- /**
- * Function that overwrites the User current custom data.
- * @method setUserData
- * @param {JSON|String} userData The updated custom data.
- * @trigger <ol class="desc-seq">
- * <li>Updates User custom data. <ol>
- * <li>If User is in Room: <ol>
- * <li><a href="#event_peerUpdated"><code>peerUpdated</code> event</a> triggers with parameter payload
- * <code>isSelf</code> value as <code>true</code>.</li></ol></li></ol></li></ol>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Set/Update User custom data before joinRoom()
- * var userData = "beforejoin";
- *
- * skylinkDemo.setUserData(userData);
- *
- * skylinkDemo.joinRoom(function (error, success) {
- * if (error) return;
- * if (success.peerInfo.userData === userData) {
- * console.log("User data is sent");
- * }
- * });
- *
- * // Example 2: Update User custom data after joinRoom()
- * var userData = "afterjoin";
- *
- * skylinkDemo.joinRoom(function (error, success) {
- * if (error) return;
- * skylinkDemo.setUserData(userData);
- * if (skylinkDemo.getPeerInfo().userData === userData) {
- * console.log("User data is updated and sent");
- * }
- * });
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.5
- */
- Skylink.prototype.setUserData = function(userData) {
- var self = this;
- var updatedUserData = '';
- if (!(typeof userData === 'undefined' || userData === null)) {
- updatedUserData = userData;
- }
- this._userData = updatedUserData;
- if (self._inRoom) {
- log.log('Updated userData -> ', updatedUserData);
- self._sendChannelMessage({
- mid: self._user.sid,
- rid: self._room.id,
- userData: updatedUserData,
- stamp: (new Date()).getTime()
- });
- self._trigger('peerUpdated', self._user.sid, self.getPeerInfo(), true);
- } else {
- log.warn('User is not in the room. Broadcast of updated information will be dropped');
- }
- };
- /**
- * Function that returns the User / Peer current custom data.
- * @method getUserData
- * @param {String} [peerId] The Peer ID to return the current custom data from.
- * - When not provided or that the Peer ID is does not exists, it will return
- * the User current custom data.
- * @return {JSON|String} The User / Peer current custom data.
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get Peer current custom data
- * var peerUserData = skylinkDemo.getUserData(peerId);
- *
- * // Example 2: Get User current custom data
- * var userUserData = skylinkDemo.getUserData();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.5.10
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getUserData = function(peerId) {
- if (peerId && this._peerInformations[peerId]) {
- var userData = this._peerInformations[peerId].userData;
- if (!(userData !== null && typeof userData === 'undefined')) {
- userData = '';
- }
- return userData;
- }
- return this._userData;
- };
- /**
- * Function that returns the User / Peer current session information.
- * @method getPeerInfo
- * @param {String} [peerId] The Peer ID to return the current session information from.
- * - When not provided or that the Peer ID is does not exists, it will return
- * the User current session information.
- * @return {JSON} The User / Peer current session information.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get Peer current session information
- * var peerPeerInfo = skylinkDemo.getPeerInfo(peerId);
- *
- * // Example 2: Get User current session information
- * var userPeerInfo = skylinkDemo.getPeerInfo();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.4.0
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getPeerInfo = function(peerId) {
- var peerInfo = null;
- if (typeof peerId === 'string' && typeof this._peerInformations[peerId] === 'object') {
- peerInfo = clone(this._peerInformations[peerId]);
- peerInfo.room = clone(this._selectedRoom);
- peerInfo.settings.bandwidth = peerInfo.settings.bandwidth || {};
- peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth = peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth || {};
- if (!(typeof peerInfo.settings.video === 'boolean' || (peerInfo.settings.video &&
- typeof peerInfo.settings.video === 'object'))) {
- peerInfo.settings.video = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (!(typeof peerInfo.settings.audio === 'boolean' || (peerInfo.settings.audio &&
- typeof peerInfo.settings.audio === 'object'))) {
- peerInfo.settings.audio = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (typeof peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted !== 'boolean') {
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (typeof peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted !== 'boolean') {
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.maxBandwidth) {
- peerInfo.settings.bandwidth = clone(peerInfo.settings.maxBandwidth);
- delete peerInfo.settings.maxBandwidth;
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.video && typeof peerInfo.settings.video === 'object' &&
- peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings && typeof peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings === 'object') {
- if (peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.frameRate) {
- peerInfo.settings.video.frameRate = clone(peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.frameRate);
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.facingMode) {
- peerInfo.settings.video.facingMode = clone(peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.facingMode);
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.width) {
- peerInfo.settings.video.resolution = peerInfo.settings.video.resolution || {};
- peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.width = clone(peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.width);
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.height) {
- peerInfo.settings.video.resolution = peerInfo.settings.video.resolution || {};
- peerInfo.settings.video.resolution.height = clone(peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.height);
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.facingMode) {
- peerInfo.settings.video.facingMode = clone(peerInfo.settings.video.customSettings.facingMode);
- }
- }
- if (peerInfo.settings.audio && typeof peerInfo.settings.audio === 'object') {
- peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo = peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo === true;
- }
- if (!(peerInfo.userData !== null && typeof peerInfo.userData !== 'undefined')) {
- peerInfo.userData = '';
- }
- peerInfo.parentId = peerInfo.parentId || null;
- if (peerId === 'MCU') {
- peerInfo.config.receiveOnly = true;
- peerInfo.config.publishOnly = false;
- } else if (this._hasMCU) {
- peerInfo.config.receiveOnly = false;
- peerInfo.config.publishOnly = true;
- }
- // If there is Peer ID (not broadcast ENTER message) and Peer is Edge browser and User is not
- if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser !== 'edge' && peerInfo.agent.name === 'edge' ?
- // If User is IE/safari and does not have H264 support, remove video support
- ['IE', 'safari'].indexOf(window.webrtcDetectedBrowser) > -1 && !this._currentCodecSupport.video.h264 :
- // If User is Edge and Peer is not and no H264 support, remove video support
- window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge' && peerInfo.agent.name !== 'edge' && !this._currentCodecSupport.video.h264) {
- peerInfo.settings.video = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.direction.audio.receive) {
- peerInfo.settings.audio = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.direction.video.receive) {
- peerInfo.settings.video = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.connection.audio) {
- peerInfo.settings.audio = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.connection.video) {
- peerInfo.settings.video = false;
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- peerInfo.settings.data = !!(this._dataChannels[peerId] && this._dataChannels[peerId].main &&
- this._dataChannels[peerId].main.channel &&
- this._dataChannels[peerId].main.channel.readyState === this.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE.OPEN);
- peerInfo.connected = this._peerConnStatus[peerId] && !!this._peerConnStatus[peerId].connected;
- peerInfo.init = this._peerConnStatus[peerId] && !!this._peerConnStatus[peerId].init;
- } else {
- peerInfo = {
- userData: clone(this._userData),
- settings: {
- audio: false,
- video: false
- },
- mediaStatus: clone(this._streamsMutedSettings),
- agent: {
- name: window.webrtcDetectedBrowser,
- version: window.webrtcDetectedVersion,
- os: window.navigator.platform,
- pluginVersion: AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin ? AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin.VERSION : null,
- SMProtocolVersion: this.SMProtocolVersion,
- DTProtocolVersion: this.DTProtocolVersion
- },
- room: clone(this._selectedRoom),
- config: {
- enableDataChannel: this._enableDataChannel,
- enableIceTrickle: this._enableIceTrickle,
- enableIceRestart: this._enableIceRestart,
- priorityWeight: this._peerPriorityWeight,
- receiveOnly: false,
- publishOnly: !!this._publishOnly
- },
- connected: null,
- init: null
- };
- if (!(peerInfo.userData !== null && typeof peerInfo.userData !== 'undefined')) {
- peerInfo.userData = '';
- }
- if (this._streams.screenshare) {
- peerInfo.settings = clone(this._streams.screenshare.settings);
- } else if (this._streams.userMedia) {
- peerInfo.settings = clone(this._streams.userMedia.settings);
- }
- peerInfo.settings.bandwidth = clone(this._streamsBandwidthSettings.bAS);
- peerInfo.settings.googleXBandwidth = clone(this._streamsBandwidthSettings.googleX);
- peerInfo.parentId = this._parentId ? this._parentId : null;
- peerInfo.config.receiveOnly = !peerInfo.settings.video && !peerInfo.settings.audio;
- peerInfo.settings.data = this._enableDataChannel && this._sdpSettings.connection.data;
- if (peerInfo.settings.audio && typeof peerInfo.settings.audio === 'object') {
- // Override the settings.audio.usedtx
- if (typeof this._codecParams.audio.opus.stereo === 'boolean') {
- peerInfo.settings.audio.stereo = this._codecParams.audio.opus.stereo;
- }
- // Override the settings.audio.usedtx
- if (typeof this._codecParams.audio.opus.usedtx === 'boolean') {
- peerInfo.settings.audio.usedtx = this._codecParams.audio.opus.usedtx;
- }
- // Override the settings.audio.maxplaybackrate
- if (typeof this._codecParams.audio.opus.maxplaybackrate === 'number') {
- peerInfo.settings.audio.maxplaybackrate = this._codecParams.audio.opus.maxplaybackrate;
- }
- // Override the settings.audio.useinbandfec
- if (typeof this._codecParams.audio.opus.useinbandfec === 'boolean') {
- peerInfo.settings.audio.useinbandfec = this._codecParams.audio.opus.useinbandfec;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!peerInfo.settings.audio) {
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (!peerInfo.settings.video) {
- peerInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- if (!peerInfo.settings.audio && !peerInfo.settings.video) {
- peerInfo.config.receiveOnly = true;
- peerInfo.config.publishOnly = false;
- }
- return peerInfo;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the list of connected Peers in the Room.
