded = typeof obj.framesEncoded === 'number' ? obj.framesEncoded : null;
result.video[dirType].frames = typeof obj.framesSent === 'number' ? obj.framesSent : null;
} else {
result.video[dirType].framesDecoded = typeof obj.framesDecoded === 'number' ? obj.framesDecoded : null;
result.video[dirType].frames = typeof obj.framesReceived === 'number' ? obj.framesReceived : null;
if (dirType === 'receiving') {
obj.packetsDiscarded = (typeof obj.packetsDiscarded === 'number' ? obj.packetsDiscarded :
obj.discardedPackets) || 0;
obj.packetsLost = typeof obj.packetsLost === 'number' ? obj.packetsLost : 0;
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.packetsLost = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, 'packetsLost');
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.packetsDiscarded = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, 'packetsDiscarded');
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.totalPacketsDiscarded = obj.packetsDiscarded;
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.totalPacketsLost = obj.packetsLost;
if (isAutoBwStats) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
// Sending RTP packets lost
} else if (prop.indexOf('inbound_rtcp') === 0 || prop.indexOf('outbound_rtcp') === 0) {
dirType = prop.indexOf('inbound_rtp') === 0 ? 'receiving' : 'sending';
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
if (dirType === 'sending') {
result[obj.mediaType].sending.rtt = obj.mozRtt || 0;
result[obj.mediaType].sending.targetBitrate = typeof obj.targetBitrate === 'number' ? obj.targetBitrate : 0;
} else {
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.jitter = obj.jitter || 0;
if (isAutoBwStats) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
// Candidates
} else if (obj.nominated && obj.selected) {
formatCandidateFn('remote', stats[obj.remoteCandidateId]);
formatCandidateFn('local', stats[obj.localCandidateId]);
} else if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
var tracks = [];
if (pc.getRemoteStreams().length > 0) {
tracks = tracks.concat(pc.getRemoteStreams()[0].getTracks());
if (pc.getLocalStreams().length > 0) {
tracks = tracks.concat(pc.getLocalStreams()[0].getTracks());
loopFn(tracks, function (track) {
loopFn(stats, function (obj, prop) {
if (obj.type === 'track' && obj.trackIdentifier === track.id) {
var dirType = obj.remoteSource ? 'receiving' : 'sending';
var mediaType = track.kind;
if (mediaType === 'audio') {
result[mediaType][dirType][dirType === 'sending' ? 'inputLevel' : 'outputLevel'] = obj.audioLevel;
if (dirType === 'sending') {
result[mediaType][dirType].echoReturnLoss = obj.echoReturnLoss;
result[mediaType][dirType].echoReturnLossEnhancement = obj.echoReturnLossEnhancement;
} else {
result[mediaType][dirType].frames = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj,dirType === 'sending' ? obj.framesSent : obj.framesReceived);
result[mediaType][dirType].framesDropped = obj.framesDropped;
result[mediaType][dirType].framesDecoded = obj.framesDecoded;
result[mediaType][dirType].framesCorrupted = obj.framesCorrupted;
result[mediaType][dirType].framesPerSecond = obj.framesPerSecond;
result[mediaType][dirType].frameHeight = obj.frameHeight || null;
result[mediaType][dirType].frameWidth = obj.frameWidth || null;
result[mediaType][dirType].totalFrames = dirType === 'sending' ? obj.framesSent : obj.framesReceived;
loopFn(stats, function (streamObj, subprop) {
if (streamObj.mediaTrackId === obj.id && ['outboundrtp', 'inboundrtp'].indexOf(streamObj.type) > -1) {
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] = streamObj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][subprop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][subprop] = streamObj;
result[mediaType][dirType].ssrc = parseInt(streamObj.ssrc || '0', 10);
result[mediaType][dirType].nacks = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'nackCount');
result[mediaType][dirType].totalNacks = streamObj.nackCount;
if (mediaType === 'video') {
result[mediaType][dirType].firs = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'firCount');
result[mediaType][dirType].plis = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'pliCount');
result[mediaType][dirType].slis = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'sliCount');
result[mediaType][dirType].totalFirs = streamObj.firCount;
result[mediaType][dirType].totalPlis = streamObj.plisCount;
result[mediaType][dirType].totalSlis = streamObj.sliCount;
result[mediaType][dirType].bytes = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'bytesReceived' : 'bytesSent');
result[mediaType][dirType].packets = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'packetsReceived' : 'packetsSent');
result[mediaType][dirType].totalBytes = dirType === 'receiving' ? streamObj.bytesReceived : streamObj.bytesSent;
result[mediaType][dirType].totalPackets = dirType === 'receiving' ? streamObj.packetsReceived : streamObj.packetsSent;
if (dirType === 'receiving') {
result[mediaType][dirType].jitter = streamObj.jitter || 0;
result[mediaType].receiving.fractionLost = streamObj.fractionLost;
result[mediaType][dirType].packetsLost = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'packetsLost');
result[mediaType][dirType].packetsDiscarded = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][subprop] : self._peerStats[peerId][subprop],
streamObj, 'packetsDiscarded');
result[mediaType][dirType].totalPacketsLost = streamObj.packetsLost;
result[mediaType][dirType].totalPacketsDiscarded = streamObj.packetsDiscarded || 0;
} else {
result[mediaType].sending.rtt = streamObj.roundTripTime || 0;
result[mediaType].sending.targetBitrate = streamObj.targetBitrate || 0;
if (result[mediaType][dirType].codec && streamObj.codecId) {
result[mediaType][dirType].codec.name = streamObj.codecId;
} else {
var reportedCandidate = false;
var reportedCertificate = false;
loopFn(stats, function (obj, prop) {
if (prop.indexOf('ssrc_') === 0) {
var dirType = prop.indexOf('_recv') > 0 ? 'receiving' : 'sending';
// Polyfill fix for plugin. Plugin should fix this though
if (!obj.mediaType) {
obj.mediaType = obj.hasOwnProperty('audioOutputLevel') || obj.hasOwnProperty('audioInputLevel') ||
obj.hasOwnProperty('googEchoCancellationReturnLoss') || obj.hasOwnProperty('googEchoCancellation') ?