- * @method getPeersInRoom
- * @return {JSON} The list of connected Peers. <ul>
- * <li><code>#peerId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The Peer information.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a> except there is
- * the <code>isSelf</code> flag that determines if Peer is User or not.</small></p></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of currently connected Peers in the same Room
- * var peers = skylinkDemo.getPeersInRoom();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.16
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getPeersInRoom = function() {
- var listOfPeersInfo = {};
- var listOfPeers = Object.keys(this._peerInformations);
- for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
- listOfPeersInfo[listOfPeers[i]] = clone(this.getPeerInfo(listOfPeers[i]));
- listOfPeersInfo[listOfPeers[i]].isSelf = false;
- }
- if (this._user && this._user.sid) {
- listOfPeersInfo[this._user.sid] = clone(this.getPeerInfo());
- listOfPeersInfo[this._user.sid].isSelf = true;
- }
- return listOfPeersInfo;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the list of connected Peers Streams in the Room.
- * @method getPeersStream
- * @return {JSON} The list of Peers Stream. <ul>
- * <li><code>#peerId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The Peer Stream.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>stream</code><var><b>{</b>MediaStream<b>}</b></var><p>The Stream object.</p></li>
- * <li><code>streamId</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Stream ID.</p></li>
- * <li><code>isSelf</code><var><b>{</b>Boolean<b>}</b></var><p>The flag if Peer is User.</p></li>
- * </p></li></ul></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of current Peers Streams in the same Room
- * var streams = skylinkDemo.getPeersStream();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.16
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getPeersStream = function() {
- var listOfPeersStreams = {};
- var listOfPeers = Object.keys(this._peerConnections);
- for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
- var stream = null;
- if (this._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]] &&
- this._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]].remoteDescription &&
- this._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]].remoteDescription.sdp &&
- (this._sdpSettings.direction.audio.receive || this._sdpSettings.direction.video.receive)) {
- var streams = this._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]].getRemoteStreams();
- for (var j = 0; j < streams.length; j++) {
- if (this._peerConnections[listOfPeers[i]].remoteDescription.sdp.indexOf(
- 'msid:' + (streams[j].id || streams[j].label)) > 0) {
- stream = streams[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- listOfPeersStreams[listOfPeers[i]] = {
- streamId: stream ? stream.id || stream.label || null : null,
- stream: stream,
- isSelf: false
- };
- }
- if (this._user && this._user.sid) {
- var selfStream = null;
- if (this._streams.screenshare && this._streams.screenshare.stream) {
- selfStream = this._streams.screenshare.stream;
- } else if (this._streams.userMedia && this._streams.userMedia.stream) {
- selfStream = this._streams.userMedia.stream;
- }
- listOfPeersStreams[this._user.sid] = {
- streamId: selfStream ? selfStream.id || selfStream.label || null : null,
- stream: selfStream,
- isSelf: true
- };
- }
- return listOfPeersStreams;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the current list of connected Peers Datachannel connections in the Room.