'audio' : 'video';
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
// Capture e2e delay
try {
if (obj.mediaType === 'video' && dirType === 'receiving') {
var captureStartNtpTimeMs = parseInt(obj.googCaptureStartNtpTimeMs || '0', 10);
if (captureStartNtpTimeMs > 0 && pc.getRemoteStreams().length > 0 && document &&
typeof document.getElementsByTagName === 'function') {
var streamId = pc.getRemoteStreams()[0].id || pc.getRemoteStreams()[0].label;
var elements = [];
if (self._isUsingPlugin) {
elements = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
} else {
elements = document.getElementsByTagName('video');
if (elements.length === 0) {
elements = document.getElementsByTagName('audio');
for (var e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) {
var videoElmStreamId = null;
if (self._isUsingPlugin) {
if (!(elements[e].children && typeof elements[e].children === 'object' &&
typeof elements[e].children.length === 'number' && elements[e].children.length > 0)) {
for (var ec = 0; ec < elements[e].children.length; ec++) {
if (elements[e].children[ec].name === 'streamId') {
videoElmStreamId = elements[e].children[ec].value || null;
} else {
videoElmStreamId = elements[e].srcObject ? elements[e].srcObject.id ||
elements[e].srcObject.label : null;
if (videoElmStreamId && videoElmStreamId === streamId) {
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].e2eDelay = ((new Date()).getTime() + 2208988800000) -
captureStartNtpTimeMs - elements[e].currentTime * 1000;
} catch (error) {
if (!beSilentOnLogs) {
log.warn([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Failed retrieving e2e delay ->'], error);
// Receiving/Sending RTP packets
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].ssrc = parseInt(obj.ssrc || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].bytes = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'bytesReceived' : 'bytesSent');
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].packets = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'packetsReceived' : 'packetsSent');
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].nacks = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, dirType === 'receiving' ? 'googNacksReceived' : 'googNacksSent');
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalPackets = parseInt((dirType === 'receiving' ? obj.packetsReceived :
obj.packetsSent) || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalBytes = parseInt((dirType === 'receiving' ? obj.bytesReceived :
obj.bytesSent) || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalNacks = parseInt((dirType === 'receiving' ? obj.googNacksReceived :
obj.googNacksSent) || '0', 10);
if (result[obj.mediaType][dirType].codec) {
if (obj.googCodecName && obj.googCodecName !== 'unknown') {
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].codec.name = obj.googCodecName;
if (obj.codecImplementationName && obj.codecImplementationName !== 'unknown') {
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].codec.implementation = obj.codecImplementationName;
if (dirType === 'sending') {
// NOTE: Chrome sending audio does have it but plugin has..
result[obj.mediaType].sending.rtt = parseFloat(obj.googRtt || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType].sending.targetBitrate = obj.targetBitrate ? parseInt(obj.targetBitrate, 10) : null;
} else {
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.packetsLost = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, 'packetsLost');
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.packetsDiscarded = self._parseConnectionStats(
isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] : self._peerStats[peerId][prop],
obj, 'packetsDiscarded');
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.jitter = parseFloat(obj.googJitterReceived || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.jitterBufferMs = obj.googJitterBufferMs ? parseFloat(obj.googJitterBufferMs || '0', 10) : null;
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.totalPacketsLost = parseInt(obj.packetsLost || '0', 10);
result[obj.mediaType].receiving.totalPacketsDiscarded = parseInt(obj.packetsDiscarded || '0', 10);
if (obj.mediaType === 'video') {
result.video[dirType].framesCorrupted = obj.framesCorrupted ? parseInt(obj.framesCorrupted, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].framesPerSecond = obj.framesPerSecond ? parseFloat(obj.framesPerSecond, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].framesDropped = obj.framesDropped ? parseInt(obj.framesDropped, 10) : null;
if (dirType === 'sending') {
result.video[dirType].frameWidth = obj.googFrameWidthSent ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameWidthSent, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameHeight = obj.googFrameHeightSent ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameHeightSent, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].plis = obj.googPlisSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'googPlisSent') : null;
result.video[dirType].firs = obj.googFirsSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'googFirsSent') : null;
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalPlis = obj.googPlisSent ? parseInt(obj.googPlisSent, 10) : null;
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalFirs = obj.googFirsSent ? parseInt(obj.googFirsSent, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].framesEncoded = obj.framesEncoded ? parseInt(obj.framesEncoded, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRateEncoded = obj.googFrameRateEncoded ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateEncoded, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRateInput = obj.googFrameRateInput ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateInput, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRate = obj.googFrameRateSent ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateSent, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].qpSum = obj.qpSum ? parseInt(obj.qpSum, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frames = obj.framesSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerStats[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'framesSent') : null;
result.video[dirType].totalFrames = obj.framesSent ? parseInt(obj.framesSent, 10) : null;
} else {
result.video[dirType].frameWidth = obj.googFrameWidthReceived ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameWidthReceived, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameHeight = obj.googFrameHeightReceived ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameHeightReceived, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].plis = obj.googPlisReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'googPlisReceived') : null;
result.video[dirType].firs = obj.googFirsReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'googFirsReceived') : null;
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalPlis = obj.googPlisReceived ? parseInt(obj.googPlisReceived, 10) : null;
result[obj.mediaType][dirType].totalFirs = obj.googFirsReceived ? parseInt(obj.googFirsReceived, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].framesDecoded = obj.framesDecoded ? parseInt(obj.framesDecoded, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRateDecoded = obj.googFrameRateDecoded ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateDecoded, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRateOutput = obj.googFrameRateOutput ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateOutput, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frameRate = obj.googFrameRateReceived ?