- * @method getPeersDatachannels
- * @return {JSON} The list of Peers Stream. <ul>
- * <li><code>#peerId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The Peer Datachannels information.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>#channelName</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel information.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>channelName</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel ID..</p><ul>
- * <li><code>channelType</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel type.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_TYPE]</p></li>
- * <li><code>channelProp</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel property.</p></li>
- * <li><code>currentTransferId</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel connection
- * current progressing transfer session. <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there is
- * currently no transfer session progressing on the Datachannel connection.</small></p></li>
- * <li><code>currentStreamId</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel connection
- * current data streaming session ID. <small>Defined as <code>null</code> when there is currently
- * no data streaming session on the Datachannel connection.</small></p></li>
- * <li><code>readyState</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel connection readyState.
- * [Rel: Skylink.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE]</p></li>
- * <li><code>bufferedAmountLow</code><var><b>{</b>Number<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel buffered amount.</p></li>
- * <li><code>bufferedAmountLowThreshold</code><var><b>{</b>Number<b>}</b></var><p>The Datachannel
- * buffered amount threshold.</p></li>
- * </p></li></p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of current Peers Datachannels in the same Room
- * var channels = skylinkDemo.getPeersDatachannels();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.18
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getPeersDatachannels = function() {
- var listOfPeersDatachannels = {};
- var listOfPeers = Object.keys(this._peerConnections);
- for (var i = 0; i < listOfPeers.length; i++) {
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]] = {};
- if (this._dataChannels[listOfPeers[i]]) {
- for (var channelProp in this._dataChannels[listOfPeers[i]]) {
- if (this._dataChannels[listOfPeers[i]].hasOwnProperty(channelProp) &&
- this._dataChannels[listOfPeers[i]][channelProp]) {
- var channel = this._dataChannels[listOfPeers[i]][channelProp];
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName] = this._getDataChannelBuffer(listOfPeers[i], channelProp);
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].channelName = channel.channelName;
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].channelType = channel.channelType;
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].channelProp = channelProp;
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].currentTransferId = channel.transferId;
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].currentStreamId = channel.streamId;
- listOfPeersDatachannels[listOfPeers[i]][channel.channelName].readyState = channel.channel ?
- channel.channel.readyState : self.DATA_CHANNEL_STATE.CREATE_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return listOfPeersDatachannels;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the list of current data transfers.
- * @method getCurrentDataTransfers
- * @return {JSON} The list of Peers Stream. <ul>
- * <li><code>#transferId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The data transfer session.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>transferInfo</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The data transfer information.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>transferInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_dataTransferState"><code>dataTransferState</code> event</a>
- * except without the <code>data</code> property.</small></p></li>
- * <li><code>peerId</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The sender Peer ID.</p></li>
- * <li><code>isSelf</code><var><b>{</b>Boolean<b>}</b></var><p>The flag if Peer is User.</p></li>
- * </p></li></ul></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of current data transfers in the same Room
- * var currentTransfers = skylinkDemo.getCurrentDataTransfers();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.18
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getCurrentDataTransfers = function() {
- var listOfDataTransfers = {};
- if (!(this._user && this._user.sid)) {
- return {};
- }
- for (var prop in this._dataTransfers) {
- if (this._dataTransfers.hasOwnProperty(prop) && this._dataTransfers[prop]) {
- listOfDataTransfers[prop] = {
- transferInfo: this._getTransferInfo(prop, this._user.sid, true, true, true),
- isSelf: this._dataTransfers[prop].senderPeerId === this._user.sid,
- peerId: this._dataTransfers[prop].senderPeerId || this._user.sid
- };
- }
- }
- return listOfDataTransfers;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the list of current data streaming sessions.