parseInt(obj.googFrameRateReceived, 10) : null;
result.video[dirType].frames = obj.framesReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] :
self._peerStats[peerId][prop], obj, 'framesReceived') : null;
result.video[dirType].totalFrames = obj.framesReceived ? parseInt(obj.framesReceived, 10) : null;
} else {
if (dirType === 'receiving') {
result.audio[dirType].outputLevel = parseFloat(obj.audioOutputLevel || '0', 10);
} else {
result.audio[dirType].inputLevel = parseFloat(obj.audioInputLevel || '0', 10);
result.audio[dirType].echoReturnLoss = parseFloat(obj.googEchoCancellationReturnLoss || '0', 10);
result.audio[dirType].echoReturnLossEnhancement = parseFloat(obj.googEchoCancellationReturnLossEnhancement || '0', 10);
if (isAutoBwStats) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][prop] = obj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][prop]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][prop] = obj;
if (!reportedCandidate) {
loopFn(stats, function (canObj, canProp) {
if (!reportedCandidate && canProp.indexOf('Conn-') === 0) {
if (obj.transportId === canObj.googChannelId) {
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] = canObj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][canProp]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp] = canObj;
formatCandidateFn('local', stats[canObj.localCandidateId]);
formatCandidateFn('remote', stats[canObj.remoteCandidateId]);
result.selectedCandidate.writable = canObj.googWritable ? canObj.googWritable === 'true' : null;
result.selectedCandidate.readable = canObj.googReadable ? canObj.googReadable === 'true' : null;
result.selectedCandidate.rtt = canObj.googRtt ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'googRtt') : null;
result.selectedCandidate.totalRtt = canObj.googRtt ? parseInt(canObj.googRtt, 10) : null;
result.selectedCandidate.requests = {
received: canObj.requestsReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'requestsReceived') : null,
sent: canObj.requestsSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'requestsSent') : null,
totalReceived: canObj.requestsReceived ? parseInt(canObj.requestsReceived, 10) : null,
totalSent: canObj.requestsSent ? parseInt(canObj.requestsSent, 10) : null
result.selectedCandidate.responses = {
received: canObj.responsesReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'responsesReceived') : null,
sent: canObj.responsesSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'responsesSent') : null,
totalReceived: canObj.responsesReceived ? parseInt(canObj.responsesReceived, 10) : null,
totalSent: canObj.responsesSent ? parseInt(canObj.responsesSent, 10) : null
result.selectedCandidate.consentRequests = {
received: canObj.consentRequestsReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'consentRequestsReceived') : null,
sent: canObj.consentRequestsSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'consentRequestsSent') : null,
totalReceived: canObj.consentRequestsReceived ? parseInt(canObj.consentRequestsReceived, 10) : null,
totalSent: canObj.consentRequestsSent ? parseInt(canObj.consentRequestsSent, 10) : null
result.selectedCandidate.consentResponses = {
received: canObj.consentResponsesReceived ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'consentResponsesReceived') : null,
sent: canObj.consentResponsesSent ?