- * @method getCurrentDataStreamsSession
- * @return {JSON} The list of Peers Stream. <ul>
- * <li><code>#streamId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The data streaming session.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>streamInfo</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The data streaming information.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>streamInfo</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_dataStreamState"><code>dataStreamState</code> event</a>
- * except without the <code>chunk</code> amd <code>chunkSize</code> property.</small></p></li>
- * <li><code>peerId</code><var><b>{</b>String<b>}</b></var><p>The sender Peer ID.</p></li>
- * <li><code>isSelf</code><var><b>{</b>Boolean<b>}</b></var><p>The flag if Peer is User.</p></li>
- * </p></li></ul></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of current data streaming sessions in the same Room
- * var currentDataStreams = skylinkDemo.getCurrentDataStreamsSession();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.18
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getCurrentDataStreamsSession = function() {
- var listOfDataStreams = {};
- if (!(this._user && this._user.sid)) {
- return {};
- }
- for (var prop in this._dataStreams) {
- if (this._dataStreams.hasOwnProperty(prop) && this._dataStreams[prop]) {
- listOfDataStreams[prop] = {
- streamInfo: {
- chunkType: this._dataStreams[prop].sessionChunkType === 'string' ? this.DATA_TRANSFER_DATA_TYPE.STRING :
- isPrivate: this._dataStreams[prop].isPrivate,
- isStringStream: this._dataStreams[prop].sessionChunkType === 'string',
- senderPeerId: this._dataStreams[prop].senderPeerId
- },
- isSelf: this._dataStreams[prop].senderPeerId === this._user.sid,
- peerId: this._dataStreams[prop].senderPeerId || this._user.sid
- };
- }
- }
- return listOfDataStreams;
- };
- /**
- * Function that gets the list of current custom Peer settings sent and set.
- * @method getPeerCustomSettings
- * @return {JSON} The list of Peers custom settings sent and set. <ul>
- * <li><code>#peerId</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The Peer settings sent and set.</p><ul>
- * <li><code>settings</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The custom Peer settings.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo.settings</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small></p></li>
- * <li><code>mediaStatus</code><var><b>{</b>JSON<b>}</b></var><p>The custom Peer Stream muted settings.
- * <small>Object signature matches the <code>peerInfo.mediaStatus</code> parameter payload received in the
- * <a href="#event_peerJoined"><code>peerJoined</code> event</a>.</small></p></li></ul></li></ul>
- * @example
- * // Example 1: Get the list of current Peer custom settings
- * var currentPeerSettings = skylinkDemo.getPeersCustomSettings();
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.6.18
- */
- Skylink.prototype.getPeersCustomSettings = function () {
- var self = this;
- var customSettingsList = {};
- for (var peerId in self._peerInformations) {
- if (self._peerInformations.hasOwnProperty(peerId) && self._peerInformations[peerId]) {
- customSettingsList[peerId] = {
- settings: {
- audio: false,
- video: false,
- bandwidth: clone(self._streamsBandwidthSettings.bAS),
- googleXBandwidth: clone(self._streamsBandwidthSettings.googleX)
- },
- mediaStatus: {
- audioMuted: true,
- videoMuted: true
- }
- };
- if (self._peerConnections[peerId] && self._peerConnections[peerId].signalingState !== self.PEER_CONNECTION_STATE.CLOSED) {
- var streams = self._peerConnections[peerId].getLocalStreams();
- for (var s = 0; s < streams.length; s++) {
- if (self._streams.screenshare && self._streams.screenshare.stream && (streams[s].id ||
- streams[s].label) === (self._streams.screenshare.stream.id || self._streams.screenshare.stream.label)) {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio = clone(self._streams.screenshare.settings.audio);
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = clone(self._streams.screenshare.settings.video);
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus = clone(self._streamsMutedSettings);
- break;
- } else if (self._streams.userMedia && self._streams.userMedia.stream && (streams[s].id ||
- streams[s].label) === (self._streams.userMedia.stream.id ||
- self._streams.userMedia.stream.label)) {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio = clone(self._streams.userMedia.settings.audio);
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = clone(self._streams.userMedia.settings.video);
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus = clone(self._streamsMutedSettings);
- break;
- } else if (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio = clone(self._streams.userMedia.settings.audio);
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = clone(self._streams.userMedia.settings.video);
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus = clone(self._streamsMutedSettings);
- if (streams[s].getAudioTracks().length === 0) {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio = false;
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (streams[s].getVideoTracks().length === 0) {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = false;
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId]) {
- if (self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth &&
- typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth === 'object') {
- if (typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.audio === 'number') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.bandwidth.audio = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.audio;
- }
- if (typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.video === 'number') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.bandwidth.video = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.video;
- }
- if (typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.data === 'number') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.bandwidth.data = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].bandwidth.data;
- }
- }
- if (self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth &&
- typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth === 'object') {
- if (typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.min === 'number') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.googleXBandwidth.min = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.min;
- }
- if (typeof self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.max === 'number') {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.googleXBandwidth.max = self._peerCustomConfigs[peerId].googleXBandwidth.max;
- }
- }
- }
- var agent = ((self._peerInformations[peerId] || {}).agent || {}).name || '';
- // If there is Peer ID (not broadcast ENTER message) and Peer is Edge browser and User is not
- if (customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video && (peerId ?