self._parseConnectionStats(isAutoBwStats ? self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] :
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp], canObj, 'consentResponsesSent') : null,
totalReceived: canObj.consentResponsesReceived ? parseInt(canObj.consentResponsesReceived, 10) : null,
totalSent: canObj.consentResponsesSent ? parseInt(canObj.consentResponsesSent, 10) : null
if (isAutoBwStats) {
if (!self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp]) {
self._peerBandwidth[peerId][canProp] = canObj;
} else if (!self._peerStats[peerId][canProp]) {
self._peerStats[peerId][canProp] = canObj;
reportedCandidate = true;
if (!reportedCertificate && stats[obj.transportId]) {
result.certificate.srtpCipher = stats[obj.transportId].srtpCipher || null;
result.certificate.dtlsCipher = stats[obj.transportId].dtlsCipher || null;
var localCertId = stats[obj.transportId].localCertificateId;
var remoteCertId = stats[obj.transportId].remoteCertificateId;
if (localCertId && stats[localCertId]) {
result.certificate.local.derBase64 = stats[localCertId].googDerBase64 || null;
if (stats[localCertId].googFingerprint) {
result.certificate.local.fingerprint = stats[localCertId].googFingerprint;
if (stats[localCertId].googFingerprintAlgorithm) {
result.certificate.local.fingerprintAlgorithm = stats[localCertId].googFingerprintAlgorithm;
if (remoteCertId && stats[remoteCertId]) {
result.certificate.remote.derBase64 = stats[remoteCertId].googDerBase64 || null;
if (stats[remoteCertId].googFingerprint) {
result.certificate.remote.fingerprint = stats[remoteCertId].googFingerprint;
if (stats[remoteCertId].googFingerprintAlgorithm) {
result.certificate.remote.fingerprintAlgorithm = stats[remoteCertId].googFingerprintAlgorithm;
reportedCertificate = true;
if ((result.selectedCandidate.local.candidateType || '').indexOf('relay') === 0) {
result.selectedCandidate.local.turnMediaTransport = 'UDP';
if (self._forceTURNSSL && window.webrtcDetectedBrowser !== 'firefox') {
result.selectedCandidate.local.turnMediaTransport = 'TCP/TLS';
} else if ((self._TURNTransport === self.TURN_TRANSPORT.TCP || self._forceTURNSSL) &&
self._room && self._room.connection && self._room.connection.peerConfig &&
Array.isArray(self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers) &&
self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers[0] &&
self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers[0].urls[0] &&
self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers[0].urls[0].indexOf('?transport=tcp') > 0) {
result.selectedCandidate.local.turnMediaTransport = 'TCP';
} else {
result.selectedCandidate.local.turnMediaTransport = null;
callback(null, result);
}, function (error) {
if (!beSilentOnLogs) {
log.error([peerId, 'RTCStatsReport', null, 'Failed retrieving stats ->'], error);
callback(error, null);
* Function that starts the Peer connection session.
* Remember to remove previous method of reconnection (re-creating the Peer connection - destroy and create connection).
* @method _addPeer
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.4
Skylink.prototype._addPeer = function(targetMid, cert, peerBrowser, receiveOnly, isSS) {
var self = this;
if (self._peerConnections[targetMid]) {
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Connection to peer has already been made']);
self._peerConnStatus[targetMid] = {
connected: false,
init: false
log.log([targetMid, null, null, 'Starting the connection to peer. Options provided:'], {
peerBrowser: peerBrowser,
receiveOnly: receiveOnly,
enableDataChannel: self._enableDataChannel
log.info('Adding peer', isSS);
self._peerConnections[targetMid] = self._createPeerConnection(targetMid, !!isSS, cert);
if (!self._peerConnections[targetMid]) {
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Failed creating the connection to peer.']);
self._peerConnStatus[targetMid].init = true;
self._peerConnections[targetMid].hasScreen = !!isSS;
* Function that re-negotiates a Peer connection.
* Remember to remove previous method of reconnection (re-creating the Peer connection - destroy and create connection).
* @method _restartPeerConnection
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.8
Skylink.prototype._restartPeerConnection = function (peerId, doIceRestart, bwOptions, callback) {
var self = this;
if (!self._peerConnections[peerId]) {
log.error([peerId, null, null, 'Peer does not have an existing ' +
'connection. Unable to restart']);
var pc = self._peerConnections[peerId];
var agent = (self.getPeerInfo(peerId) || {}).agent || {};
// prevent restarts for other SDK clients
if (self._isLowerThanVersion(agent.SMProtocolVersion || '', '0.1.2')) {
var notSupportedError = new Error('Failed restarting with other agents connecting from other SDKs as ' +
're-negotiation is not supported by other SDKs');
log.warn([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Ignoring restart request as agent\'s SDK does not support it'],
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Firing restart failure callback']);
// This is when the state is stable and re-handshaking is possible
// This could be due to previous connection handshaking that is already done
if (pc.signalingState === self.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.STABLE && self._peerConnections[peerId]) {
log.log([peerId, null, null, 'Sending restart message to signaling server ->'], {
iceRestart: doIceRestart,
options: bwOptions
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId] = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId] || {};
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth || {};
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth || {};
if (bwOptions.bandwidth && typeof bwOptions.bandwidth === 'object') {
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.audio === 'number') {
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.audio = bwOptions.bandwidth.audio;
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.video === 'number') {
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.video = bwOptions.bandwidth.video;
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.data === 'number') {
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.data = bwOptions.bandwidth.data;
if (bwOptions.googleXBandwidth && typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth === 'object') {
if (typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.min === 'number') {
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.min = bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.min;
if (typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.max === 'number') {
self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.max = bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.max;
var restartMsg = {
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
agent: window.webrtcDetectedBrowser,
version: (window.webrtcDetectedVersion || 0).toString(),
os: window.navigator.platform,
userInfo: self._getUserInfo(peerId),
target: peerId,
weight: self._peerPriorityWeight,
receiveOnly: self.getPeerInfo().config.receiveOnly,
enableIceTrickle: self._enableIceTrickle,
enableDataChannel: self._enableDataChannel,
enableIceRestart: self._enableIceRestart,
doIceRestart: doIceRestart === true && self._enableIceRestart && self._peerInformations[peerId] &&
isRestartResend: false,
temasysPluginVersion: AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin ? AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin.VERSION : null,
SMProtocolVersion: self.SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
DTProtocolVersion: self.DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
if (self._publishOnly) {
restartMsg.publishOnly = {
type: self._streams.screenshare && self._streams.screenshare.stream ? 'screenshare' : 'video'
if (self._parentId) {
restartMsg.parentId = self._parentId;
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[peerId] = self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[peerId] || {};
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[peerId].len = 0;
self._trigger('peerRestart', peerId, self.getPeerInfo(peerId), true, doIceRestart === true);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Firing restart callback']);
} else {
// Let's check if the signalingState is stable first.
// In another galaxy or universe, where the local description gets dropped..
// In the offerHandler or answerHandler, do the appropriate flags to ignore or drop "extra" descriptions
if (pc.signalingState === self.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER) {
// Checks if the local description is defined first
var hasLocalDescription = pc.localDescription && pc.localDescription.sdp;
// By then it should have at least the local description..
if (hasLocalDescription) {
type: pc.localDescription.type,
sdp: pc.localDescription.sdp,
mid: self._user.sid,
target: peerId,
rid: self._room.id,
restart: true
} else {
var noLocalDescriptionError = 'Failed re-sending localDescription as there is ' +
'no localDescription set to connection. There could be a handshaking step error';
log.error([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, noLocalDescriptionError], {
localDescription: pc.localDescription,
remoteDescription: pc.remoteDescription
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Firing restart failure callback']);
callback(new Error(noLocalDescriptionError));
// It could have connection state closed
} else {
var unableToRestartError = 'Failed restarting as peer connection state is ' + pc.signalingState;
log.warn([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, unableToRestartError]);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Firing restart failure callback']);
callback(new Error(unableToRestartError));
* Function that ends the Peer connection session.
* @method _removePeer
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.5
Skylink.prototype._removePeer = function(peerId) {
if (!this._peerConnections[peerId] && !this._peerInformations[peerId]) {
log.debug([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Dropping the hangup from Peer as not connected to Peer at all.']);
var peerInfo = clone(this.getPeerInfo(peerId)) || {
userData: '',
settings: { audio: false, video: false, data: false },
mediaStatus: { audioMuted: true, videoMuted: true },
agent: {
name: 'unknown',
version: 0,
os: '',
pluginVersion: null
config: {
enableDataChannel: true,
enableIceRestart: false,
enableIceTrickle: true,
priorityWeight: 0,
publishOnly: false,
receiveOnly: true
parentId: null,
room: clone(this._selectedRoom)
if (peerId !== 'MCU') {
this._trigger('peerLeft', peerId, peerInfo, false);
} else {
this._hasMCU = false;
log.log([peerId, null, null, 'MCU has stopped listening and left']);
this._trigger('serverPeerLeft', peerId, this.SERVER_PEER_TYPE.MCU);
// check if health timer exists
if (this._peerConnections[peerId]) {
if (this._peerConnections[peerId].signalingState !== this.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED) {
if (peerId !== 'MCU') {
delete this._peerConnections[peerId];
// remove peer informations session
if (this._peerInformations[peerId]) {
delete this._peerInformations[peerId];
// remove peer messages stamps session
if (this._peerMessagesStamps[peerId]) {
delete this._peerMessagesStamps[peerId];
// remove peer streams session
if (this._streamsSession[peerId]) {
delete this._streamsSession[peerId];
// remove peer streams session
if (this._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[peerId]) {
delete this._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[peerId];
// remove peer queued ICE candidates
if (this._peerCandidatesQueue[peerId]) {
delete this._peerCandidatesQueue[peerId];
// remove peer sdp session
if (this._sdpSessions[peerId]) {
delete this._sdpSessions[peerId];
// remove peer stats session
if (this._peerStats[peerId]) {
delete this._peerStats[peerId];
// remove peer bandwidth stats
if (this._peerBandwidth[peerId]) {
delete this._peerBandwidth[peerId];
// remove peer ICE candidates
if (this._gatheredCandidates[peerId]) {
delete this._gatheredCandidates[peerId];
// remove peer ICE candidates
if (this._peerCustomConfigs[peerId]) {
delete this._peerCustomConfigs[peerId];
// remove peer connection config
if (this._peerConnStatus[peerId]) {
delete this._peerConnStatus[peerId];
// close datachannel connection
if (this._dataChannels[peerId]) {
log.log([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Successfully removed peer']);
* Function that creates the Peer connection.