- (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser !== 'edge' && agent.name === 'edge' ?
- // If User is IE/safari and does not have H264 support, remove video support
- ['IE', 'safari'].indexOf(window.webrtcDetectedBrowser) > -1 && !self._currentCodecSupport.video.h264 :
- // If User is Edge and Peer is not and no H264 support, remove video support
- window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge' && agent.name !== 'edge' && !self._currentCodecSupport.video.h264) :
- // If broadcast ENTER message and User is Edge and has no H264 support
- window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge' && !self._currentCodecSupport.video.h264)) {
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = false;
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio = !self._sdpSettings.connection.audio ? false :
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.audio;
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video = !self._sdpSettings.connection.video ? false :
- customSettingsList[peerId].settings.video;
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.audioMuted = !self._sdpSettings.connection.audio ? true :
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.audioMuted;
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.videoMuted = !self._sdpSettings.connection.video ? true :
- customSettingsList[peerId].mediaStatus.videoMuted;
- }
- }
- return customSettingsList;
- };
- /**
- * Function that returns the User session information to be sent to Peers.
- * @method _getUserInfo
- * @private
- * @for Skylink
- * @since 0.4.0
- */
- Skylink.prototype._getUserInfo = function(peerId) {
- var userInfo = clone(this.getPeerInfo());
- var peerInfo = clone(this.getPeerInfo(peerId));
- // Adhere to SM protocol without breaking the other SDKs.
- if (userInfo.settings.video && typeof userInfo.settings.video === 'object') {
- userInfo.settings.video.customSettings = {};
- if (userInfo.settings.video.frameRate && typeof userInfo.settings.video.frameRate === 'object') {
- userInfo.settings.video.customSettings.frameRate = clone(userInfo.settings.video.frameRate);
- userInfo.settings.video.frameRate = -1;
- }
- if (userInfo.settings.video.facingMode && typeof userInfo.settings.video.facingMode === 'object') {
- userInfo.settings.video.customSettings.facingMode = clone(userInfo.settings.video.facingMode);
- userInfo.settings.video.facingMode = '-1';
- }
- if (userInfo.settings.video.resolution && typeof userInfo.settings.video.resolution === 'object') {
- if (userInfo.settings.video.resolution.width && typeof userInfo.settings.video.resolution.width === 'object') {
- userInfo.settings.video.customSettings.width = clone(userInfo.settings.video.width);
- userInfo.settings.video.resolution.width = -1;
- }
- if (userInfo.settings.video.resolution.height && typeof userInfo.settings.video.resolution.height === 'object') {
- userInfo.settings.video.customSettings.height = clone(userInfo.settings.video.height);
- userInfo.settings.video.resolution.height = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (userInfo.settings.bandwidth) {
- userInfo.settings.maxBandwidth = clone(userInfo.settings.bandwidth);
- delete userInfo.settings.bandwidth;
- }
- // If there is Peer ID (not broadcast ENTER message) and Peer is Edge browser and User is not
- if (peerId ? (window.webrtcDetectedBrowser !== 'edge' && peerInfo.agent.name === 'edge' ?
- // If User is IE/safari and does not have H264 support, remove video support
- ['IE', 'safari'].indexOf(window.webrtcDetectedBrowser) > -1 && !this._currentCodecSupport.video.h264 :
- // If User is Edge and Peer is not and no H264 support, remove video support
- window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge' && peerInfo.agent.name !== 'edge' && !this._currentCodecSupport.video.h264) :
- // If broadcast ENTER message and User is Edge and has no H264 support
- window.webrtcDetectedBrowser === 'edge' && !this._currentCodecSupport.video.h264) {
- userInfo.settings.video = false;
- userInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.connection.audio) {
- userInfo.settings.audio = false;
- userInfo.mediaStatus.audioMuted = true;
- }
- if (!this._sdpSettings.connection.video) {
- userInfo.settings.video = false;
- userInfo.mediaStatus.videoMuted = true;
- }
- delete userInfo.agent;
- delete userInfo.room;
- delete userInfo.config;
- delete userInfo.parentId;
- delete userInfo.settings.data;
- return userInfo;
- };