* @method _createPeerConnection
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.5.1
Skylink.prototype._createPeerConnection = function(targetMid, isScreenSharing, cert) {
var pc, self = this;
if (!self._inRoom || !(self._room && self._room.connection &&
self._room.connection.peerConfig && Array.isArray(self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers))) {
var constraints = {
iceServers: self._room.connection.peerConfig.iceServers,
iceTransportPolicy: self._filterCandidatesType.host && self._filterCandidatesType.srflx &&
!self._filterCandidatesType.relay ? 'relay' : 'all',
bundlePolicy: self._peerConnectionConfig.bundlePolicy === self.BUNDLE_POLICY.NONE ?
self.BUNDLE_POLICY.BALANCED : self._peerConnectionConfig.bundlePolicy,
rtcpMuxPolicy: self._peerConnectionConfig.rtcpMuxPolicy,
iceCandidatePoolSize: self._peerConnectionConfig.iceCandidatePoolSize
var optional = {
optional: [
{ DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true },
{ googIPv6: true }
if (cert) {
constraints.certificates = [cert];
if (self._peerConnStatus[targetMid]) {
self._peerConnStatus[targetMid].constraints = constraints;
self._peerConnStatus[targetMid].optional = optional;
// currently the AdapterJS 0.12.1-2 causes an issue to prevent firefox from
// using .urls feature
try {
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Creating peer connection ->'], {
constraints: constraints,
optional: optional
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(constraints, optional);
} catch (error) {
log.error([targetMid, null, null, 'Failed creating peer connection:'], error);
self._trigger('handshakeProgress', self.HANDSHAKE_PROGRESS.ERROR, targetMid, error);
return null;
// attributes (added on by Temasys)
pc.setOffer = '';
pc.setAnswer = '';
pc.hasStream = false;
pc.hasScreen = !!isScreenSharing;
pc.hasMainChannel = false;
pc.firefoxStreamId = '';
pc.processingLocalSDP = false;
pc.processingRemoteSDP = false;
pc.gathered = false;
pc.gathering = false;
// candidates
self._gatheredCandidates[targetMid] = {
sending: { host: [], srflx: [], relay: [] },
receiving: { host: [], srflx: [], relay: [] }
self._streamsSession[targetMid] = self._streamsSession[targetMid] || {};
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid] = self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid] || {};
self._sdpSessions[targetMid] = { local: {}, remote: {} };
self._peerBandwidth[targetMid] = {};
var bandwidth = null;
// callbacks
// standard not implemented: onnegotiationneeded,
pc.ondatachannel = function(event) {
var dc = event.channel || event;
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCDataChannel', dc.label, 'Received datachannel ->'], dc);
if (self._enableDataChannel && self._peerInformations[targetMid] &&
self._peerInformations[targetMid].config.enableDataChannel) {
var channelType = self.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE.DATA;
var channelKey = dc.label;
// if peer does not have main channel, the first item is main
if (!pc.hasMainChannel) {
channelKey = 'main';
pc.hasMainChannel = true;
self._createDataChannel(targetMid, dc);
} else {
log.warn([targetMid, 'RTCDataChannel', dc.label, 'Not adding datachannel as enable datachannel ' +
'is set to false']);
pc.onaddstream = function(event) {
if (!self._peerConnections[targetMid]) {
var stream = event.stream || event;
var streamId = stream.id || stream.label;
if (targetMid === 'MCU') {
log.warn([targetMid, 'MediaStream', streamId, 'Ignoring received remote stream from MCU ->'], stream);
} else if (!self._sdpSettings.direction.audio.receive && !self._sdpSettings.direction.video.receive) {
log.warn([targetMid, 'MediaStream', streamId, 'Ignoring received empty remote stream ->'], stream);
// Fixes for the dirty-hack for Chrome offer to Firefox (inactive)
// See: ESS-680
if (!self._hasMCU && window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox' &&
pc.getRemoteStreams().length > 1 && pc.remoteDescription && pc.remoteDescription.sdp) {
if (pc.remoteDescription.sdp.indexOf(' msid:' + streamId + ' ') === -1) {
log.warn([targetMid, 'MediaStream', streamId, 'Ignoring received empty remote stream ->'], stream);
var peerSettings = clone(self.getPeerInfo(targetMid).settings);
var hasScreenshare = peerSettings.video && typeof peerSettings.video === 'object' && !!peerSettings.video.screenshare;
pc.hasStream = true;
pc.hasScreen = !!hasScreenshare;
self._streamsSession[targetMid][streamId] = peerSettings;
self._onRemoteStreamAdded(targetMid, stream, !!hasScreenshare);
pc.onicecandidate = function(event) {
self._onIceCandidate(targetMid, event.candidate || event);
pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(evt) {
var iceConnectionState = pc.iceConnectionState;
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCIceConnectionState', null, 'Ice connection state changed ->'], iceConnectionState);
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
if (iceConnectionState === 'connecting') {
iceConnectionState = self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.CHECKING;
} else if (iceConnectionState === 'new') {
iceConnectionState = self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.FAILED;
self._trigger('iceConnectionState', iceConnectionState, targetMid);
if (iceConnectionState === self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.FAILED && self._enableIceTrickle) {
self._trigger('iceConnectionState', self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.TRICKLE_FAILED, targetMid);
if (self._peerConnStatus[targetMid]) {
self._peerConnStatus[targetMid].connected = [self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.COMPLETED,
self.ICE_CONNECTION_STATE.CONNECTED].indexOf(iceConnectionState) > -1;
iceConnectionState) > -1 && !!self._bandwidthAdjuster && !bandwidth && window.webrtcDetectedBrowser !== 'edge' &&
(((self._peerInformations[targetMid] || {}).agent || {}).name || 'edge') !== 'edge') {
var currentBlock = 0;
var formatTotalFn = function (arr) {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
total += arr[i];
return total / arr.length;
bandwidth = {
audio: { send: [], recv: [] },
video: { send: [], recv: [] }
var pullInterval = setInterval(function () {
if (!(self._peerConnections[targetMid] && self._peerConnections[targetMid].signalingState !==
self.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED) || !self._bandwidthAdjuster || !self._peerBandwidth[targetMid]) {
self._retrieveStats(targetMid, function (err, stats) {
if (!(self._peerConnections[targetMid] && self._peerConnections[targetMid].signalingState !==
self.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED) || !self._bandwidthAdjuster) {
if (err) {
} else {
bandwidth.audio.send.push(stats.audio.sending.bytes * 8);
bandwidth.audio.recv.push(stats.audio.receiving.bytes * 8);
bandwidth.video.send.push(stats.video.sending.bytes * 8);
bandwidth.video.recv.push(stats.video.receiving.bytes * 8);
if (currentBlock === self._bandwidthAdjuster.interval) {
currentBlock = 0;
var totalAudioBw = formatTotalFn(bandwidth.audio.send);
var totalVideoBw = formatTotalFn(bandwidth.video.send);
if (!self._bandwidthAdjuster.useUploadBwOnly) {
totalAudioBw += formatTotalFn(bandwidth.audio.recv);
totalVideoBw += formatTotalFn(bandwidth.video.recv);
totalAudioBw = totalAudioBw / 2;
totalVideoBw = totalVideoBw / 2;
totalAudioBw = parseInt((totalAudioBw * (self._bandwidthAdjuster.limitAtPercentage / 100)) / 1000, 10);
totalVideoBw = parseInt((totalVideoBw * (self._bandwidthAdjuster.limitAtPercentage / 100)) / 1000, 10);
bandwidth = {
audio: { send: [], recv: [] },
video: { send: [], recv: [] }
self.refreshConnection(targetMid, {
bandwidth: { audio: totalAudioBw, video: totalVideoBw }
}, true, true);
}, 1000);
pc.onsignalingstatechange = function() {
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCSignalingState', null, 'Peer connection state changed ->'], pc.signalingState);
self._trigger('peerConnectionState', pc.signalingState, targetMid);
pc.onicegatheringstatechange = function() {
log.log([targetMid, 'RTCIceGatheringState', null, 'Ice gathering state changed ->'], pc.iceGatheringState);
self._trigger('candidateGenerationState', pc.iceGatheringState, targetMid);
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'firefox') {
pc.removeStream = function (stream) {
var senders = pc.getSenders();
for (var s = 0; s < senders.length; s++) {
var tracks = stream.getTracks();
for (var t = 0; t < tracks.length; t++) {
if (tracks[t] === senders[s].track) {
return pc;
* Function that handles the <code>_restartPeerConnection</code> scenario
* for MCU enabled Peer connections.
* This is implemented currently by making the user leave and join the Room again.
* The Peer ID will not stay the same though.
* @method _restartMCUConnection
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.1
Skylink.prototype._restartMCUConnection = function(callback, doIceRestart, bwOptions) {
var self = this;
var listOfPeers = Object.keys(self._peerConnections);
var listOfPeerRestartErrors = {};
var sendRestartMsgFn = function (peerId) {
var restartMsg = {
mid: self._user.sid,
rid: self._room.id,
agent: window.webrtcDetectedBrowser,
version: (window.webrtcDetectedVersion || 0).toString(),
os: window.navigator.platform,
userInfo: self._getUserInfo(peerId),
target: peerId,
weight: self._peerPriorityWeight,
receiveOnly: self.getPeerInfo().config.receiveOnly,
enableIceTrickle: self._enableIceTrickle,
enableDataChannel: self._enableDataChannel,
enableIceRestart: self._enableIceRestart,
doIceRestart: self._mcuUseRenegoRestart && doIceRestart === true &&
self._enableIceRestart && self._peerInformations[peerId] &&
isRestartResend: false,
temasysPluginVersion: AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin ? AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin.VERSION : null,
SMProtocolVersion: self.SM_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
DTProtocolVersion: self.DT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
if (self._publishOnly) {
restartMsg.publishOnly = {
type: self._streams.screenshare && self._streams.screenshare.stream ? 'screenshare' : 'video'
if (self._parentId) {
restartMsg.parentId = self._parentId;
log.log([peerId, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Sending restart message to signaling server ->'], restartMsg);
// Toggle the main bandwidth options.
if (bwOptions.bandwidth && typeof bwOptions.bandwidth === 'object') {
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.audio === 'number') {
self._streamsBandwidthSettings.bAS.audio = bwOptions.bandwidth.audio;
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.video === 'number') {
self._streamsBandwidthSettings.bAS.video = bwOptions.bandwidth.video;
if (typeof bwOptions.bandwidth.data === 'number') {
self._streamsBandwidthSettings.bAS.data = bwOptions.bandwidth.data;
if (bwOptions.googleXBandwidth && typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth === 'object') {
if (typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.min === 'number') {
self._streamsBandwidthSettings.googleX.min = bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.min;
if (typeof bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.max === 'number') {
self._streamsBandwidthSettings.googleX.max = bwOptions.googleXBandwidth.max;
for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
if (!self._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]]) {
var error = 'Peer connection with peer does not exists. Unable to restart';
log.error([listOfPeers[i], 'PeerConnection', null, error]);
listOfPeerRestartErrors[listOfPeers[i]] = new Error(error);
if (listOfPeers[i] !== 'MCU') {
self._trigger('peerRestart', listOfPeers[i], self.getPeerInfo(listOfPeers[i]), true, false);
if (!self._mcuUseRenegoRestart) {
self._trigger('serverPeerRestart', 'MCU', self.SERVER_PEER_TYPE.MCU);
if (self._mcuUseRenegoRestart) {
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter.MCU = self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter.MCU || {};
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter.MCU.len = 0;
} else {
// Restart with MCU = peer leaves then rejoins room
var peerJoinedFn = function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
log.log([null, 'PeerConnection', null, 'Invoked all peers to restart with MCU. Firing callback']);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
if (Object.keys(listOfPeerRestartErrors).length > 0) {
refreshErrors: listOfPeerRestartErrors,
listOfPeers: listOfPeers
}, null);
} else {
callback(null, {
listOfPeers: listOfPeers
self.once('peerJoined', peerJoinedFn, function (peerId, peerInfo, isSelf) {
return isSelf;
self.leaveRoom(false, function (error, success) {
if (error) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
listOfPeerRestartErrors[listOfPeers[i]] = error;
refreshErrors: listOfPeerRestartErrors,
listOfPeers: listOfPeers
}, null);
} else {
//self._trigger('serverPeerLeft', 'MCU', self.SERVER_PEER_TYPE.MCU);
self.joinRoom(self._selectedRoom, {
bandwidth: bwOptions.bandwidth || {},
googleXBandwidth: bwOptions.googleXBandwidth || {},
sdpSettings: clone(self._sdpSettings),
voiceActivityDetection: self._voiceActivityDetection,
publishOnly: !!self._publishOnly,
parentId: self._parentId || null,
autoBandwidthAdjustment: self._bandwidthAdjuster
* Function that handles the stats tabulation.
* @method _parseConnectionStats
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.16
Skylink.prototype._parseConnectionStats = function(prevStats, stats, prop) {
var nTime = stats.timestamp;
var oTime = prevStats ? prevStats.timestamp || 0 : 0;
var nVal = parseFloat(stats[prop] || '0', 10);
var oVal = parseFloat(prevStats ? prevStats[prop] || '0' : '0', 10);
if ((new Date(nTime).getTime()) === (new Date(oTime).getTime())) {
return nVal;
return parseFloat(((nVal - oVal) / (nTime - oTime) * 1000).toFixed(3) || '0', 10);
* Function that signals the end-of-candidates flag.
* @method _signalingEndOfCandidates
* @private
* @for Skylink
* @since 0.6.16
Skylink.prototype._signalingEndOfCandidates = function(targetMid) {
var self = this;
if (!self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid]) {
// If remote description is set
if (self._peerConnections[targetMid].remoteDescription && self._peerConnections[targetMid].remoteDescription.sdp &&
// If end-of-candidates signal is received
typeof self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].expectedLen === 'number' &&
// If all ICE candidates are received
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].len >= self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].expectedLen &&
// If there is no ICE candidates queue
(self._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid] ? self._peerCandidatesQueue[targetMid].length === 0 : true) &&
// If it has not been set yet
!self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].hasSet) {
log.debug([targetMid, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Signaling of end-of-candidates remote ICE gathering.']);
self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].hasSet = true;
try {
if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
var mLineCounter = -1;
var addedMids = [];
var sdpLines = self._peerConnections[targetMid].remoteDescription.sdp.split('\r\n');
var rejected = false;
for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) {
if (sdpLines[i].indexOf('m=') === 0) {
rejected = sdpLines[i].split(' ')[1] === '0';
} else if (sdpLines[i].indexOf('a=mid:') === 0 && !rejected) {
var mid = sdpLines[i].split('a=mid:')[1] || '';
if (mid && addedMids.indexOf(mid) === -1) {
self._addIceCandidate(targetMid, 'endofcan-' + (new Date()).getTime(), new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMid: mid,
sdpMLineIndex: mLineCounter,
candidate: 'candidate:1 1 udp 1 9 typ endOfCandidates'
// Start breaking after the first add because of max-bundle option
if (self._peerConnectionConfig.bundlePolicy === self.BUNDLE_POLICY.MAX_BUNDLE) {
} else if (AdapterJS && !self._isLowerThanVersion(AdapterJS.VERSION, '0.14.0')) {
if (self._gatheredCandidates[targetMid]) {
self._trigger('candidatesGathered', targetMid, {
expected: self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].expectedLen || 0,
received: self._peerEndOfCandidatesCounter[targetMid].len || 0,
processed: self._gatheredCandidates[targetMid].receiving.srflx.length +
self._gatheredCandidates[targetMid].receiving.relay.length +
} catch (error) {
log.error([targetMid, 'RTCPeerConnection', null, 'Failed signaling end-of-candidates ->'], error);